The second most dangerous thing about money is that it leaves most of the people who have a lot of it with the unshakable belief that they are intelligent and well informed. The most dangerous thing about it is that it leaves most of the people who do not have a lot of money with the very same belief.
About The Quote
- Aphorism
- Aphorisms
- Belief
- Beliefs
- Clever
- Consumerism
- Currency
- Danger
- Dangerous
- Drink
- Exchange
- Humor
- Humour
- Ignorance
- Ignorant
- Info
- Information
- Informed
- Intellect
- Intellectual
- Intellectuals
- Intelligence
- Made Me Think
- Make You Think
- Materialism
- Materialistic
- Medium Of Exchange
- Misbelief
- Misbeliefs
- Misinform
- Misinformed
- Money
- Monied
- Poor
- Poverty
- Provoke Thought
- Quotation
- Quotations
- Quote
- Quotes
- Rich
- Riches
- Satire
- Satirical
- Smart
- Spirituality
- Thought Provoking
- Unshakable
- Unshakable Belief
- Unshakable Beliefs
- Wealth
- Wealthy
- Well Informed
- Wisdom
- Wise