Among other possibilities, money was invented to make it possible for a foolish man to control wise men; a weak man, strong men; a child, old men; an ignorant man, knowledgeable men; and for a dwarf to control giants.
About The Quote
- Adage
- Adages
- Africa
- African
- Aphorism
- Aphorisms
- Authority
- Axiom
- Axioms
- Bondage
- Child
- Children
- Control
- Controlling
- Cultivated
- Cultured
- Deep
- Deep Pockets
- Dictum
- Dictums
- Dominance
- Dominate
- Domination
- Dominion
- Dwarf
- Dwarfs
- Economies
- Economy
- Educated
- Education
- Employed
- Employment
- Enlightened
- Enslavement
- Epigram
- Epigrams
- Erudite
- Fool
- Foolish
- Fools
- Freedom
- Funny
- Giant
- Giants
- Gnome
- Gnomes
- Humor
- Humorous
- Humour
- Ignoramus
- Ignorant
- Impossibilities
- Impossible
- Influence
- Informed
- Insightful
- Intelligent
- Invent
- Invented
- Invention
- Job
- Jobs
- Kid
- Kids
- Knowledge
- Knowledgeable
- Made Me Think
- Make You Think
- Master
- Masters
- Mastery
- Maxim
- Maxims
- Midget
- Midgets
- Money
- Monied
- Monies
- Old
- Philosopher
- Poor
- Possibilities
- Possibility
- Possible
- Poverty
- Power
- Profound
- Proverb
- Proverbs
- Provoke Thought
- Quotation
- Quotations
- Quote
- Quote Of The Day
- Quotes
- Rich
- Riches
- Satire
- Satirical
- Satirist
- Satirists
- Saying
- Sayings
- Scholarly
- Serfdom
- Servitude
- Slave Master
- Slave Masters
- Slavery
- South Africa
- South African
- Strong
- Thought Provoking
- Thoughtful
- Thrall
- Thralldom
- Vassalage
- Weak
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Wealthy
- Well Educated
- Well Informed
- Well Read
- Wisdom
- Wise
- Work
- Working
- Young