In some cases, it is the woman’s stomach—not her heart—that has left her man for another.
About The Quote
- Altruism
- Breakup
- Breakups
- Charity
- Compassion
- Debt
- Divorce
- Empathy
- Fail
- Failure
- Feed
- Food
- Gene
- Genes
- Genie
- Ghandi
- Heart
- Hearts
- Humanity
- Humor
- Humour
- Job
- Kitchen
- Loss
- Love
- Lover
- Lovers
- Mahatma Ghandi
- Man
- Mandela
- Marriage
- Men
- Mercy
- Mortgage
- Mother Teresa
- Nelson Mandela
- Nutrition
- Occupation
- Partner
- Partners
- Philosopher
- Philosophy
- Poverty
- Rent
- Rental
- Romance
- Satire
- Satirist
- Security
- Selfish
- Selfishness
- Selfless
- Selflessness
- Social Criticism
- Spouse
- Spouses
- Starvation
- Stomach
- Sympathy
- Teresa
- Tummy
- Unemployment
- Unselfish
- Unselfishness
- Woman
- Women