Many a woman would not be in a relationship with or married to her man, if he earned half of what he earns; and many a man would not be in a relationship with or married to his woman, if he earned twice as much as he earns.
About The Quote
- Aphorism
- Aphorisms
- Aphorist
- Aphorists
- Conditional Love
- Consumerism
- Date
- Dating
- Double
- Earning
- Earnings
- Employee
- Employees
- Employer
- Employers
- Employment
- Funny
- Half
- Halves
- Humor
- Humour
- Income
- Job
- Jobs
- Joke
- Jokes
- Love
- Man
- Marriage
- Marriages
- Married
- Marry
- Materialism
- Men
- Money
- Paid
- Pay
- Payment
- Relationship
- Relationships
- Revenue
- Revenues
- Salaries
- Salary
- Satire
- Single
- Twice
- Twofold
- Unconditional Love
- Unemployment
- Unmarried
- Vow
- Vows
- Wage
- Wages
- Wedding
- Wedding Vow
- Wedding Vows
- Weddings
- Woman
- Women
- Work