Attending a funeral would leave the average person insane, if they truly believed that sooner or later they are also going to die.
About The Quote
- Aphorism
- Aphorisms
- Aphorist
- Aphorists
- Attend
- Believe
- Crazy
- Dead
- Death
- Defense Mechanism
- Defense Mechanisms
- Denial
- Denial Of Death
- Die
- Funeral
- Funerals
- Funny
- Gone Too Soon
- Hereafter
- Hilarious
- Humor
- Humorous
- Humour
- Immortal
- Immortality
- Insane
- Insanity
- Joke
- Jokes
- Life
- Life After Death
- Life And Death
- Mortal
- Mortality
- Mourn
- Quotations
- Quotes
- Rest In Peace
- Rip
- Sane
- Sanity
- Satire
- Sincere
- Sincerity
- The Hereafter