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The flames that popped up wouldn't stop coming. Like they were coming straight from her soul. Straight from her anger. Her rage coming out of her to spread like wildfire over the forest. That was her darkness. Her power and the potential it had to consume her.
Amanda Leigh
We held each other's gaze for a long moment and I willed my breath to come evenly instead of the uneven gasps that I felt. Trent's eyes drifted down to my lips and then back up to my eyes again before we wrenched our eyes away from one another.
Amanda Leigh
If I'm supposed to be SO powerful then why can't I destroy that thing?
Amanda Leigh
You can come if you want, but I'm going with or without you.Unless you're scared?
Amanda Leigh
And now Nineteen persons having been hang'd, and one prest to death, and Eight more condemned, in all Twenty and Eight, of which above a third part were Members of some of the Churches of N. England, and more than half of them of a good Conversation in general, and not one clear'd; about Fifty having confest themselves to be Witches, of which not one Executed; above an Hundred and Fifty in Prison, and Two Hundred more accused; the Special Commision of Oyer and Terminer comes to a period.—Robert Calef 1692
Robert Calef
You don’t have any balls?’ For once I wasn’t trying to be insulting.
Chantal Halpin
People who buy the little jars and boxes aren’t staying. They only want enough to last them while they’re here.”--Ginger the Checkout girl from The Great Northern Coven
Bruce Jenvey
Little Marjorie was born an only child some forty years ago. She had lost her mother at a young age and her father never remarried. All her life she had been cursed with the need for her ‘coke-bottle’ glasses with the practical over-sized frames. And then there was the unfortunate appearance of her protruding front teeth. She had always been a slight child, but when children begin to grow into young men and women, slight becomes scrawny and her lack of fashion-sense and self-worth had sealed her social fate. Marjorie had never gone to Prom, nor any dance for that matter, and when the boys chose mates and began the next phase of the great circle of life…little Marjorie Morningstar had not been included. --From The Great Northern Coven
Bruce Jenvey
...three particular T-shirts with vulgar slang written on them that made the vein in his forehead poke out. It was a cute little vein and I grew fond of seeing it's public appearance while I walked behind him like a parade of humiliation.
Dannika Dark
A Seer dreams of all kinds of endings, but never a happy one for herself.
Emm Cole
She had fire dancing in her eyes as she assaulted him with her serpent's tongue. Tonight she was not his wife but his little sister.
Shakuita Johnson
Apple Brandy?”“It’s for my tea,” she explained. “Medicinal, you know.”“Medicinal?” The Reverend tried to hide a smile.“Well, yeah,” Maddy started to smile herself. “Without the brandy, it’d be just some crumpled up leaves floatin’ in warm water… and that’d just make me sick!”--Aunt Maddy from The Ragtime Coven
Bruce Jenvey
Well, next time that Gerry Rees comes in, send him to me,” Lois threatened. “I’ll wait until he’s nice and distracted and then boom, I’ll pull out the brass knuckles!”“You’ll do no such thing!” Maggie warned her. “That’d hurt everyone’s business here! …And you got brass knuckles? Where the hell did you get brass knuckles?”“They been in the family for years. Grandpap had ‘em down on the docks.” Lois admitted.“Lois being the oldest, they went to her…” Margaret added.“Well, just the same, we can’t afford anyone leaving any traceable marks on the gentlemen around here.”--Maggie Pollaski with the Raterink Sisters from The Ragtime Coven
Bruce Jenvey
There are people who walk this Earth who truly belong in Hell. Sometimes, we have to move ‘em along a little… point the way.” --Vernon Kraft, Avenging Angel from The Ragtime Coven
Bruce Jenvey
A ghostly voice shivered along my spine, whispering, "We shall meet soon, bèt nan bwa.
Amanda Carlson
That is strange and creepy," Marcy remarked, "but totally cool. You Ghostbustered her.
Amanda Carlson
All that Anne Rice crap is true, I thought on my way out the door; New Orleans really does have a vampire problem.Besides me, of course.
J.R. Rain
My first thought was that a tornado had somehow picked me up and carried me off, like in the Wizard of Oz. No old witches pedaled by, and I didn't see any flying farm animals or chicken coops, and after a few agonizing minutes, I fell deep into unconsciousness again.
J.R. Rain
I don’t know if you picked up on the elephant in the room… but we’re witches. Angela, Andrea, me, and Evelyn and Celia back home.”--Aunt Maddy from The Ragtime Coven
Bruce Jenvey
I had been a happy normal wife and mother in Orange County until ten years ago, when I was attacked by an evil vampire... and turned into one myself. It's made my life since gross and scary and, let's face it, weird.
J.R. Rain
I put the carpetbag on a ledge, and then, hanging upside down by my razor-clawed feet, slept until sunset. A first for me, and actually quite comfortable.Lord help me.
J.R. Rain
Lucifer sharpened his gaze and focused on Ajax. “Yes… I want you to drive over to New Jersey, load those two corpses into your car and take them back to the Italians… personally”“In my car?”“They haven’t been in the water more than a week, Ajax.”“But actually… inside?”“Well,” Lucifer’s patience was fading, “If you tie them to the fenders like you’re coming back from Deer Camp, the Italians might not find you quite as endearing…”--Lucifer and Ajax from The Ragtime Coven
Bruce Jenvey
Am I right in thinkin' you've maybe been" - he dropped his voice - "the victim of an infamous outrage by the darkies?
J.R. Rain
Tell me, Mrs. Moon, will your need for sustenance trouble you on this excursion? How often do you need to feed?" I couldn't tell whether his interest was scientific, or whether he was afraid I might plunge my teeth into his throat at any moment.
J.R. Rain
Voodoo very old magic - possibly one of the oldest forms of all time. It's often referred to as vodou or voudoun....Voodoo worships the loa, which are literally spirits - like ghosts - but much more powerful. The priestess can summon the loa, and the spirit inhabits her body. It's called being 'ridden
Amanda Carlson
Jesus, Jess, it would be nice if you stayed out of life-and-death scenarios for five minutes.
Amanda Carlson
Ray is going to fly you out and the plan is to meet up in two hours."She sighed. "I despise Vamp Air, but I guess it can't be helped. I can't even think about the amount of bugs that will be caught in my teeth over these swamplands.""Well, maybe it would help if you just keep your mouth shut---
Amanda Carlson
Vampires love to gossip. They live for drama...
Amanda Carlson
Bez blew out a breath and leaned heavily against the bar. "Honestly, D, you're better off busting your subversive cherry with something else. A nice werewolf killing. A vampire blood drive.
Laura Oliva
Do I at least get to keep the toothbrush?”“Sure. Unless you can get it back in that wrapper and seal it up all nice and new. Well, that’s what the last girl did. See,you can hardly tell it’s been opened!”--Reggie Sinclair from Angela's Coven
Bruce Jenvey
I don’t reckon it’s allowed, going round setting fire to people,” said Adam. “Otherwise people’d be doin’ it all the time.”“It’s all right if you’re religious,” said Brian reassuringly. “And it stops the witches from goin’ to Hell, so I expect they’d be quite grateful if they understood it properly.
Terry Pratchett
I am against justice … whenever it is carried out by a mob.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Holly girl, you are all too human, I can assure you. Prickly and awkward and human, because that's what witches are - human, that is, not necessarily the prickly and annoying bit. That's just you.
J.S. Watts
«And in the end» said the witch to the drowning prince «You've been the one choosing the thornless path in spite of knowing where it could lead. The one who afraid of the pricking roses, plunged himself into an abyss without petals
Nur Bedeir
Such kings can destroy a world, just as easily as they can build one.
Sarah Warden
The old queen had failed them so miserably... She was such a bitter disappointment. But Ursula was different. There was no one to distract her, no one for her to love. She was alone in the world, alone in her grief, and alone with her pain. No, she wouldn't disappoint them. Unlike the old queen, Ursula would be able to fill her heart with hate.
Serena Valentino
Love can give you such happiness, then can break the very heart it filled, leaving a hole that can never be fixed or protected by any armour.
Kevin McLeod
Mikolay and Julia live in the same neighborhood and go tothe same school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Magda M. Olchawska
If you use magic outside the school, we are going to get into more trouble than ever. I’m still not allowed to eat sweets after the last trouble we got into. They will lock us up and there will be no sweets and no adventuring ever again.
Magda M. Olchawska
Those old hypocrites. They talk about killing witches but the Good Book’s full of magic. Turning the Nile to blood and parting the Red Sea. What’s that if it’s not good old-fashioned magic? Want a little water into wine? No trouble! How about raising the dead man Lazarus? Just say the word!
Clive Barker
That guy with the silver hair, he’s your dad, right?” Amber questioned, surveying the scene. “Yes,” I said, reluctant to say anything but, considering what was happening, figured was the least of my worries. “Ooo la la. He’s, like, totally diesel. Look at those arms.” She went on, admiring my dad to a sickening degree. “All right, jailbait, back off. It’s practically incest.”She sucked air through her teeth. “I know,” she said regretfully. “But a girl can dream. And I have a feeling he’s going to be starring in a lot of them.
Brandi Salazar
Hey, aren’t you that girl from the web?” the new one asked, bending to suck my earing between his teeth. I pulled my head away. “You got the wrong girl.”Mr. Hawaii pulled back to take a better look at me. “No, I think you might be.” To my total bewilderment, he spun me around. “Hey! What are you—?”“Hey, it is you!” he yelled excitedly, drawing the attention of the crowd. “Hey, everyone, it’s Cheeky Galore!
Brandi Salazar
Something soft turn to stone within her. She had no choice. She had to fight. She had to win. She would learn. And then she'd free them.Or join them.
Amber Argyle
I took a step back, shaking my head, wishing I could place a gnarly black hex on him. My daddy taught me better than that.
Mary Buckham
Yeah, well, what are you going to teach me next...how to take over the world?” I asked sarcastically.“Good idea!” Sampson exclaimed a little too enthusiastically.“No, bad idea!” I stressed.“See? You are learning,” Sampson said.
Jennifer Priester
I did exactly as Sampson said and I conjured up a creature with rabbit ears,a wolf face, a snake body, frog feet, a pig tail, and spikes running from the top of its head to the end of its tail.“Now,” Sampson said. “This is thekind of magic that you shouldn’t do.
Jennifer Priester
The archetype of the witch is long overdue for celebration. Daughters, mothers, queens, virgins, wives, et al. derive meaning from their relation to another person. Witches, on the other hand, have power on their own terms. They have agency. They create. They praise. They commune with nature/ Spirit/God/dess/Choose-your-own-semantics, freely, and free of any mediator. But most importantly: they make things happen. The best definition of magic I’ve been able to come up with is “symbolic action with intent" — “action" being the operative word. Witches are midwives to metamorphosis. They are magical women, and they, quite literally, change the world.
Pamela J. Grossman
Slicker than snot on a door handle.
Kim Harrison
Curiouser and curiouser," he says. I smile at the reference. Carroll was totally a witch. The secrets of our world are written into that book.
Danielle Ellison
The thing is heavy. --I'm talking the whole Harry Potter series put together heavy. Those are some great books. Totally inaccurate, but great.
Danielle Ellison
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do when I get there, but that's why someone invented the fine art of improv. Or, when that fails, stalling.
Danielle Ellison
In a fight between a shifter and a witch, the shifter would often win—but only if they could keep the witch from speaking, usually by severing the throat or tearing out the tongue. If the witch was powerful enough, and quick enough, physical size didn't matter. Catherine had heard of the horrible ways the witches could kill their victims. Cooking them alive from the inside out, restricting oxygen flow through the nasal and oral passages by creating a vacuum, drowning them with vapor pulled from the very air.It made fights between shifters look almost humane by comparison.
Nenia Campbell
She didn't even want to think of how hellish it would be if all the MacGregors made her feel like this one did, all hot and shaky. She'd have to move to the Arctic Circle before the month was out just to cool off.
Michelle M. Pillow
My energies have been drained.Masturbating too much will do that.
Michelle M. Pillow
Emotions like these didn't happen to regular, everyday people. They couldn't or else the entire world would be fornicating all the time.
Michelle M. Pillow
For your next act, please don't pull any rabbits out of my... well, hat."....He licked playfully at her mouth. "And ya can't call my manhood 'rabbit'.At least give it a manly name I can brag about.
Michelle M. Pillow
I want to move my hands, but they’re fused to his rib cage. I feel his lung span, his heartbeat, his very life force wrapped in these flimsy bars of bone. So fragile yet so solid. Like a brick wall with wet mortar. A juxtaposition of hard and soft.He inhales again. “Jayme,” he says my name with a mix of sigh and inquiry.I open my eyes and peer into his flushed face. Roses have bloomed on his ruddy cheeks and he looks as though he’s raced the wind.“Mm?” I reply. My mind is full of babble, I’m so high.“Jayme,” he’s insistent, almost pleading. “What are you?”Instantaneous is the cold alarm that douses the flames still dancing in my heart. I feel the nervousness that whispers through me like a cool breeze in the leaves.“What do you mean?” I ask, the disquiet wringing the strength from my voice.“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” he explains, inhaling deeply.I feel the line of a frown between my brows. Gingerly, I lift the hem of his shirt. And as sure as I am that the world is round and that the sky is, indeed, blue the bruises and welts on his torso have faded to nothingness, the golden tan of his skin is sun-kissed perfection. Panic has me frozen as I stare.“I don’t understand,” I whisper.He looks down at his exposed abdomen. “I think you healed me.”He says it so simply, but my mind takes his words and scatters them like ashes. I feel like I’m waking from a coma and I have amnesia and everyone speaks Chinese.I can’t speak. If I had the strength to, I wouldn’t have the words. I feel the panic flood into me and fear spiked adrenaline courses through me, I shove him. Hard. Eyes wide with shock, he stumbles back a few steps. A few steps is all I need. Fight or flight instinct taking root, I fight to flee. The space between us gives me enough room to slide out from between him and the car.He shouts my name. It’s too late. I’m running a fast as my lithe legs will carry me. My Converse pound the sidewalk and I hear the roar of his engine. It’s still too late. I grew up here and I’m ten blocks from home. No newbie could track me in my own neighborhood. In my town. Not with my determination to put as much distance as I can between me and the boy who scares the shit out of me. Not when I’ve scared the shit out of myself. I run. I run and I don’t stop.
A.D. Evans
Poor Amy. I could tell she was suffering. Poor Thing. Life was so tough for the rich, beautiful and magical.
Elizabeth A. Reeves
How do you express a skinny blonde werewolf and a former toad in a cake?
Elizabeth A. Reeves
There's nothing sweet about me, love," he said.
Michelle M. Pillow
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