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Human life is designed as a self-study program.Existence is always one undivided. It is what we often call the Light. It is a pure consciousness of unconditional love. Out of the Light the idea of darkness is created. There is no existence of light and darkness, as separated energies. The separation is illusionary.Experiencing ourselves as humans is an exploration of the greater Self in a localised condition. A dense reality is created to facilitate the idea of forgetfulness. Now we collectively entered a new time of remembering. It is not necessary anymore to create the illusion of self-disconnection from the energy source.
Raphael Zernoff
The whole idea of awakening is about regaining self-trust. Through self-trust we remember how to be our own best guides.
Raphael Zernoff
When we become aware of feeling low it can be a reason to rejoice. Why would we be distressed knowing that some unconscious negative belief is trying to get our attention. Let it surface. When we see what it is, it can be transformed into understanding and love.oops... yet another fearful belief has been set free. Now we can enjoy ourselves eagerly anticipating yet another great self-rediscovery.
Raphael Zernoff
Being able to appreciate who we are and what we have in the now is an easy way to journey through this life.
Raphael Zernoff
Peace is life. Love is life. No river holds a grudge against a rock in its path. No leaf refuses to blow in the breeze. No plant denies water or sunshine. We, as human beings, have the gift of self-awareness, but this gift quickly turns to self-destruction if we do not learn to use it. We must learn to turn our minds towards the peace and love that we are flowing within at any given moment. This is the key to serenity. This is The Love Mindset.
Vironika Tugaleva
I am.I always was.I always am.I shall always be.The past and the futuremeet in the eternal now.I am the eternal now.I exist. I am.I am in the past.I am in the future.I am in the now.One is all, and all are one.We are one.Everything I see is a part of myself.Everything I can imagine is a part of myself.I could not imagine somethingthat is not. Everyone I interact withis a part of myself.Whatever I put out, I get it back.My state of being matters,it crystallises in my circumstances.The way I respond to my circumstancesreinforces my state of being.When I see an echo of an old beliefI respond with peace in my heart.My actions are matched with the highest version of myself I can imagine in that moment.Everything changes,and everything transformsfrom one form of life to yet another.It is a constant flow of life.It is the heart of all existence.Nothing can perish,nothing can cease being.I am always new.I am always history free.I am always consequence free.Yet I can create an illusion of consequence.Everything is possible,yet not everything is probable.It all depends on my synchronicity.What I choose to exploreshall present itself to me.What I believe to be true, is true.All illusions are made out of different beliefs.Yet there is only one knowledge.It is the wisdom of old, yet new.The thought gains the power,when it merges with the feeling.I feel what I desire.I always receive what I ask for.I always manifest instantly with no effort.My wisdom is to be aware of what I request.So it be.So it is.I ask for love,and I welcome bliss.
Raphael Zernoff
Just because you feel lost doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong. Feeling certain that you are correct in every decision and situation is an addiction. If you think that the journey of self-discovery will bring you more solid facts and certainties about yourself and the world, you will be frustrated. The more you see, the more lost you will feel. That is natural. The more you discover of yourself, the more confused you will become. This is natural. The wiser you get, the more you will see that there are many paths walked by just as many people, and that just because yours is different from someone else's doesn't mean one of you is wrong. This is natural. Over time, you will develop humility, compassion, and a higher tolerance for confusion. If you allow the feeling of being lost to drive you into a search for absolute truths and correct answers, you may feel more secure when you get there, but in reality, you will be taking a step back. Allow yourself to be lost, and you will see so much more of the forest of your soul than if you beeline back for the trail. Explore. Get lost. Embrace the inevitability of confusion.
Vironika Tugaleva
无惧无急 (The fearless do not hurry.)
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
I believe that we are just carriers of God's wisdom that he uses to refurnish the earth He created. You are carrying part of that wisdom in you. When it's time to offload it, do so with all passion!
Israelmore Ayivor
Believe nothing, no matter who said it, even if I said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense
When you believe in your beauty, only then can everyone see it.
Debasish Mridha
Stay away from any minute of joy that can bring you a lifetime of sorrow.
Dennis E. Adonis
To be happy, be happy with what you have. To be sad, want what you deserve.
Debasish Mridha
A sensitive person must find a sensitive life partner otherwise a raw life partner would become a puzzle for his/her entire life
Muhammad Anwar Jalil
We are the generation of Social Media, Our biggest Revolution is a Tweet of 141 Characters.
Sandra Chami Kassis
People who don’t know the power of their mind shall only have power without power
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Kaohinani is a Hawaiian word meaning “gatherer of beautiful things.
Rob Brezsny
Sometimes we speak different languages, but our hearts are the same.
Mykyta Isagulov
The language of nature is silence.
Bryant McGill
Music is the language of the universe, which everyone, including all animals, can understand.
Debasish Mridha
Dangerously close to having to work for a living.
Rosen Topuzov
God, he was probably too young to be this old, but life had a way of being about experience, rather than calendar days.
J.R. Ward
If there is anything unique about the human animal, it is that it has the ability to grow knowledge at an accelerating rate while being chronically incapable of learning from experience.
John N Gray
Focus on what's ahead. Use what is behind.
Donita K. Paul
Do not be too sure, young fellows,That you are better than your ancestors.
William Kean Seymour
Education is like a seed, that when watered with knowledge and experience, grows into true wisdom.
Richard S. Hartmetz
What was to be the value of the long looked forward to,Long hoped for calm, the autumnal serenityAnd the wisdom of age? Had they deceived usOr deceived themselves, the quiet-voiced elders,Bequeathing us merely a receipt for deceit?The serenity only a deliberate hebetude,The wisdom only the knowledge of dead secretsUseless in the darkness into which they peeredOr from which they turned their eyes. There is, it seems to us,At best, only a limited valueIn the knowledge derived from experience.The knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies,For the pattern is new in every momentAnd every moment is a new and shockingValuation of all we have been. We are only undeceivedOf that which, deceiving, could no longer harm.
T.S Eliot
Sufism is experiential. Capacities, even those for learning beyond a certain point, are provoked by Sufis, by one's own efforts and what results from them, and by an element of what is referred to by Sufis as the Divine.
Idries Shah
I liked being with the books: they reminded me of how many ways of thinking existed outside my own - how small and fleeting my pulse was when set alongside those ageing spines.
Joanna Rossiter
We experience the gods and the wisdom of the universe all in our own way
Skadi Winter
Old ones should respect the energy of youths and youths should respect the experience of old ones.
Amit Kalantri
Those dear to me took fright for my safety and, perhaps, my sanity. Kings, they explained, do not walk like beggars for hundreds of miles. My response was that if a beggar could managed the feat, then why not a king? Did they think me less capable than a beggar?Sometimes I think that I am. The beggar knows much that the king can only guess. And yet who draws up the codes for begging ordinances? Often I wonder what my experience in life--my easy life following the Desolation, and my current level of comfort--has given me of any true experience to use in making laws. If we had to rely on what we knew, kings would only be of use in creating laws regarding the proper heating of tea and the cushioning of thrones.
Brandon Sanderson
They say experience is the best teacher, but I'll be damned if I know what it teaches you.
Lee Smith
Sufism is therefore not 'Do as I say and not as I do', or even 'Do as I do', but 'Experience it and you will know'.
Idries Shah
There is a Persian proverb: 'To test that which has been tested is ignorance.' To try to test something without the means of testing is even worse.
Idries Shah
The more mistakes I make, the less I judge other people's mistakes
Bayan Bahi
In a materialistic society, an employed boy is older than an unemployed man.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I take account of my life and find that I have lived a lot and learned very little.
Pat Conroy
Wisdom is the central form which gives meaning and position to all the facts which are acquired by knowledge, the digestion and assimilation of whatever in the material world the man comes in contact with.
Northrop Frye
Do not confuse your horizon with the edge of the world.
Seb Paquet
Happiness is not an experience, but the essence of experience.
Debasish Mridha
If we want to go Fast than go Alone but if We want to go Far, lets go Together..adopt the "We" spirit..Life isn't all about "Selfie
Kalon Jackson
If you simply love the Universe, the Universe can't help but love you straight back!
Mary-Ellen Peters
Digest your experiences well and let this nourish the body of your life.
Mary-Ellen Peters
Wisdom is the byproduct of lifelong experience and education.
Debasish Mridha
I may not understand your situation but I understand hurt
Sometimes translation stops you understanding.
China Miéville
The bureaucrat is a man who administers things and people, and who relates himself to people as to things.
Erich Fromm
Through him speaks a shrewd and magnanimous people, a people who have woven together into one wisdom a profound, old, terrible, and unimaginably various experience of life. But he himself is young: impatient, inexperienced. He stands higher than we stand, seeing wider, but he is himself only the height of a man.
Ursula K Le Guin
No one is born on Mt. Cleverest. We all have to travel up there!
Cass van Krah
The knowledge we gain from textbooks can never measure to the wisdom we gain through experience.
Anika de Souza
Education is not only learning the information, but it is also about gaining experience to unlock the door to wisdom.
Debasish Mridha
To attain wisdom, experience every thing consistently. To retain wisdom, dispose every thing constantly.
Aditya Ajmera
You should be happy because I was certain (predictable) with u, rest of the world named me VOLCANO.
Balkrishn Sanmotra
Is there anything to lose in life? No. The only lost in life is death.
Lailah Gifty Akita
It is not age but experience that brings wisdom.
Jeffrey Fry
When you break something, you´re not just breaking the thing, you´re like hurting everyone who made it was.
Max Landis
Random thoughts that fly away. Where words has no place to stay. Let it be right where they are. Let the work of art preserve its life.
Diana Rose Morcilla
True beauty lies not upon gilded veneers,But found in the soul within.
E.A. Bucchianeri
Yet, beauty cannot be forgotten,Eternal Wisdom can never die ...
E.A. Bucchianeri
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