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Just because all your friends are doing it, doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Don't be a blind follower, you don't know where you're going.
Lik Hock Yap
What weeping adds quietly to your life. Happiness can't even have idea of it.
Lovely Goyal
The evil that is in Man comes of sluggish minds...for sluggards cannot think, and will not...Send upon us thy flames that we may be burnt of dead thoughts, even as we burn dead grass...make us see.
Richard Llewellyn
Don't want to think about it? No problem. Don't think about it.
Bee Ridgway
Universe is nothing, but human thought.
Farid Huseynli
Only the power of light illuminates our thoughts and our being.
Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Thoughts are free, talk is cheap, and action is expensive. What's your worth?
Noel DeJesus
Life is always uncertain. No one knows what's in there. But now my life is everywhere, I would just like to breathe and sleep and get all the rest I could. I wake up five in the morning some days just thinking about my own thoughts and stare blankly in thin air. Not sure what I am looking at but I know for a fact I am in my own world. Those times I am just inside my head just thinking about what is ahead.
Happy Positivity Blankly Ahead
Poetry?"..."No, just thoughts, glimpses, things running through my head.
Mary E. Pearson
Never are we as honest as at night, alone with thoughts and nightmares.
Laura Lam
Our thoughts, feelings and whereabouts: Food we dish up on plates called photographs and status updates; to feed Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.; beasts with insatiable appetites.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A destructive thought process exists within all of us, and we are plagued to varying degrees by an internal dialogue that is harmful, restrictive, and at its ultimate extreme, self-destructive.
Lisa Firestone
The crisis is past and all is well, the sheep returns to the fold. We're all sheep who have strayed at times. Truth is truth, to the end of reckoning, we've cried. They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts, we've shouted to ourselves.
Ray Bradbury
It's easier to ignore all the bad shit in the light. Distract yourself with work and TV and other people. The dark is just... bad memories. Bad dreams. I don't like to be left alone with all that.
Ruthie Knox
Fear is an abortion of good thoughts
Nomthandazo Tsembeni
Always try to be perceptive and observant in living, sensatory for details and diversity. Always try to see beyond the surface, and look in another perspective. Always try not to judge. Always seeks new experience, embrace and took chances. To live life maximally and develop into a better person.
The most significant way you can edify another person is to see them accurately as the same as you, listen to them, and honor their right to their own thoughts and feelings.
Kimberly Giles
Sometimes. it is not the person that you miss, but the memories that you made.
Iron can only be destroyed by rust, and rust is a slow process which is caused by the hydrogen ion from water in the environment. Coat yourself against negative thoughts and be careful what you feed your mind because your mind is your greatest asset, make sure you are not using it against yourself.
Uzoma Nnadi
I'm simply saying that our deepest thoughts, desires and preoccupations manifest themselves in art, whether we intend them to or not. That's what art is for; it's not cerebral, it's emotional.
Simon Pegg
All the morning since he got up he had been trying to fight through his duties—leaning against a hope—a hope that first had bowed, and then had broke as soon as he really tried its weight. There was not a sign of Sylvia’s liking for him to be gathered from the most careful recollection of the past evening. It was of no use thinking there was. It was better to give it up altogether and at once. But what if he could not? What if the thought of her was bound up with his life; and that once torn out by his own free will, the very roots of his heart must come also?
Elizabeth Gaskell
UNDAUNTED PURSUITSuccess, however measured, is the seat of a stool with three legs of determination, focus and resilience
Kamil Ali
We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I LOVE YOUDon't just 'think' it. Say it before it's too late - The burden of regret is a heavy cross to bear
Kamil Ali
Looking up at [the sky], I think about the October evening world, where 'people' must be going about their lives. Beneath that pale autumn light, they must be walking down streets, going to the store for things, preparing dinner, boarding trains for home. And they think--if they think at all--that these things are too obvious to think about, just as I used to do (or not do).
Haruki Murakami
There is something great in whatever you look at. Many people look but few people see;to leave a distinctive footprint, do not just look but see for seeing will make you different
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
She kissed him… long enough he could almost hear her thoughts. Long enough that he began to know her story, know what she had been through.
Thomm Quackenbush
It was different, though, knowing something in your thoughts and then hearing it confirmed, made real, planted in the world like a tree
Guy Gavriel Kay
Don't take crucial decisions when you are depressed or filled with anger, because then the decision is not made by you.
Saga Valsalan
I will be forever grateful to Dora Brooking, for not only spotting my light bulb but also helping me turn up the wattage.
Simon Pegg
I suspect that on some level, life is a matter of indefensible loyalties.
Mark Slouka
I feel as if the world is listening for my next thought. But I can't think of anything. Sorry, but I just can't think of anything.
Haruki Murakami
You haven't lived a full life until you have been in a very tough situation when you thought you were going to die. War does that to you.
William E. Peterson
Why do I always have so many fucking questions in my head?
Jessica Sorensen
your thoughts will make you a victor or a victim.
Rob Liano
Syllogism ―Major premise: I can control my thoughts.Minor premise: My feelings come from my thoughts.Conclusion: I can control my feelings.
Wayne W. Dyer
She's not like other girls because she's different. I want her kind of different.
Melyssa Winchester
Then he laughed, and the sound was a comfort to her, and she fought against the and silver lights that shown in his eyes, and lost. When he spoke his voice was soft."And now I'm wondering," he said, "how it is you don't realize your eyes ensnare me, just as mine do you. I can't explain it, Kate's, but you shouldn't let it embarrass you. For we're both overtaken by the same--foolishness.
Kristin Chashore
I grabbed a shovel and dug, and dug, and dug.Sorry not a very poetic thought, but very deep.
Lenora Fraga
I wasn’t too late. I got there in time. I didn’t lose her.
Melyssa Winchester
He who is not satisfied with himself will not grow certainly,For he will be but ever lost in his unquenchable thirst surely.[224]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
Only real true friends will tell you when your face is dirty,Others will either pamper, avoid or laugh at you certainly.[227]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
Unhealthy gossiping is one way that divides heaven and hell.
Deeksha Mittal
My thoughts are stars i cannot fathom into constellations
John Green
All make mistakes but the important thing then should be, Learn from them and do not repeat them subsequently.[230]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
... A nightmare is something you awaken from, Peter," she had said. "But thoughts and ideas that remain after its terrors have disappeared are something considerably worse.
John Katzenbach
Instead of spending your dear energy on hating enemies, Utilize this energy to love your friends a little harder truly.[229]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
Oh, Confucius, "real knowledge" is to know we will ever be able to measure the extent of our, or one's, ignorance.
Lúcia Ramos
But morning casts a harsh light over things, and the stark reality is that some things are easier to walk away from than to lose forever. But that doesn’t mean that this doesn’t hurt.
Our consistent thoughts become the things in our lives.
Mike Basevic
Life as a mountain – so rugged and hard to climb definitely, But once you get to the top the view is beautiful indisputably.[225]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
If someone left, mean not your happiness gone surely, Happiness dependant not on others but yourself but be.[223]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
Silence - best answer for all the questions does certainly be, Your smile - best reaction to all the life’s situations positively.[228]t- 4 (Thoughts)
Munindra Misra
Because women never say what they think.
Cassandra Clare
Whenever you go out-of-doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp. Do not fear being misunderstood and do not waste a minute thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like to do; and then, without veering off direction, you will move straight to the goal. Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then, as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are requiered for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the element it needs. Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual... Thought is supreme. Preserve a right mental attitude - the attitude of courage, frankness, and good cheer. To think rightly is to create. All things come through desire and every sincere prayer is answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed. Carry your chin in and the crown of your head high. We are good in the chrysalis.
Elbert Hubbard
Great and pure thoughts cannot be deposited in minds accumulated with rubbish.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Great ideas emerges from useless fragments of thoughts.
Michael Bassey Johnson
One not only wants to be understood when one writes, but also quite as certainly not to be understood. It is by no means an objection to a book when someone finds it unintelligible: perhaps this might just have been the intention of its author, perhaps he did not want to be understood by "anyone”. A distinguished intellect and taste, when it wants to communicate its thoughts, always selects its hearers; by selecting them, it at the same time closes its barriers against "the others". It is there that all the more refined laws of style have their origin: they at the same time keep off, they create distance, they prevent "access" (intelligibility, as we have said,) while they open the ears of those who are acoustically related to them.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Conflicts stay in your mind with your permission.You allow them to.
Hina Hashmi
The more one has engaged in a particular pattern of thought, the more difficult it becomes to override these habitual patterns.
Bryant McGill
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