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It was the first time I saw the look on the face of the people I robbed: it was ugly. I was the cause of such ugliness, and the only thing that made me feel was a cruel pleasure which, I thought, was bound to transfigure my own face, to make me resplendent. I was then 23 years old. From that moment on, I felt capable of advancing in cruelty.
Jean Genet
A stab had clearly once been made at de-uglifying these public spaces by painting a corridor a jaunty yellow. This was because, it turned out, babies come here to have their brains tested and someone thought the yellow might calm them. But I couldn’t see how. Such was the oppressive ugliness of this building it would have been like sticking a red nose on a cadaver and calling it Ronald McDonald.
Jon Ronson
That's the world out there, little green apples and infectious disease.
Don DeLillo
The uglier a man's legs are, the better he plays golf. It's almost a law.
The sins of my sex... A woman who is ugly is pitiable, but a man who is ugly is forgiven.
Michelle Franklin
When you see the ugliness behind the tears of another person, it makes you take a closer look at your own.
John D. MacDonald
Imperfections don’t make something ugly.
Amy Neftzger
What is beauty or ugliness but a false front that prompts man to make assumptions rather than delving deeper.
Kristen Callihan
(One character on another:)"Don't you know that I passionately dote on every chin on his face?
Dorothy L. Sayers
Life is very tough and fragile at the same time, it never backs down or surrenders, but will break open to reveal its beauty and ugliness. As a evening primrose that blooms in the flooding moonlight, just before being trampled upon underfoot by the four-legged frost of the night.
Anthony Liccione
Thomas was like a drug, so smooth and overwhelming that he took one up a level in their emotions just by watching him and listening to him. He was a natural entertainer, filled with talent and knowledge on many subjects and a keen sense of the arts and music. I admired him as he performed for us, and I forgot the ugliness again
Sara Niles
Life has its ugliness and ups and downs, but look for the beauty and you will find it.
Debasish Mridha
Life has its beauty in its simplicity. Ugliness raises her head with complexity.
Debasish Mridha
Everyone has beautiful eyes but they often see ugliness not the beauty of life.
Debasish Mridha
An optimist sees the beauty in the midst of ugliness.
Debasish Mridha
Religion is a veil that we often use to cover our ugliness.
Debasish Mridha
If you cannot find beauty in the midst of ugliness to find heaven on earth, you will not be able to find heaven in space.
Debasish Mridha
Life is beautiful for those who can see the beauty in the midst of the ugliness.
Debasish Mridha
It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg!
Hans Christian Andersen
There is a coarse and ugly temperament and tenor observable in the common unconscious person.
Bryant McGill
Your ultimate reason for staying in this crooked world is not to imitate its devastating physique, but trying do something about its ugly appearance.
Michael Bassey Johnson
I've played Romeo for Juliet(But in depth)It's vignettes of silhouettes(And then read)And watched Russian roulette, yeah red SovietYet doing it simultaneouslyWhile dropping down shed oubliettesTurned around and took truth to the head thatLove is the ugliest thing too beautiful for death
Criss Jami
I feel ugly” I said and you looked at me as if I spoke a different language. There are things you will never understand and if there were words to describe the rapture that takes place in my head from time to time I would put my hand in front of your eyes to protect you from all the ugliness in the world. I kept my eyes on the streetlights outside the window and you kissed every inch of my body as if you could kiss the pain away.
Charlotte Eriksson
Every person sees the world through lenses of his or her own design—individual goggles that alter focus and perspective as desired. For those who wish the world to be dark and ugly and unapproachable, it is. But for those who wish it to be beautiful, it is a garden playground blooming with bright, happy colors.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Look at the ugliness. Yet one has a feeling within one that blinds a man while he loves you. You, with that feeling, blind him, and blind yourself. Then, one day, for no reason, he sees you as ugly as you really are and he is not blind anymore and then you see yourself as ugly as he sees you and you lose your man and your feeling...
Ernest Hemingway
Is there any creature on earth as unfortunate as an ugly woman? (wonders Lady Catelyn Stark)
George R.R. Martin
Choosing beauty and love does not mean being uninformed or weak; it means you clearly see the ugliness, but choose love anyway.
Bryant McGill
The sound of her voice was so pretty, it almost disguised the ugliness of her words.
Grace Burrowes
A beautiful person is a person who can see the beauty in the midst of ugliness.
Debasish Mridha
Life is beautiful, but we often forget and decorate it with ugliness.
Debasish Mridha
It is impossible for me to be an Anarchist, for I do not believe in the essential goodness of man. The world, the physical world, that was once all in all to me, has at moments such as these no road through a wood, no stretch of shore, that can bring me comfort. The beauty of these things can no longer at such moments make up to me at all for the ugliness of man, his cruelty, his greed, his lying face.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
An ugliness unfurled in the moonlight and soft shadow and suffused the whole world. If I were an amoeba, he thought, with an infinitesimal body, I could defeat ugliness. A man isn’t tiny or giant enough to defeat anything.
Yukio Mishima
In life there will be pain, suffering, ugliness, but let us be grateful for the beauty, blessing, and miracle of life.
Debasish Mridha
You cannot have a beautiful life if you always focus on ugliness in others.
Debasish Mridha
A beautiful face cannot hide an ugly heart for long.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Because the child must have a valuable thing which is called imagination. The child must have a secret world in which live things that never were. It is necessary that she believe. She must start out believing in things not of this world. Then when the world becomes too ugly for living in, the child can reach back and live in her imagination.
Betty Smith
True education should teach us how to think, how to see the beauty in the midst of ugliness, how to love without judging, how to find opportunity to help, and how to develop a peaceful and nonviolent society.
Debasish Mridha
Trains and boxcars and the smell of coal and fire are not ugly to children. Ugliness is a concept that we happen on later and become self-conscious about.
Ray Bradbury
We can all agree that children are ugly.
Josh Lieb
Whatever may happen, the memories of then will always remain, ever so sweetly with me, nothing to tarnish it. Not even the ugliness of reality.
Saim Cheeda
Just because the world often seemed to reward ugliness was no excuse to give up on beauty.
Kathryn Davis
When you think that you are beautiful, you are liable to think that you are more beautiful than others, and such a thought is not a beautiful thought. To recognize or criticize ugliness and inferiority in others is to create the inferior and the ugly in yourself, and what you create in yourself will sooner or later be expressed through your mind and personality.
Christian D. Larson
The beauty that is in you is greater than the ugliness that is around you.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Only the beautiful can acknowledge all that is beautiful, and only the ugly can acknowledge all that is ugly as being beautiful.
Suzy Kassem
You may be married to a star, but that doesn't mean they'll treat you like one.
Jess C. Scott
This singularity of meaning--I was my face, I was ugliness--though sometimes unbearable, also offered a possible point of escape. It became the launching pad from which to lift off, the one immediately recognizable place to point to when asked what was wrong with my life. Everything led to it, everything receded from it--my face as personal vanishing point.
Lucy Grealy
In the horrors of war, please bring me peace.
Anthony Liccione
Intelligence and effort can be no compensation for ugliness.
Hanif Kureishi
Looks sure can be deceiving: not every ‘ugly’ person is a ‘bad’ person (or is guilty of whatever it is that they are accused of).
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Beautiful is he who recognizes what is truly beautiful,Even if the surface is ugly.Truthful is he who says what is true,Even if the truth is ugly.Ugly is he who measures beauty by its exterior,Without first weighing the interior.And ugly is the man who judges harshly what he sees looking out,Without first judging what he sees in the mirror.Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun (2010)
Suzy Kassem
The greatest ugliness in the world is seeing so beautiful a creature spoil themselves on stupidity.
Michelle Franklin
Beauty is a behavior. As is ugliness.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Until you see beauty everywhere, in every face, until then, you are blind.
Kamand Kojouri
A connection could be drawn between the secular ascent of biblical values in today's world and the depreciation of beauty that characterizes it on so many levels. Beauty today is often depreciated as monotonous or denounced as a constraining norm, when it is simply reduced to a pure spectacle accompanied by a rehabilitation or even exaltation of deformity and ugliness, as can be seen in many areas. The degeneration of beauty and the promotion of ugliness, tied to the flowering of intellectualism, could be certainly be part of the Umwertung stigmatized by Nietzsche.
Alain de Benoist
No one who is good can ever be ugly.
Roald Dahl
Not only have people stopped trying to be attractive when they are out among other people, but they are no longer even trying not to look ugly!
Milan Kundera
Truth is Bitter & It's the Real Beauty in Ugliness.
Gollapalli Nithin Kumar
A certain beauty in the world is no mark of God's favor, said Mr. Huss. There is no beauty one may not balance by an equal ugliness. The warthog and the hyena, the tapeworm and the stinkhorn, are equally God's creations. Nothing you have said points to anything but a cold indifference towards us of this order in which we live. Beauty happens; it is not given. Pain, suffering, happiness; there is no heed. Only in the heart of man burns the fire of righteousness.
Beauty is single. Only ugliness is multiple, and even then its multiplicity is soon exhausted.
Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
At that moment the universe appeared to me a vast machine constructed only to produce evil. I almost doubted the goodness of God, in not annihilating man on the day he first sinned. "The world should have been destroyed," I said, "crushed as I crush this reptile which has done nothing in its life but render all that it touches as disgusting as itself." I had scarcely removed my foot from the poor insect when, like a censoring angel sent from heaven, there came fluttering through the trees a butterfly with large wings of lustrous gold and purple. It shone but a moment before my eyes; then, rising among the leaves, it vanished into the height of the azure vault. I was mute, but an inner voice said to me, "Let not the creature judge his Creator; here is a symbol of the world to come. As the ugly caterpillar is the origin of the splendid butterfly, so this globe is the embryo of a new heaven and a new earth whose poorest beauty will infinitely exceed your mortal imagination. And when you see the magnificent result of that which seems so base to you now, how you will scorn your blind presumption, in accusing Omniscience for not having made nature perish in her infancy.God is the god of justice and mercy; then surely, every grief that he inflicts on his creatures, be they human or animal, rational or irrational, every suffering of our unhappy nature is only a seed of that divine harvest which will be gathered when, Sin having spent its last drop of venom, Death having launched its final shaft, both will perish on the pyre of a universe in flames and leave their ancient victims to an eternal empire of happiness and glory.
Emily Brontë
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