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I love the way he smelled whenever his head dipped close to hear what I was saying—like the sun striking th cheek of a tomato, or soap drying in the hood of a car. I loved the way his hand felt on my spine. I loved.
Jodi Picoult
As I grabbed my cocoa, chocolate ran down my hand."This makes me feel like a five-year-old," I said, licking it off."If I ordered a sandwich at this place, do you think they'd cut the crusts off?
Mindi Scott
What can ever equal the memory of being young together?
Michael Stein
When people who remember her better than me talk of her, she is always described as headstrong and irresponsible, which, if you think about it, are just different words for untameable. The wind is untameable, and so are rivers, and there is something poetic in that.
Claire Wong
..so Grandpa turned the rusty latchkey of his magnificent remembery and set free a symphony of stories
Glenda Millard
How often had she wondered what would have happened if she'd remained with Jonathan? Not often, but regularly over the years. It was impossible not to have imagined that rejected future, a life of many countries, of vast and enduring adventure, of tiny rooms and rental houses. It was the sense of missed opportunity that returned to her, frightening but real, overwhelmingly real.
Michael Stein
Today, it felt like time should be measured by how much of the future she had left, and needed to be counted forward. She felt proud listening, as if somehow Jonathan Parish's speech reflected on her, as if she could take credit for some part of it, for him.
Michael Stein
Places are supposed to look smaller when you go back to them, but my road just looked schizoid. A couple of the houses had had nifty little makeovers involving double glazing and amusing faux-antique pastel paint; most of them hadn't. Number 16 looked like it was on its last legs: the roof was in tatters, there was a pile of bricks and a dead wheelbarrow by the front steps, and at some point in the last twenty years someone had set the door on fire. In Number 8, a window on the first floor was lit up, gold and cozy and dangerous as hell.
Tana French
You know, that was what we missed most. Not our beds, not our homes, not even our mothers. We would talk about food.
Jodi Picoult
Moments always blossom more beautifully in memories.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Missing someone is the reverberating echo of everything beautiful about her—her laugh, her song, her touch, her smell, the power of her words, and the constant shadow that lingers on as her perfect image in your memory.
Richelle E. Goodrich
So it enables the voice of Robert Stack or someone else like him to do for us what it needs to, which is remind us that every moment of our lives is plugged in. Every moment is crucial. And if we recognize this and embrace it, we will one day be able to look back and understand and feel and regret and reminisce and, if we are lucky, cherish.
M.O. Walsh
...he told me all the things he liked to THINK he thought in the misty past.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
And sometimes I try to stop speculating the future out of existence, and other times I just lean back and run with it because maybe it's for the best.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
Growing up, I always had a soldier mentality. As a kid I wanted to be a soldier, a fighter pilot, a covert agent, professions that require a great deal of bravery and risk and putting oneself in grave danger in order to complete the mission. Even though I did not become all those things, and unless my predisposition, in its youngest years, already had me leaning towards them, the interest that was there still shaped my philosophies. To this day I honor risk and sacrifice for the good of others - my views on life and love are heavily influenced by this.
Criss Jami
Suddenly it seemed to me that I looked back from a great distance on that smile and saw it all again - the smile and the day, the whole sunny, sad, funny, wonderful day and all the days that we had spent here together. What was I going to do when such days came no more? There could not be many; for we were a family growing old. And how would I learn to live without these people? I who needed them so little that I could stay away all year - what should I do without them?
Jetta Carleton
The things that had changed seem out of place, and the things that had remained the same made Charlie feel out of place.
Scott Cawthon
Perhaps the echoes of people we once loved still linger in the places we frequented with them and that is why we go back… Not so much to remember them as to feel them…
Ranata Suzuki
I still think of you every day.But I’m trying not to let it hurt me with the same intensity that it used to.
Ranata Suzuki
I had always wanted to hear those words.I had always wanted to be your girl.
Ranata Suzuki
For you are you, and I am I, and once we were we… but as long as I exist and so do you – know that I will always love you.
Ranata Suzuki
You can miss places. You can miss people.Just know that what you’re really missing is the way things were. And even if you could go there again…. see them again…. you can’t go back.They’re not the same.You’re not the same.The loss of them changed you.
Ranata Suzuki
If you’re searching for a quote that puts your feelings into words – you won’t find it.You can learn every language and read every word ever written – but you’ll never find what’s in your heart.How can you?He has it.
Ranata Suzuki
It hurts that I was just one page in the book of your life…But what hurts more is knowing you’ll revise that chapter someday….….. and you’ll erase me completely.
Ranata Suzuki
I try to do something positive – I socialise more…But deep down I know the truth.An entire world of people can never replace the one that I’ve lost.
Ranata Suzuki
Though I never really had you….… to me you will always be the one that got away.
Ranata Suzuki
You’re everything to me. But at best, I’m just a memory to you.
Ranata Suzuki
A kiss….….. is just a kiss….Until it’s all you reminisce.(Then the memory becomes your most treasured possession.)
Ranata Suzuki
I know he wasn’t perfect…But he did the best impression of it I’ve ever seen.
Ranata Suzuki
When I was with him suddenly I wasn’t this broken person anymore.I was just me.I was whole again.I was just a person – like everyone else.
Ranata Suzuki
With you in my life I felt like I could conquer anything.It was as if I was on top of the world and even the stars themselves were just within my grasp.But without you …. even getting through the day is hard.
Ranata Suzuki
I need to stop running back to you in my mind all the time.
Ranata Suzuki
Every quote, every book, every film seemed to suggest that ‘one day’ someone would come into my life and love me with an intensity and a passion I had never experienced before. And to their credit they were right; It all came and went so fast it really did feel as if it were just ‘one day’....
Ranata Suzuki
He looked at me like I was the stars when all I’d ever felt like was the dark nothingness between them.
Ranata Suzuki
It’s the intricate details you miss the most. For me, it’s the soft lines around the eyes when he smiles… Or that look he gave me sometimes that I cannot begin to describe - but I would know it if I saw it again.It was the look that gave him away.I’d know that look anywhere…It used to be my everything.
Ranata Suzuki
I’d never dreamed anybody could love me the way he did. And even when he proved it to me time and again – I still could hardly believe it was true.
Ranata Suzuki
I still remember that feeling of walking somewhere confidently, seeing him mid stride and putting my foot down just fine… but feeling like I stumbled.
Ranata Suzuki
The last time I felt alive – I was looking into your eyes.Breathing your air…. touching your skin…… Saying goodbye….The last time I felt alive…. I was dying.
Ranata Suzuki
He was both everything I could ever want…And nothing I could ever have…
Ranata Suzuki
I had someone once who made every day mean something.And now…. I am lost….And nothing means anything anymore.
Ranata Suzuki
If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard.And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart.
Ranata Suzuki
I miss that feeling of connection.Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him.
Ranata Suzuki
…the sad part is, that I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than I loved you when I knew you.Some people might find that strange.But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a person, is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them.
Ranata Suzuki
Your memory feels like home to me.So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.
Ranata Suzuki
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