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In life, never lose hope that you are nearing a dead end, Only when you reach the end of the road you realize a road to its left and to its right.
Mohammed Mushtaq GK
Where was Sam?It hit her full force then, the shocking realization. Was this how Sam felt? Was this how he’d been feeling since the beginning? All eyes on him? Everyone waiting for a decision? Even as people doubted and criticized and attacked?She wanted to be sick. She had been there for so much of it. But she hadn’t been the one. She hadn’t been the one making those choices.And now…she was.“I don’t know what to do,” Astrid said. “I don’t know.
Michael Grant
Change is like the skin peeling off of a snake. It is slow. It is sticky. And sometimes you have to rub against a hard place to pull yourself through it. But in the end, you realize that it was worth it all to get the the new place and new person you have become.
Stella Payton
And I didn't tell mom what happened. She'd already warned me that bad things could hide in the most unlikely places.
Lorraine Zago Rosenthal
Attraction is often mistaken to be love. If you're in a relationship doesn't necessarily mean you're in love. And what do you do when that ephemeral attraction is long gone? What people call break-ups are nothing more but the realization that you didn't love them at the first place...Shouldn't you have been more careful before making those empty promises?
Sanhita Baruah
Those of us who have the luck to enjoy good health forget about this vast parallel universe of the unwell-their daily miseries, their banal ordeals. Only when you cross that frontier into the world of ill-health do you recognize its quiet, massive presence, its brooding permanence.
William Boyd
I have always waited for the perfect tools to carve a statue, little did I realize that tools were never the issue, It's my carving skills which needed an upgrade and improvement.
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
It will take just a simple realization to cause a big change!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I didn't realize it until now, but I don't really know anything about them, or what kind of people they are, really. You can't see inside a person's heart.
Koushun Takami
We both have a lot of growing-up to do... A lot of the world to see & figure out on our own." -- Leo
Emily Giffin
So what did it matter where she came from? Who-or what-her parents were? Everyone's family was messed up in some way including my own. And she was still the same Ariane.
Stacey Kade
That's the thing about being a victim; you start to think it'll happen to you on a regular basis. It's living with the reality of your own vulnerability, and it sucks.
Dennis Lehane
I have come to realize that we are born and we die and that the word 'freedom' is a man's greatest lie.
Harley Mei Kent
We" (your spirit guides and angels) believe in what-we-feel, you believe in how-you-feel.
Linda Deir
The invitation only world is a manifestation of self-realization.
Bryant McGill
The life you want is a manifestation of self-realization.
Bryant McGill
We distance ourselves for protection,Wear scarves when it’s cold. What seems most outlandish in our autobiography Is what really happened.
Steve Abbott
It's as if I died too,' she whispered to herself, 'as if I was born dead.'Ironically, it was true. Emotionally she knew what her mind did not, beyond logic, beyond reason, as if somehow deep inside she felt what Sarah knew.
Denny Taylor
When you realize that the feeling you have — is — the response you choose, you are free in that moment.
Bryant McGill
You will be blessed the moment you realize you already are.
Bryant McGill
Sometimes we need to see the bad side, to appreciate the good side.
Anthony Liccione
While aloofness might fascinate others and makes them respect you, it will never allow for intimacy and profound relationships.
John duover
Everyone says that hope is the feeling that something desirable is likely to happen which gives people the expectation that something good would occur. But the thing is, people hope for something. They only HOPE for that certain thing. For what is that hope that people say if they wouldn't take action to make that hope happened. It's just like wanting something or someone but not doing anything to have them.
Keziah Ruth D. Lingco
She realized that she had naïvely believed that the workings of the world revolved around her and her family. Never before had she acknowledged that somebody else’s life might alter hers.
David Anthony Durham
There will never be another like the other. A mother remains like no other... the same with friends and foes. Nothing replaces the other.
David Gatata
After sounding a lot like other people in my decades of past I have found my own voice when I realized I needed Christ and in so doing I am becoming just like Him as time marches on.
John M Sheehan
You carry the message you've been seeking, but realization of it is found in healthy retrospection, not among the wilderness of chaotic noise.
T.F. Hodge
Claire hated to say it, but she knew the answer, in her heart. “Because he feels something for me, and he wanted to give me a chance to live. Like him. With him. But I refused.”Shane turned and looked at her, a blank expression on his face that turned quickly into . . . something else. Claire was glad Myrnin had gotten out while he still could. “Great,” he said. “I knew it.”“It’s not like that. He’s—” She shook her head in frustration. “It’s not like he’s in love with me or anything; it’s more complicated than that. I don’t even think he understands it, exactly.”“Yeah, he only loves you for your mind,” Shane said...
Rachel Caine
I had a dream about you the other day. I woke up and realized it was just a dream.
Rodney Jenkins
That was the day I knew. It was as if Rolls met Royce, Black met Decker, Oliver met Stan, TinTin met Snowy, Marks met Spencer... he was to me what Patracolus was to Achilles, Hylas to Hercules, Enkidoe to Gilgamesh, Jonathan to David, Bosie to Oscar Wilde, Rimbaud to Verlaine. He was my Billy Budd, all the holy multitude of Thebes, Jasjoe mixed with Tadzio...
Tom Bouden
If life was perfect,how in the hell would v evr learn to depend on someone other dn ourselves?If anything,dt’s wat life’s taught me.D need to b perfect is stemmed in d very belief dt it’s actually something v cn achieve.Self-actualization —doesn’t exist.”“Does dt mean v don’t try then?” “No.” “It just means wen u reach end of ur rope,u shdn’t regret a damn thing,bt applaud urself for trying impossible
Rachel Van Dyken
One's sentiments -- call them that -- one's fidelities are so instinctive that one hardly knows they exist: only when they are betrayed or, worse still, when one betrays them does one realize their power.
Elizabeth Bowen
Youth is marked by a breathtaking novelty that diminishes with each year of age - until life becomes a delusive struggle to break routines, escape the ordinary, and rediscover the joy of discovery.
Zack Love
Janey accuses me of chasing jailbait. She bursts into angry tears, asking if it's because she's getting older. It's true. She's aging more noticeably every day—while I am standing still. I prefer the stillness here. I am tired of Earth. These people. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.
Alan Moore
I didn’t treat my girl like she was mineYeah, I thought I didn’t need her at the timeBut I changed my way of thinkin’ when she leftYeah, I finally learned my lesson, but I learned it by myself
Hunter Hayes
Behjet eased the horse forward again. "The harvest is failing. There will be no crop at all if this rain doesn't stop - not even hay."The rain. The rain she'd been so grateful for, the rain that concealed the warping of her shadow. It was going to kill people.
Erin Bow
Gradually, I am realizing who I'm.
Irfa Rahat
In much of the rest of the world, rich people live in gated communities and drink bottled water. That's increasingly the case in Los Angeles where I come from. So that wealthy people in much of the world are insulated from the consequences of their act
Jared Diamond
The flesh would shrink and go, the blood would dry, but no one believes in his mind of minds or heart of hearts that the pictures do stop.
Saul Bellow
Observation is the telescope of human nature. It is the tele of watching distantly. But taking an action is the result of Self-regulation and interference. It is going beyond boundaries in aiming to achieve a considerable ambitions.
Mohammed Rasmi
I didn't know I was really alive in this world until I felt things hard enough to kill for 'em...
Richard Wright
He thought back to everything that happened the night before: the hooded men, the chase, his tired heart and weak legs. The very moment in which Mathias realized it was over, when he'd decided to sacrifice his own life in order to save the young man by his side, the monk had found something fundamental inside himself. Deep in his soul, in that hidden place that can only be discovered when a person finds himself poised on the edge of the abyss, gasping what he thought was his last breath, he'd suddenly seen it. Only then did he realize what he held dearest in his heart. Because the last thing to cross his mind, what he'd thought about the moment he'd spun around, prepared to impale himself on the blade, had been a face. No thoughts of God or faith or any other saint. A face. That's when everything became clear.
Riccardo Bruni
Over the years I have realized it's not the people who come into your life but the choices they force you to make gives the direction to your life.
Amit Abraham
It's ironic how your comfort zone can be tiring sometimes.
Ahmed Mostafa
What the hell is instant? Nothing is instant. Instant rice takes five minutes, instant pudding in an hour.
John Green
I know the truth now. You've figured out I'm falling in love with you and you're trying to make me stop by hurting me this way. Well it won't work.One way or another, I'm going to make you care about me. Yes, I am, unless your cold attitude kills me first.It's only fair, Connor. If I'm going to be miserable, by God, so are you.I am not a common wench and I will not be treated like one.
Julie Garwood
The secret is in realizing your internal gifts and then setting them free.
Bryant McGill
I came to a most profound realization. For the first time in my life, I have complete control over what happens in the here and now. It is not a wish. It is not some concoction of false hope. It is reality in here and now.''HOPE- Season of Romance
Kaleb Kilton
I deliberately seek out the colors to keep my mind off them, but now and then, I witness the ones who are left behind, crumbling among the jigsaw puzzle of realization, despair and surprise.
Markus Zusak
I was on the path of the warrior, when I realized I was the warrior.
Neetal Parekh
During self-reflection, the realization came that revolution begins within.
Amanda Mosher
I felt unready to hold myself responsible for the decision if I slept with him
Aspen Matis
I was desperate not to confront the fact that this really could be it—that "nineteen" didn't matter, that there really was a point at which even young bodies fail. I was not immortal.
Aspen Matis
There's nothing you can do, Sirus. No one can do this for me, and no one can swoop in and rescue me every time I'm challenged. I have to do this on my own.
Heather Brewer
You’ll finally realize the importance of the spark of that diamond once you lost it.
Murky Water, Dusty MirrorMurky water is turbid; let it settle and it clears. A dusty mirror is dim; clean it and it is bright.What I realize as I observe this is the Tao of clarifying the mind and perceiving its essence.The reason why people's minds are not clear and their natures are not stable is that they are full of craving and emotion. Add to this eons of mental habit, acquired influences deluding the mind, their outgrowths clogging up the opening of awareness - this is like water being murky, like a mirror being dusty. The original true mind and true essence are totally lost. The feelings and senses are unruly, subject to all kinds of influences, taking in all sorts of things, defiling the mind.If one can suddenly realize this and change directions, wash away pollution and contamination, gradually remove a lifetime of biased mental habits, wandering thoughts and perverse actions, increasing in strength with persistence, refining away the dross until there is nothing more to be refined away, when the slag is gone the gold is pure. The original mind and fundamental essence will spontaneously appear in full, the light of wisdom will suddenly arise, and one will clearly see the universe as though it were in the palm of the hand, with no obstruction.This is like murky water returning to clarity when settled, like a dusty mirror being restored to brightness when polished. That which is fundamental is as ever: without any lack.
Liu Yiming
The background of samsara is bliss
Bert McCoy
The teaching of Jesus Christ has as its central theme unfoldment towards a realization of immortality.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
How many have died that I might live?And who has died that I might live?
Jessica Khoury
When a blind man says, 'God is good,' this should be an eye-opener to those who can see.
Anthony Liccione
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