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If you’re searching for a quote that puts your feelings into words – you won’t find it.You can learn every language and read every word ever written – but you’ll never find what’s in your heart.How can you?He has it.
Ranata Suzuki
I didn’t love you to seek revenge.I didn’t love you out of loneliness or unhappiness.I didn’t love you for any of the misguided reasons that time might convince you I did.I just loved you because you’re you.
Ranata Suzuki
Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It hurts that I was just one page in the book of your life…But what hurts more is knowing you’ll revise that chapter someday….….. and you’ll erase me completely.
Ranata Suzuki
I try to do something positive – I socialise more…But deep down I know the truth.An entire world of people can never replace the one that I’ve lost.
Ranata Suzuki
Being bored is the price we pay for not being insane.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We are loved way more by some of the people who have not contacted us in the last twelve or so months than we are loved by some of those who contact us every twelve or so days … or hours.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We all have problems. Or rather, everyone has at least one thing that they regard as a problem.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
What's the deal? Why can't he lookinto my eyes when I have words of appreciation lined up for him.Has he simply forgotten how he feels?all his emotions plunged into oblivion.or he is so full to talk about it.He won't confide in mewhich I understand is his choice.I really wish to butI can barely get under his skin.But what I know about him ishe feels very sad andhe has honest eyes.And every broken heart should have a place in this world.He has a place in my heart~
Tanya Gambhir
I am tired of all my emotionsI am tired of all your emotions,I don't want you to leaveI know you can't stay,I need you as much as you need me,But you need to walk awayand I need to watch you leave~
Tanya Gambhir
You don't need to be everyone, nothing is ever awesome than to be comfortable in your own skin.
Adedayo Olabamiji
...I may seem like this flawless creature to you, someone with infinite wisdom and patience who always says the right thing, but, just like you—your parents—despite doing my best with what I have, I fail sometimes." A lone tear dangles from her eye. "And today is the fifth anniversary of my mother's death, so excuse me if I can't listen as attentively while you go on about how your parents screwed you up.
Harper Bliss
...If only Dad hadn't cheated. If only Mom had found a way to be happier. If only Nina hadn't run away. If only I could deal with it better. 'If' and 'only' are the two most useless words in the human vocabulary, Dr. Hakim had made a habit of saying. They should never be used together in a sentence, because they speak of something that's beyond your ability to change. A waste of energy.
Harper Bliss
More often than not, expecting to lose weight without first losing the diet that made the weight loss necessary is like expecting a pig to be spotless after hosing it down while it was still rolling in mud.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Our parting was like a stalemate….Neither of us won. Yet both of us lost.And worse still … that unshakable feeling that nothing was ever really finished.
Ranata Suzuki
Though I never really had you….… to me you will always be the one that got away.
Ranata Suzuki
You’re everything to me. But at best, I’m just a memory to you.
Ranata Suzuki
A kiss….….. is just a kiss….Until it’s all you reminisce.(Then the memory becomes your most treasured possession.)
Ranata Suzuki
I know he wasn’t perfect…But he did the best impression of it I’ve ever seen.
Ranata Suzuki
Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey.
Ernest Hemingway
Once you drop a mask, you can never wear it again.
Ljupka Cvetanova
But if something that was good morphs into something that's not good - and is not changing back - one has to stay conscious of that too. Settling for more is not an endgame - it's an active process. It means staying aware of one's surroundings, because "more" is a fluid concept. Life changes, and requires that we change too.
Megyn Kelly
The sum of our greatness lies not in asking“what do I want to do?” but rather “who do I want to be?
Lolly Daskal
Within each of us are two competing sides, a polarity of character. Only one leads to greatness.
Lolly Daskal
I love my job and the excitement and challenges it offers. But my job does not define me. If this job ended tomorrow I'd find another way to find that glorious feeling of accomplishment. No employer or career choice "made" me. I made me...
Megyn Kelly
Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet
The day he came home from the hospital, he cried. I held him. I thought he would never stop.I knew that a part of him would never be the same.They cracked more than his ribs.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Sometimes you have to go upReally high to understand HOW small You Really Are
Felix Baumgartner
Some people will hate you for not loving them.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry.
Paulo Coelho
I kept you so well, buried beneath the darkest shame and stilled with filthy lies. Perhaps I should have dug deeper.
Nicole Lyons
We are way less likely to love someone just because they love us than we are to hate someone just because they hate us.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The fact that the person who you are sleeping with is also sleeping with another person or other people does not necessarily mean that he or she does not love you. And the fact that you are the only person who someone is sleeping with does not necessarily mean that he or she loves you.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A seemingly simple task like taking a bath or wearing a condom feels like multitasking to someone who suffers from hemiplegia or has only one hand.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When you find a truth that surpasses your desire to fit trends and meet approval, you can be certain it’s worth fighting to spread.
Caroline George
Most human beings strongly believe that money is way less important than the life of a human being, but in reality five hundred, fifty, or even five dollars are way more important to the lives of most human beings than the lives of most human beings.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
...It's who you are. You're like a hummingbird, defying reality, a beautiful mystery, spreading your sweetness to all the needy flowers. Well, I'm no pretty garden blossom and I don't need your brand of sugar.
Karin Kallmaker
To cherish my purity and set boundaries are, in my opinion, the highest forms of feminism—a woman who saves her body proves she is strong and secure enough to resist the men who seek to claim her, that she’s more than what lies between her legs.
Caroline George
I twist and pin my hair at the nape of my neck, and then stand with legs wide. It’s what Nash told me to do before speaking because men, no matter how many times they profess women are equal, prefer to take direction from bodies like theirs.
Caroline George
You don’t know what love is until you find it,” he whispered, “but when you do, promise me you won’t let it go. Promise you’ll seek it out even when you’re scared it’ll hurt.
Caroline George
Oh, dear God!” Janice bellowed and looked as though her neck was made of rubber as her head wobbled back and forth. Lou set the book back on the credenza as Janice stormed out. “Ashton, I’m sorry you had to witness that. As you well know, Mom has never been a pleasant woman. Since coming to live here, she’s been a nightmare on two legs. I’ve had her head examined, and there’s no tumor or disease to explain her behavior. The neurologist and our family doctor have simply diagnosed her as a chronic jackass.
Robin Alexander
Premeditated anger is a bitch. Instead of saying, "Next time he does this, I will ... ", say, "Next time he does that, I will show him more patience and more love. That's premeditative love. She's much sexier!
Ace Antonio Hall
She dared to love againShe dared to give herself againShe lost the battle again with tears shedding down the rosy cheeksShe lost herself again~
Tanya Gambhir
Most human beings would have never been pained by the death of a human being if they had never seen a human being or pretending to be pained by that.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
How was practice?" Shawna asked when Jet walked into the kitchen. "You must've worked hard again, you smell like a wet puppy." "We did." Jet grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. " Your buddy said she was proud of us today." "That's good." Shawna smiled as checked on their dinner. " Are you starting to like her now?" I don't want to beat her with my flagpole anymore, but I wouldn't say I like her. Now your other friend is all up in the punch. Mrs. Scofield was at practice today passing out chocolate milk and telling us what to do with our glitter," Jet said and took a drink of her water. Shawna glanced at Jet. "What're you going to do with the glitter?" "Put it on my eyelids. Personally, I think we're gonna look like sparkly hookers, but makeup isn't my call...
Robin Alexander
The worst thing that can happen to you today is "nothing" because anything else, either good or bad, can help you learn to live life to the fullest.
Mohith Agadi
Brilliant boom of Spring is nothing if not for the timely death of Autumn~
Tanya Gambhir
The truth is crazier than lies because lies are required to stick to possibilities—the truth isn’t.
Caroline George
Most men would no longer enjoy conversing with most women if they stopped bringing their vaginas along.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A relationship is likely to last way longer, if each partner convinces or has convinced themselves that they do not deserve their partner, even if that is not true.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
More often than not, an inspirational or motivational speaker is someone who makes money from telling us that we can do all of the things that we can do … and pretty much all of the things that we cannot do.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Adults who use big words in order to seem intelligent are annoying, especially those who are not intelligent.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Post-structuralism is a reaction to structuralism and works against seeing language as a stable, closed system. It is a shift from seeing the poem or novel as a closed entity, equipped with definite meanings which it is the critic's task to decipher, to seeing literature as irreducibly plural, an endless play of signifiers which can never be finally nailed down to a single center, essence, or meaning.Jan Rybicki, 2003
E. smith sleigh
Most of us cling to life as if our existence were a result of our deed or choice.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A woman does not become whole until she has a baby.
Chris Mentillo
There is nothing betterthan us,making memories of us.
Timothy Joshua
A woman does not become whole, until she has a baby.
Chris Mentillo
At some point your candle will go out, so make use of the light.
Shaun Hick
أن تعيش يعني أحياناً أن تنتظر
Sándor Márai
He didn't liehe just gave her false hopes~
Tanya Gambhir
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