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CURTAIN CALLThe world is our stage and the final act can highlight or ruin a beautiful play
Kamil Ali
A library in the middle of a community is a cross between an emergency exit, a life raft and a festival. They are cathedrals of the mind; hospitals of the soul; theme parks of the imagination.
Caitlin Moran
SUMMIT PLUMMETCeleb's conquest of a mountain, then jumping off, too exhausted to descendKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
Think of something clever, witty or profound, keep it short and people may quote you.
Bobby Darnell
PATCHES' OF AUTHORITYPreteens Adhere, Teens Challenge, Hideout, Elderly ShunKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
Kamil Ali
CHALLENGE - Instead of losing motivation, empower yourself to prove detractors wrong
Kamil Ali
LEASELife Ends And Session ExpiresKamil Ali - Poem, The Balance' - Profound Vers-A-Tales
Kamil Ali
In this city, every deserted street corner conceals a crowd. It appears in a minute when something disrupts the way in which the world is supposed to work. It can disappear almost as instantaneously.
Jerry Pinto
SOLVE BY RESOLVE -Use lessons learned from failed attempts to reinforce commitment
Kamil Ali
A story so cherished it has to be dressed in casualness to disguise its significance in case the listener turned out to be unsympathetic.
Diane Setterfield
Then we are living in a place abandoned by God," I said, disheartened."Have you found any places where God would have felt at home?" William asked me, looking down from his great height.
Umberto Eco
What is it about the sea? Is it because it’s there?
Jerry Pinto
There are many ways in which life's little candle can be snuffed out. A cold wind pursues us all.
Yann Martel
Speaking less and doing more says more.
Kayambila Mpulamasaka
When we forget our essential similarities, we forget how to get along, and that cannot but lead to prejudice, discrimination, and eventually, conflict.
G. Norman Lippert
A broken vessel cannot hold anything within itself, therefore only something supernatural can hold itself within a broken vessel.
TemitOpe Ibrahim
CRITIC OR CITRIC?Anagram of ordinary passing judgement on talentedKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
Such a profound occurrence, when the priorities of those in our lives shine so brightly a path away from who we once thought they were. This light sears insights onto us and helps us along our way. I wonder at times if my old friend hope is my only. She is a relentless presence who will never cease to be--a lone wanderer meeting me time and time again along this road.
Christopher Hawke
At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it.
Albert Camus
In the Awakenings movie I found it very interesting that the most profound awakenings in the catatonic patients occurred in 1969, the year that the Aurora Borealis was seen from N.Y. to Louisiana. It seems the patients were getting environmental radiation stimulation in addition to their L-Dopa drug that year. L-Dopa plus radiation therapy may eventually be proven to be a very potent brain stimulant.
Steven Magee
DEMONS MUST BE RELIGIOUSDue to exorcism based on each religion's practices
Kamil Ali
SELF HELPUse the same amount of energy required to pull others down, to uplift yourself insteadKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
When a writer dies, he becomes his books.
Jorge Luis Borges
Do you know how a pearl comes to be?""Oysters make them, from a bit of sand.""Aiyah. From a bit of sand." He rolled the pearl between his fingers. "All pearls begin as something unpleasant that the oysters cannot expel from themselves, even though they may want to. So they embrace these things that will not leave them, shaping them and smoothing away the sharp edges, until over time, they make of these unwanted things great treasures.
C.L. Wilson
RETURN TO TENDEROur aging parents deserve the same loving care they gave us in infancyKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
If you do a good deed to reap the reward of blessings, wouldn't you be performing a selfish act?
Kamil Ali
I guess when you'd lived as long, and pondered as much, as Old Tom had...a game of hopscotch could be more profound than village politics or gossip.
Linda Medley
Dickens has not seen it all. The wretched of the earth do not decide to become extinct, they resolve, on the contrary, to multiply: life is their only weapon against life, life is all that they have. This is why the dispossessed and starving will never be convinced (though some may be coerced) by the population-control programs of the civilized. I have watched the dispossessed and starving laboring in the fields which others own, with their transistor radios at their ear, all day long: so they learn, for example, along with equally weighty matters, that the pope, one of the heads of the civilized world, forbids to the civilized that abortion which is being, literally, forced on them, the wretched. The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo; are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement; rain down bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their ‘vital interests’ are menaced, and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the ‘sanctity’ of human life, or the ‘conscience’ of the civilized world. There is a ‘sanctity’ involved with bringing a child into this world: it is better than bombing one out of it. Dreadful indeed it is to see a starving child, but the answer to that is not to prevent the child’s arrival but to restructure the world so that the child can live in it: so that the ‘vital interest’ of the world becomes nothing less than the life of the child. However—I could not have said any of this then, nor is so absurd a notion about to engulf the world now. But we were all starving children, after all, and none of our fathers, even at their most embittered and enraged, had ever suggested that we ‘die out.’ It was not we who were supposed to die out: this was, of all notions, the most forbidden, and we learned this from the cradle. Every trial, every beating, every drop of blood, every tear, were meant to be used by us for a day that was coming—for a day that was certainly coming, absolutely certainly, certainly coming: not for us, perhaps, but for our children. The children of the despised and rejected are menaced from the moment they stir in the womb, and are therefore sacred in a way that the children of the saved are not. And the children know it, which is how they manage to raise their children, and why they will not be persuaded—by their children’s murderers, after all—to cease having children.
James Baldwin
The lesson I have to teach is this: Leave all creative energies uninhibited. Merely organize society to act in harmony with this lesson. Let society's legal apparatus remove all obstacles the best it can. Permit these creative know-hows freely to flow. Have faith that free men and women will respond to the Invisible Hand. This faith will be confirmed. I, Pencil, seemingly simple though I am, offer the miracle of my creation as testimony that this is a practical faith, as practical as the sun, the rain, a cedar tree, the good earth.
Leonard Edward Read
And because God has entrusted you with such riches, you can use these resources to make a profound difference in countless lives.
Craig Groeschel
I've seen so many versions of you. With me. Without me. Artist. Teacher. Graphic designer. But it's all, in the end, just life. We see it macro, like one big story, but when you're in it, it's all just day-to-day, right? And isn't that what you have to make your peace with?
Blake Crouch
Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin, and you can’t remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.
Steve Jobs
For every God there is a Satan, and because God made all of us godly, there is a Satan in us all.
Felix O. Hartmann
I looked at what he built, and to me it explained the stars.
Stephen King
Be broken and pride will have no vessel.
TemitOpe Ibrahim
RACE CAREAnagram/Acronym: Respect, Accept & Coexist EthnicallyKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
ASSERT -Always Stand Strong, Evoking Respect Tacitly
Kamil Ali
may my faith always beat the end of the daylike a hummingbird...returningto its favorite flower.
Sanober Khan
the ocean mist engulfs me, like a lifetime’s friendship honored.
Sanober Khan
Florrie smiles with unmoderated joy, because she can't see that most people bank their happiness like it's something you might run out of
Lauren Beukes
My temperament and my instinct had told me alike that the author, who writes at his own emergency, remains and needs to remain at his private remove. I wished to be, not effaced, but invisible - actually a profound position. Perspective, the line of vision, the frame of vision - these set a distance.
Eudora Welty
The man who'll lay the last stone here isn't even born yet.
André Aciman
The height of cleverness is in one's ability to be very clever without seeming clever at all.
Criss Jami
it’s miraculous how the shallow can injure in such a profound way.
Anna Jae
GENESG raft of yourselfE endowmentN ew generationE volutionS urvival Kamil Ali
Kamil Ali
When distrust is so profound that it makes you wary of every word dripping from honeyed lips...It sharpens your instincts...Now for a woman, THAT is a powerful weapon...
Virginia Alison
Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity.
Friedrich Nietzsche
WHO WHAT WHERE WHY WHENPersonality redefines character through phases of wisdom at different ages
Kamil Ali
CORE ADOREOur true worth lies in our character, not in our accomplishments
Kamil Ali
The vanity of intelligence is that the intelligent man is often more committed to 'one-upping' his opponent than being truthful. When the idea of intelligence, rather than intelligence itself, becomes a staple, there is no wisdom in it.
Criss Jami
she's gotoceanstucked awayin her hairpoems swimunder her skin.
Sanober Khan
She knew she should say something profound, something beautiful in response. Instead, she spoke the truth. "If we make it out of here alive, I'm going to kiss you unconscious.
Leigh Bardugo
He had fallen in love with her emotions, and that was a very profound feeling indeed.
François Lelord
you are here.the moontides are here.and that’s all that matters.
Sanober Khan
COVERT CONVERTIf you don't believe in God, then believe in the hidden camera
Kamil Ali
Does wanting to die equal losing your mind?
Ellen Hopkins
The thing which disappoints me most about the human race is the extraordinary lack of substance and depth, and the avoidance of opportunities where there is a possibility of experiencing something profound.
Ray Mancini
Belief In Self""If you quit while pursuing your dreams, you will never know how close you've come to success. It might have been hidden behind that next door you decided not to open, since the last fifty doors revealed little or nothing.
Kamil Ali
You cannot hide from the world. It will find you. It always does. And now it has found me. My split second of immortality is over. All that's left now is the end, which is all any of us ever has.
Drew Magary
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