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Who ran to help me when I fell And would some pretty story tell Or kiss the place to make it well? My Mother.
Anne Taylor
For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
William Ross Wallace
Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair And the brow that's all furrowed and wrinkled with care. I kiss the dear fingers so toil-worn for me Oh God bless you and keep you Mother Machree.
Rida Johnson Young
Her children arise up and call her blessed.
Men are what their mothers made them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The mother of all living.
She's somebody's mother boys you know For all she's aged and poor and slow.
Mary Dow Brine
A mother is a mother still The holiest thing alive.
Hartley Coleridge
What is home without a mother?
Alice Hawthorne
There is none In all this cold and hollow world no fount Of deep strong deathless love save that within A mother's heart.
Felicia D. Hemans
If I were hanged on the highest hill Mother o' mine O mother o' mine! I know whose love would follow me still Mother o' mine O mother o' mine!
Rudyard Kipling
All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother.
Abraham Lincoln
I arose a mother in Israel.
The bravest battle that ever was fought Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of the world you will find it not It was fought by the mothers of men.
Joaquin Miller
Too late, too late, your love gave me life. Here am I the creature you made through your loving; by your passion you created the thing that I am. Who are you to deny me the right to love? But for you I need never have known existence.
Radclyffe Hall
A mother’s eyes are like God; impossible to get away from, they see everything.
Matshona Dhliwayo
My life has been like a battlefield, a war that could never be won unless I had her with me, and the day she died my battlefront stepped down and threw away their shields, allowing the gunshots to slip through the second her heart stopped beating. From that moment onwards I was left wounded, and for those seventeen years without her my wounds bled-wounds no stitch could ever repair.
Rebecah McManus
If you would really study my pleasure, mother, you must consider your own comfort and convenience a little more than you do.
Anne Brontë
It gave her a sudden sense that it was now her turn to grow old, to find the world changing, sliding away from the old ways of being and behaving, so that you were gradually a stranger to the place you lived in. The woman priest with jogging clothes and a BlackBerry gave Mary a glimpse of what life must have been like for her mother as she grew older.
John Lanchester
I get out of the car, and I'm blasted by the stench of body odor. Cricket is beside me, and he's talking, but his words don't reach my ears.Because it's my mother.Smelling.On my porch.
Stephanie Perkins
My mother is my life's breath.
Muhammad Faisal Yaqoob
We only have babies when we’re young enough not to know how grim life turns out.
Gregory Maguire
Who thinks to interview their own mother? As a self-fixated teen, I never imagined that she had an actual personal history. To my young eyes, she was Source of Cash Obsessed With De-Cluttering
Jancee Dunn
Don't you find it strange that your mother would leave you?' Becky said. 'I can't imagine my other leaving me.'I'd never thought of it like that before. 'I don't think she knew what else to do.
Belinda Jeffrey
She stood in the mirror portrait very near Margaret, close next to her, good as a mother or a friend.
Ida Hattemer-Higgins
I would consider all women as my mother but not all girls as my sisters.
M.F. Moonzajer
I couldn't be certain whether their eagerness to leave was fueled by their desire to see more fire or to get away from my mother. I wouldn't have blamed them at all if it was the latter - most people went to great lengths to avoid her on a regular basis, myself and my father included.
Heather James
Every problem has a solution. You may not see it in front of you, but, sooner or later, a solution will appear before your eyes.
Ubaldina M. Gibbs
Don’t even talk to me about being a mother. You were never a mother! Just the psychotic twat I lived with for the first fourteen years.
Brandon Shire
I want to go back to the tell-me-again times when I slept in her bed and we were everything together. When I was everything to her. Everything she needed.
Erica Lorraine Scheidt
Every woman is a gift when she becomes a daughter, Every woman is beautiful when she becomes a lover, Every woman is special when she becomes a wife, Every woman is a god when she becomes a Mother
Vivek Thangaswamy
Do you know, Mother, that Haj Salem was buried alive in his home? Does he tell you stories in heaven now? I wish I had had a chance to meet him. To see his toothless grin and touch his leathery skin. To beg him, as you did in your youth, for a story from our Palestine. He was over one hundred years old, Mother. To have lived so long, only to be crushed to death by a bulldozer. Is this what it means to be Palestinian?
Susan Abulhawa
Pudge/Colonel: "I am sorry that I have not talked to you before. I am not staying for graduation. I leave for Japan tomorrow morning. For a long time, I was mad at you. The way you cut me out of everything hurt me, and so I kept what I knew to myself. But then even after I wasn't mad anymore, I still didn't say anything, and I don't even really know why. Pudge had that kiss, I guess. And I had this secret. You've mostly figured this out, but the truth is that I saw her that night, I'd stayed up late with Lara and some people, and then I was falling asleep and I heard her crying outside my back window. It was like 3:15 that morning, maybe, amd I walked out there and saw her walking through the soccer field. I tried to talk to her, but she was in a hurry. She told me that her mother was dead eight years that day, and that she always put flowers on her mother's grave on the anniversary but she forgot that year. She was out there looking for flowers, but it was too early-too wintry. That's how I knew about January 10. I still have no idea whether it was suicide. She was so sad, and I didn't know what to say or do. I think she counted on me to be the one person who would always say and do the right things to help her, but I couldn"t. I just thought she was looking for flowers. I didn't know she was going to go. She was drunk just trashed drunk, and I really didn't think she would drive or anything. I thought she would just cry herself to sleep and then drive to visit her mom the next day or something. She walked away, and then I heard a car start. I don't know what I was thinking. So I let her go too. And I'm sorry. I know you loved her. It was hard not to." Takumi
John Green
I'll teach you," Tiger Lily offered with a shrug of her shoulders."Did your mother teach you?" he asked."I don't have a mother," she said. "Like you."For some reason, Peter was glad to hear it.
Jodi Lynn Anderson
It rewrites the contract, I'd read somewhere. Your self's no longer central. This thing comes out of you and drags half your soul along after it like a blanket.
Glen Duncan
I wonder if your mother was frightened by Peter Pan before you were born?
Charlotte Lamb
The Guardians of the Overhead hold the most power in Heaven. They have the power to not only heal, but project. They can influence other Healers around them to make sure that Healer makes better judgment choices in life. Following them is the royal family that rules Heavens dynasty—”t“The Caspian family,” I cut in happy that I knew the answer. To know that my family was the second most powerful family in Heaven’s dynasty suddenly made me feel powerful, even though my powers have not come in yet.t“Yes,” Mother agreed with friendlies to her voice. “Although we are better known as the Nobles of Heaven. We have the ability to heal others, as well as control ones emotions. As you have noticed, your father and I are most powerful in the day time. That is when our power shines brightest. As the Nobles of Heaven, your father has the ability to control how a Healer acts. If one misbehaves, it is a Nobles job to straighten them up for the good of Heaven. Just by a single command, your father can change that Healers action. For if one Healer acts out, it is a chain reaction. Without consequence, Lumen will be unbalanced.
Barbara C. Doyle
Mother knocked once on my door and walked in my room to see me on my bed with the book tight in my grasp. She looked at my night dress and smiled.t“Expecting company?” She asked.tI flushed. “It was a gift from Aunt Rose. It is only fair that I wear it considering I do not see her that often anymore.” My voice was firm as I looked down at my night dress.tThe fabric was silky, and the color was minty-green. It made my skin tone much more noticeable and it made my hair stand out from the rest of me.t“Are you sure you are not expecting Alexander?” She asked me sitting at the edge of my bed with a smile not only on her face, but in her eyes.t“Why do you insist I dress for him?” I returned.t“I did not insist that,” Mother answered softly. “I was simply curious as to why you were wearing it. Plus,” Mother flashed me a bright smile. “I saw Alexander walking around the corridor a few minutes ago.”tMy heart raced.tMother could see my reaction to that and looked back at my night dress. “It is a very pretty dress; I just wish you were to get it in a year or two from now. It seems so….”t“Grown up?” I offered.t“I suppose it does, yes,” Mother agreed quietly. She ran her hand on the lace that covered the bottom rim of the dress and said, “However the word I was going to say was…suggestive.
Barbara C. Doyle
So the peasants are used as targets in war?” I doubted. “Does the Overhead feel that is necessary to kill off one of their own? Peasants are being placed as diversions on the front line like they mean nothing—”t“Would you rather save the strong, or spare the weak?” Mother questioned me.t“Why can we not do both?” I returned.t“Because Heaven has its reasons, Anastasia,” Mother chimed quietly. “It is Heavens way to balance those who are strong and those who are weak. It cannot be changed.
Barbara C. Doyle
The Overhead bears the most powerful Healers in Heaven,” Mother began softly. “The Healers—or Guardian Angels, as we were once known as—are given the most power from the sun. Our powers to heal others come from the light and good of the earth—it is what enables us to wake in the morning.
Barbara C. Doyle
Helda's been trying to impress me with the embroidery on the sheets. One more minute and I thought I might use them to hang myself.""My mother did the embroidery," Bittterblue said.Katsa clapped her mouth shut and glared at Helda. "Thank you, Helda, for mentioning that detail.
Kristin Cashore
To Scarlett, there was something breath-taking about Ellen O'Hara, a miracle that lived in the house with her and awed her and charmed and soothed her.
Margaret Mitchell
Given the reality of unintended parenthood and parental unhappiness, one would think that women and men who make the decision not to have children - who are deliberate and thoughtful about the choice to bring another person into the world - would be seen as less selfish than those who unthinkingly have children. Yet the stigma remains.
Jessica Valenti
If you would have a boy to despise his mother, let her keep him at home, and spend her life in petting him up, and slaving to indulge his follies and caprices.
Anne Brontë
My mother had comforted me with tales ever since I was small. Sometimes they helped me peel a problem like an onion, or gave me ideas about what to do; other times, they calmed me so much that I would fall into a soothing sleep. My father used to say that her tales were better than the best medicine. Sighing, I burrowed into my mother's body like a child, knowing that the sound of her voice would be a balm on my heart.
Anita Amirrezvani
As a child, my mother told me not to talk to strangers. I did my best to obey. She hadn’t realized that everyone is a stranger to the part of us that makes us who we truly are. The part of us that prays for the rest in ways we cannot comprehend. In a sense, we are our own monsters, lying in wait under our own beds--our own angels and demons. The lives we lead will judge us. This is as natural as the sun rising and setting, something that happens whether or not we’re alive.
Christopher Hawke
Rosies mother was a highly strung bundle of barely thought-through prejudices, worries and feuds.
Neil Gaiman
Oh, that boy is in so much trouble.' Exie screeches out of the parking lot as if Jerran can hear her.
Jennifer Loren
Motherhood is precious.Value it responsibly or don't be
Sreeja Pai
I knew my mother's limitations because they formed the marrow of my bones.
Alice Sebold
I could no longer remember the way my mother's eyes looked before the slowing. Had they always been so red around the edges? Surely, those pockets of gray beneath her lower lashes were new. She still wasn't sleeping well, but perhaps what I was seeing was just age, a gradual shift that I'd failed to register. I sometimes felt the urge to study recent photographs of her in order to locate the exact point in time when she had come to look so weary.
Karen Thompson Walker
No, Karl, not now. Take it easy. It’s our happy day.”Poul-Erik’s MotherThe Informer by Steen Langstrup
Steen Langstrup
Two brothers. Two different worlds. Different mothers, of course. Did that explain it? Women usually explained everything.
Margaret Way
Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers and boys used to dress like their fathers. Now girls drink like their fathers and boys dress like their mothers.
Habeeb Akande
Sam and Caine were left standing side by side, bruised and battered, to stare over Penny's sickening corpse, at the face of their mother.
Michael Grant
Your mother holds you skin on skin and when you enter this world, feeds you with her own body; skin on skin. Your father runs his fingers over your tear stained cheek, presses his lips to your forehead; skin on skin. You make love, skin on skin with a man you love, a beautiful man. And then, if you’re lucky your own baby will enter this world and you’ll hold her skin on skin, feed her with your body skin on skin. It’s a magical thing.
Madeline Sheehan
And you, Mom. I loved you. You've asked if i felt and understood that you loved me. of course I did. And you know this. I loved your love because it kept me safe and happy and wanted, and it existed beyond words and hugs and eyes.
Lisa Genova
Mother was,' June thought, 'a beautiful little ornament that was damaged.' Her broken edges cut her daughters in ways both emotional and physical, and only sharpened with age.
Karen Abbott
When you create a soul, plant the seeds of love with your thoughts, words, and actions . The soul flourishes among the flow-ers of love.
Revathi Sankaran
To see her, amid all of it. To see that contentment and beauty were not unattainable things.
Khaled Hosseini
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