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Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Oh may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again.
George Eliot
Life is the childhood of our immortality.
The nearer I approach the end the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous yet simple.
Victor Hugo
Our hope of immortality does not come from any religion but nearly all religions come from that hope.
Charles J. Ingersoll
I wish to believe in immortality - I wish to live with you forever.
John Keats
No one could ever meet death for his country without the hope of immortality.
There is no death! the stars go down to rise upon some fairer shore.
John L. McCreery
For tho' from out our bourne of time and place The flood may bear me far I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crost the bar.
Lord Alfred Tennyson
Never did Christ utter a single word attesting to a personal resurrection and a life beyond the grave.
Leo Tolstoy
What is human is immortal!
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
A good man never dies.
I have been dying for twenty years now I am going to live.
James Drummond Burns
Immortality is the glorious discovery of Christianity.
William Ellery Channing
If I should die," said I to myself, "I have left no immortal work behind me - nothing to make my friends proud of my memory - but I have lov'd the principle of beauty in all things, and if I had had time I would have made myself remember'd.
Dan Simmons
Success is not money, cars, fame or material possessions but the lives you touched positively.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
If death is no longer a fear, we're really free. Free to take any risk under the sun for Christ and for love.
John Piper
Besides, if I am truly immortal, I am my own grandchild, my own descendant, my own dynasty. I am not obliged to live on through what I pass down to others.
Tom Robbins
Shall a mangrave his sorrows upon a stone when he hath but need to write them onthe water? Nay, oh /She/, I will live my day, and grow old with mygeneration, and die my appointed death, and be forgotten.
H. Rider Haggard
I once met a traveler who told me he would live to see the end of time. He laid out all his vitamins before me and told me he slept seven hours every night, no more or less. All the life you want, he said. It's all within the palm of your hand now. He said he would outlast all the wars and all the diseases, long enough to remember everything, and long enough to forget everything. He'd be the last man still standing when the sun decides to collapse upon itself and history ends. He said he had found the safest place on earth, where he could stay until the gateway to the beyond opened before him. A thousand generations from today. I pictured him there, atop a remote and snowy mountain. The heavens opening and God congratulating him for his perseverance. Asking him to join Him and watch as the sun burns down to a dull orange cinder and everything around it breaks is orbit and goes tumbling tumbling away, everything that once seemed permanent pulled apart so effortlessly, like a ball of yarn. A life into divinity.But I knew it was a lie. I've always known it was a lie. You can not hide from the world. It will find you. It always does. And now it has found me. My split second of immortality is over. All that's left now is the end, which is all any of us ever has.
Drew Magary
Music is a form that tends to give shape to rules, social mores, social attitudes, feelings—it does this in a very beautiful, fluid way. To me the issue of form and formlessness is most strong in the theme of mortality versus a human wish for immortality of a sort. Take, for example, the definition of beauty in fashion. Remember what Alison says at the beginning? She says when she was young she didn’t know what beautiful was. She looked at this woman who everyone was saying was beautiful and she didn’t even know what they were talking about. I experienced that when I was a child. If I loved someone I thought they were really beautiful. And then eventually, I began to get it, the social concept of beauty. Not that I think beautiful is completely imaginary, but beauty is so wide ranging and fluid. Yet there’s a need to say: “This is what it is, and it’s not changing; we’re taking a picture of it to hold it still.” It’s like an impulse to put up a building meant to last forever. An urge to grab and hold something in place when nothing human can be grabbed and held in place. We come into these physical bodies . . . whatever we are takes this shape that is so particular and distinct—eyes, nose, mouth—and then it gradually begins to disintegrate. Eventually it’s going to dissolve completely. It’s a huge problem for people; we can understand it, but it breaks our hearts. And so we’re constantly trying to pin something down or leave a trace that will last forever. “And this is the only immortality you and I may share, my Lolita . . .” What other immortality will anyone share?
Mary Gaitskill
But man by his nature is an unnatural animal. If any creature stands a chance of defeating death, it is man.
Tom Robbins
Innocence has no place alongside immortality.
Courtney M. Privett
People are afraid of immortality because they believe they won’t find something to do and will get bored! What to do if we become immortal? We can just walk! It is better than dying!
Mehmet Murat ildan
I have never believed that God “makes” bad things happen. Death happens to everyone, not as a punishment, but because we are not meant to stay on this earth forever. As a result we are vulnerable rather than invincible, as is the earth we live on. And if our soul is immortal, we move forward knowing we can all be together again one day.
John Pete
People often ask if one day mankind attains immortality, how he will be able to get rid of the eternal boredom problem? The answer is this: By embarking on eternal adventures!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Maybe it is like Pascal's Wager, but I want to believe in the immortality of the soul because consciousness is such a fantastic gift that is feels cruel and unfair to end it so quickly.
Thomm Quackenbush
True spiritual love is not a feeble imitation and anticipation of death, but a triumph over death, not a separation of the immortal form from the mortal, of the eternal from the temporal, but a transfiguration of the mortal into the immortal, the acceptance of the temporal into the eternal. False spirituality is a denial of the flesh; true spirituality is the regeneration of the flesh, its salvation, its resurrection from the dead.
Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov
Yes, she now believed that when her body died, her soul would go on. Gods she did not worship, and faith she had none, but love she had and forever. Love alone had awakened her sleeping soul and had made it deathless.She knew she was immortal.
Pearl S. Buck
I always thought the key to immortality would be, like, tiny robots fixing things in your brain,” she says. “Not books.
Robin Sloan
Part of the apparently conventional nature of our relationships is the threat of separation and death. This body dies. That body dies. We can rejuvenate, feel better, live longer, but, even so, in this world everybody dies. That is why we do spiritual practice, because we are conscious of the destiny of our separation. We are willing to fulfill the law of love, but on the other hand what we love dies. That is why this is one of the realms of suffering. This world is not a heaven. This is not a place of fulfillment. Thus, we must yield to the true Condition. We must not become dependent upon the conventional aspect of our relations. We must recognize our relations. We must identify with the Condition of the loved one.You must become established in the real Condition, or you will never be satisfied. You will be driven to all kinds of preoccupations and great schemes, trying to become victorious or immortal, for immortality's own sake, simply because you cannot deal with the fact of death. But death is an absolute message in this realm. It obligates us to recognize or identify one another in Truth, and we are not relieved of that obligation in this place.
Adi Da Samraj
The nature of immortality is a mystery,' he says, speaking so softly that we have to lean closer to hear.' But everything I know of writing and reading tells me that this is true. I have felt it in these shelves and in others.
Robin Sloan
Creating is the closest thing to being immortal.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
In order to create an idea... to become an idea, it is a necessity for you to believe that it is your own idea. The idea will grow to define your entire life. And when you die... you don't.
Lionel Suggs
The problem with living forever, of course, is you have to live forever before you know you're immortal...or invincible. Even the gods, in this way, must always remain uncertain. Time trumps immortality just as uncertainty trumps omniscience, for a knower can only ever know what it knows, never what it doesn't. (attrib: F.L. Vanderson)
Mort W. Lumsden
Immortality was overrated, as far as he was concerned. Hardy had enough problems as it was; living forever sounded like a death sentence for someone with his practical sensibilities.
David S.E. Zapanta
In the twilight of a silent coast, under the beautiful stars, immortality visits you!
Mehmet Murat ildan
His beauty shall in these black lines be seen, and they shall live, and he in them still green.
William Shakespeare
I think that, when I die, it might be some time until I know it.
Dallas Willard
What would be the use of immortality to a person who cannot use well half an hour?
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Often, on the brink of finding the recipe for immortality, I get distracted by the frightful presence of death.
Héctor Abad Faciolince
Your health is probably good if you have just been reinstantiated, and is likely to remain good for some time. Most diseases are curable, and in event of an incurable ailment or injury, a new body may be provided--for a fee. (In the event of your murder, you will be furnished with a new body at the expense of your killer.)
Charles Stross
Escape is very difficult to negotiate, underwater.
Darion D'Anjou
I could not do this, I realized, if I were immortal. This degree of love of life and of one another is granted, I saw for once and for ever, not to immortals, but to those who live briefly and always under the shadow of death and loss.
Dan Simmons
Allow this poem to carry you beyond yourself, transcending your mortal flesh as you wed yourself with the potentially infinite.
Peter Davis
I was at a dinner party many years ago,sitting along from Tom Stoppard, who in those days smoked not just between courses,but between mouthfuls. An American woman watched in disbelief."And you so intelligent!""Excuse me?" said tom"Knowing those things are going to kill you" she said "and still you do it.""How differently I might behave" Tom said, "if immortality were an option
Stephen Fry
I'd never understood why anyone would want to live forever. It had always seemed to me that death lent life a certain poignancy, a necessary tension.
Karen Marie Moning
...love was the closest thing to immortality that men would ever know and that the only--and best--answer to death is loving. Loving.
Dean Koontz
What is life without death, Beneficent? You of all people can answer that question. A never-ending orgy of emptiness that you stuff with meaningless activity. Everything is disposable, including your relationships--especially your your relationships.
Rick Yancey
Men could not have too much. Ecstasy and vulnerability belonged in the same dish. The fear the cup would be snatched away was what gave the wine its savor and as Zhirem’s cup was sure, so was his joylessness… to die is a fear, but to live is a fear, also.
Tanith Lee
I am telling you that the child will not out live the buildings. Do you understand that wheras women may touch the immortal by giving birth, men--great men-- must build monuments and seek fame?
Karen Essex
He stands on the stone table and selects a large fig, bites into the skin, then opens it with his fingers. He thinks of a woman's sex, ancient and eternal, no young girl would have such gritty sweetness. Was this not perhaps the fruit that got Adam and Eve thrown out of Eden? Who would want to give up an unblemished state of immortality for the insipid apple?
Achmat Dangor
Immortality, thou art a chimerical bridesmaid of life.
Aporva Kala
Sometimes we have to go wrong to go right - Acheron
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Why love has to intense? Women's love isn't. It is a male contribution to a relationship. What does a woman contribute? Children continuity- intentional immortality.
Aporva Kala
So long as they speak your name, you shall never die.
Dan Brown
. . . it is a glory and a privilege to love what Death doesn't touch.
Donna Tartt
A body can't live without a heart. And I can't live without you.
Jessica Khoury
The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. Since man is mortal, the only immortality possible for him is to leave something behind him that is immortal since it will always move.
William Faulkner
I think of the five generations it will take before [Mr. Perfect]'s born, and I want to scream. I want someone now. I want someone who will look into my eyes and understand everything behind them.
Jessica Khoury
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