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This world made by humans for themselves is most unfriendly towards humans. What irony.
Pooja Perumal
The more a species is rare the more we like and protect it... So what about humans?
Erik Tanghe
After the barter system money was introduced to the world and it had a limited value, but as the time passed it's value increased and now in 21st century money is given the value of GOD.
Neymat Khan
Everyone wants to rule the world . . . Really, absolutely everyone. That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always about in the end. And every species believes it's number one. Every individual is firmly convinced that he or she alone has the right to ascend to the throne and issue orders to get rid of others. And in reality everyone is fooling themselves, because up there on the throne it's lonely and cold.
Akif Pirinçci
Glory: I look around at this world you're so eager to be a part of and all I see is six billion lunatics looking for the fastest ride out. Who's not crazy? Look around, everyone's drinking, smoking, shooting up, shooting each other, or just plain screwing their brains out 'cause they don't want 'em anymore. I'm crazy? Honey, I'm the original one-eyed chicklet in the kingdom of the blind, 'cause at least I admit the world makes me nuts.
Douglas Petrie
Sadly enough, some people are insecure in such a way that they cannot bear the thought of the sovereignty of God, the thought of His Being as greater than themselves. It makes them feel insignificant. But I know if I were to worship and obey anything, I would like it far greater than myself or any person or human system, preferably to the point that which it, perhaps, in all its majesty, makes me feel lost and even 'creatural' in my sheer humanity. Only this God - He who is great beyond human measure, yet still considers His creation precious - I find to be more than worthy of praise; otherwise, I bow down and worship nothing. And if the thought of such a superior and almighty God were to indeed offend me, I would have to remember that it is because I am only as significant as the things which I am idolizing, things which are ultimately separating me, the creation, from my original Creator.
Criss Jami
Thinking before taking actions is useful only if you are going to take action, otherwise you are wasting time and insulting your mind.
Amit Kalantri
You can not have empty or neutral mind, as long as you work the mind will contain dreams, if you stop working it will contain regrets.
Amit Kalantri
My left foot is the wisdom from yesterday, my right foot is the vision of tomorrow and my mind is focused on the work of today and this is how I stand a winner.
Amit Kalantri
Don't behave like your heart and mind are strangers to you; they are yours, don't depend on others to understand them, you got to understand them.
Amit Kalantri
See the life through your heart, understand it by your mind and love it like your soul.
Amit Kalantri
Don't overestimate your emotions and underestimate your intelligence.
Amit Kalantri
People in love overvalue their heart and undervalue their mind.
Amit Kalantri
The function of a heart is to keep the body alive, I genuinely believe it is mind which takes care of everything else.
Amit Kalantri
Crowd is just a bunch of heads, it is their leader who is the mind.
Amit Kalantri
Be natural at heart and new in mind.
Amit Kalantri
I've often heard people say, “Your country is beautiful, a virtual paradise.” When will the people of Indonesia be as beautiful as their land, with a civilization and culture that contributes to the greater beauty of humankind and no longer smothers and strangles the mind?
Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Creative minds don't follow rules, they follow will.
Amit Kalantri
Creativity means bringing simplicity to the existing.
Amit Kalantri
Creativity is just an attraction to the second rate minds but simplification to the first rate minds.
Amit Kalantri
It is my conclusion that the human mind and body is essentially a single cell rechargeable battery that is charged from the atmospheric DC voltage and the Earth.
Steven Magee
Human mind and body metals appear to be lost through radio frequency exposure and I call this hypothesis: Internal Human Corrosion
Steven Magee
Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper's body with their starving minds.
Munia Khan
Human psychology is the most mysterious thing in the world.
Munia Khan
Humans have better wings than birds: Human mind is a perfect wing and with this wing we can fly to some farthermost places no bird can ever dream! Yes, mind is a wing; and when it comes to flying man is the most sophisticated bird on earth!
Mehmet Murat ildan
If you are a boat and your lake is frozen, what can you do? You will wait for the spring! We are lucky that we are humans, we don’t have to wait for the spring; we can break the ice if necessary, we can use fire to open our way! Nothing can stop the mind if the mind decides to move to his target!
Mehmet Murat ildan
The Canis Lupus, both wolf and man, were meant to be a family with one another. We gain strength through our bond with each other.
Quinn Loftis
The magic had started to degrade, and Rosemary had slowly but surely become thoroughly, gruesomely human. And there were few things worse in this world than humans.
Krystal Sutherland
Humans need fantasy to be human.
Terry Pratchett
I'd never asked what year it was here-1492? 1750?-though to the animals I guess it hardly mattered. This was a safe place apart from the world of people, and only in the world of people did the year make any difference.
Ransom Riggs
my dear,we are all made of water. it's okay to rage. sometimes it's okay to rest. to recede.
Sanober Khan
Hearts aren't handcuffs and people aren't prisons. When you feel it's time for you to leave, you leave. You neither need to wait to be released, nor ask for permission.
Beau Taplin
The summit of Mauna Kea should never have been developed as it is not safe for humans up there. I am now locked into an endless loop of doctors visits for what appears to be classic very high altitude heart, lung & brain damage because I was unfortunate enough to have worked there.
Steven Magee
The mundanes put their faith in their paper money, and when that turns to ash, the world will turn upside down.
Cassandra Clare
The gypsies believe the bear to be a brother to man because he has the same body beneath his hide, because he drinks beer, because he enjoys music and because he likes to dance.
Ernest Hemingway
Music is what tell us that the human race is greater than we realize.
Napoléon Bonaparte
No other creature on the face of this planet inflicts more suffering than humans.
Mischa Temaul
You are alone,So alone,You speak back to silence.People call it loneliness,You call it solitude,Different words,Meaning the same pain.
Jenim Dibie
I think you have more fun as a human being even though it is much more painful.
Ernest Hemingway
The marks humans leave are too often scars.
John Green
Peace of Man"Greet each man with words of loveAnd peace,And a dove will be placedOn an olive tree.Leave a man with feelingsOf betrayalOr envy,And a dove gets shotOff the olive tree.Greet each man with peace,And leave each man with love.Ask yourself -One more enemy,Or one more dove?Always choose love.It's time for everybody toSpeak love.Let's fill the trees with doves,And spread the leaves of love.So,Always addAnd never subtractAnother peace of manFrom the olive tree.
Suzy Kassem
Now may every living thing, young or old,weak or strong, living near or far, known orunknown, living or departed or yet unborn,may every living thing be full of bliss.
Work on making yourself a complete being. Though you were born with the physical traits of one sex, you possess the characteristics of both - including those of plants and animals. You were created as a nearly complete universal being, but with flaws. True perfection can only be achieved when one recognizes that they need to combine their oneness with others and nature. Only then is one considered complete.
Suzy Kassem
We are nature; we are nature as we munch gum and check the phone; we are nature as we queasily regret our imperfection, turning the glossy page, turning our glossy stomachs; we are nature as we hear them witter inanely on the radio, desecrating the silence with the violence of their idiocy and dumb verdicts, chattering and grooming, picking through the ticks in their hair, marveling at new minutia.
Russell Brand
Humans could never accept the world as it was and live in it. They were always breaking it and living amongst the shattered pieces.
Robin Hobb
We are like travelers using the cinders of a volcano to roast their eggs.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature allows one kind to kill another, it's part of the law ... you wonder if man might not be the most savage of all creatures. He's among the few that preys on nearly every other being, that constantly preys on his own species.
Leonard Budgell
This past year - if you'd have tried, you'd have seen even more clearly the futility of trying to change the world without the efforts of everybody else on Earth. You saw and smelled and drank the evidence of six billion disasters that can only be mended by six billion people. || A thousands years ago this wouldn't have been the case. If human beings had suddenly vanished a thousand years ago, the planet would have healed overnight with no damage. Maybe a few lumps where the pyramids sand. One hundred years ago - or even fifty years ago - the world would have healed itself just fine in the absence of people. But not now. We crossed the line. the only thing that can keep the planet turning smoothly now is human free will forged into effort. Nothing else. That's why the world has seemed so large in the past few years, and time so screwy. It's because Earth is now totally ours.
Douglas Coupland
The massive spread of corporate controlled humans across the face of the Earth would be regarded as a parasitic growth by nature.
Steven Magee
Corporate humans would be regarded as a cancerous growth on the Earth by nature.
Steven Magee
Bugs never bug my head. They are amazing. It is the activities of humans which actually bug me all the time.
Munia Khan
A heart pulsating in harmony with the circulation of sap and the flow of rivers? A body with the rhythms of the earth in its movements? No. Instead: a mind, shut off from the oxygen of alert senses, that has wasted itself on 'treasons, stratagems and spoils'--of importance only within four walls. A tame animal--in whom the strength of the species has outspent itself, to no purpose.
Dag Hammarskjöld
Scenery is fine -but human nature is finer
John Keats
The human race has come such a long way in such a short time and every day I wake I feel blessed that I am free of disease and horrendous working conditions. Long may it continue.
Terry Lander
Humans were still not only the cheapest robots around, but also, for many tasks, the only robots that could do the job. They were self-reproducing robots too. They showed up and worked generation after generation; give them 3000 calories a day and a few amenities, a little time off, and a strong jolt of fear, and you could work them at almost anything. Give them some ameliorative drugs and you had a working class, reified and coglike.
Kim Stanley Robinson
I'm really scared now, from choosing, from thinking and from taking risks and going out of the comfort zone. But what can it be done??Time goes and goes, it eats people and it gives new people life...
Deyth Banger
Man is an extremely complex creature: he usually acts in an unselfish manner for selfish reasons.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Humans are the villains, they are the killers. That's the truth.... for god sake!
Deyth Banger
He willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else.
J.R.R. Tolkien
The modern human lives in a cesspool of man-made electromagnetic radiation.
Steven Magee
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