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If you're a child of God, you do not just "go around once" on Earth. You don't get just one earthly life. You get another-one far better and without end. You'll inhabit the New Earth! You'll live with the God you cherish and the people you love as an undying person on an undying Earth.
Randy Alcorn
Our poor human heart is flawed: it is like a cake without the frosting: the first two acts of the theatre without the climax. Even its design is marred for a small piece is missing out of the side. That is why it remains so unsatisfied: it wants life and it gets death: it wants Truth and it has to settle for an education; it craves love and gets only intermittent euphoria’s with satieties. Samples, reflections and fractions are only tastes, not mouthfuls. A divine trick has been played on the human heart as if a violin teacher gave his pupil an instrument with one string missing. God kept a part of man's heart in Heaven, so that discontent would drive him back again to Him Who is Eternal Life, All-Knowing Truth and the Abiding Ecstasy of Love.
Fulton J. Sheen
His manual of heaven and hell lay open before me, and I could perceive my nothingness in this scheme.
William Golding
You are equipped to change atmospheres. The first one is your own. Rise up. Speak to your mountains and they will fall. Partner with Heaven and see it come to your rescue.
Jenelle Dancel
I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul.
Elizabeth of the Trinity
That infinite and indescribable good which is there above races as swiftly to love as a ray of light to a bright body.It gives of itself according to the ardor it finds, so that as charity spreads farther the eternal good increases upon it,and the more souls there are who love, up there, the more there are to love well, and the more love they reflect to each other, as in a mirror.
Dante Alighieri
The means to laying up treasure in heaven is by giving to the poor.
David Servant
Everything good or true that the angels inspire in us is God’s, so God is constantly talking to us. He talks very differently, though, to one person than to another.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Golden Rule Living is the great simplifier. It places us in another soul’s shoes, taking what can appear to be a com- plex decision that involves another and streamlining it to a one-step process of deciding, “If I wouldn’t like this done to me, then I shall not do it to another.
Molly Friedenfeld
Union with God is the only heaven there is, and it begins here on earth.
Macrina Wiederkehr
You are the apple of Love’s eye.
David Paul Kirkpatrick
If there is heaven then there must be hell too, don't think that The God is merciful, he didn't create hell for himself.
John Art
We are not perfect. We are here to learn. Earth is one big classroom and God is our heavenly guidance counselor and teacher.
Molly Friedenfeld
God and heaven lasted about four years longer than the Tooth Fairy
Stephen King
If this is Heaven, I am in big trouble.
J.C. Morrows
Do good and be a good person because that’s just what the Lord expects. There just ain’t nothing special about being and doing good. It’s what the Lord expects…
Andrew Galasetti
When a man falls in love, he sees the beloved in an idealized vision which to the rest of the world seems unjustified by the facts of the woman's character and appearance. The lover feels towards his beloved, thus idealized, a rapture of devotion, which seems to blend humility with exultation, self-giving with grateful receiving, in a joyful interchange of laughter and courtesy. What is the real significance of this vision and the mutual relationship which can emerge from it? [Charles] Williams tells us that the lover sees his beloved as all men would see one another, and all things, had not man fallen from his state of original innocence. He sees his beloved as all men ought to see their fellow-men 'in God'. The relationship between lover and beloved which emerges is (at its best) the relationship of joyful giving and receiving which ought to join all men together. Already such relationships exist among the perfected in Heaven. And the archetype of such perfected relationships is the coherence of the Three Persons of the Trinity.
Harry Blamires
For it is good to cleave to God, and to put our hopes in the Lord, so that, when we have exchanged this poor life for the kingdom of heaven, we may cry aloud: 'Whom have I in heaven but thee? There is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.' Assuredly, when we have found such wealth in heaven, we may well grieve to have sought after poor passing pleasures here on earth.
High heels are a short (theist) woman's (subconscious) way of telling God to go to hell … in public.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Earth is crammed with heaven, and every bush is aflame with the glory of God. But only those who see take of their shoes; the rest just pick the berries.
Elizabeth Browning
God, in his infinite wisdom, hid Hell in the middle of Paradise, to keep us on our toes.
Paulo Coelho
There are some things that you experience with God that you'll never be able to articulate this side of heaven.
Alisa Hope Wagner
The Law of God was never a ladder for unsaved people to climb up to heaven. It was always a pattern of life for God’s people who had been saved from judgment by the blood of the Lamb.
Colin S. Smith
Heaven is the only place where prayers are not made.Heaven is God’s throne. And Earth is his footstool.His Angels worships him day and night. There is always praise to him and never a prayer is uttered.
Ellen J. Barrier
SOON, he replied, which makes better sense under the rules of that country than ours. VERY SOON! he added, clasping my hands; then, unable to keep from laughing, he pushed off from the rock like a boy going for the first cold swim of spring; and the current got him. The stream was singing aloud, and I heard him singing with it until he dropped away over the edge.
Leif Enger
Limited in his nature, infinite in his desires, man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.
Alphonse de Lamartine
Heaven is closer and more real than anything we experience in this life. And ultimately, I think that's why I've seen these glimpses---I'm always on the lookout for them. I believe if you look closely, you can clearly experience them too.
Reggie Anderson
Why are we here? Why didn't God just make us and place us in Heaven? What is this place called Earth we're sent to reside in until we're called to live in Heaven for eternity? Training Camp Earth...it is the reason we're here. It is simply a training camp of lesson after lesson to build strength and our relationship with God before we go home. What lesson is God working on in your life today?
Kimberly Loving Ross
It's an unholy crusade against good people everywhere, all in my name. If I had a stomach, I'd be sick to it. You see now why so many good people just give up out there? You can only take so much evil pretending to be good. You can only handle so many broken souls acting as if good people are the evil ones, before you raise your hands and claim defeat. But I want you all to understand something. There is evil happening. There are spirits from Hell demonizing. There are even wars planned, and dark judgments justified by the self-righteous fanatics. But none of that means good can't also triumph. None of that means good cannot rise up against hatred, against judgment, against the armies of Hell itself, and bring about a tidal wave of joy and love. Evil does, but good always is.
Sean Patrick Brennan
Sometimes it seems safer to have just enough God to get to heaven, but not so much that he radically alters our lives.
Chris Hodges
The hermit Anthony once told me that a monk is like a fish: take him out of his element and he dies. Silence is his element. In silence you can trade this shoddy world for Heaven.
Gillian Bradshaw
All spiritual leaders who live in luxury cannot enter God's Paradise in Heaven. Repent or Perish.
Felix Wantang
And I didn't think you believed in god or a heaven.''Having been here thirty-four days,' I tell him, 'I've changed my mind, Sydney.''Why's that then?' he smiles.'Well, if there's a hell like this place, then there has to be heaven somewhere.
David Peace
I don't know what actually goes down in heaven, if heaven has a grand staircase or a theater where you get to see your impact in a "Crash" kind of cinematic adventure, but I do know our stories work that way--the imprints of ourselves we press into the palms of others have the power to be passed and passed through the hands of many. That the smallest things we do, never thinking twice about them, might be the very things that keep a person alive, and breathing, and standing on that day. I've stopped doubting that kind of impact because believing in it - believing in miracles in the mud of the mundane - gives you so much more purpose than not believing in it at all.
Hannah Brencher
He who on earth has lived in the conjugal state as he should live, will be placed among the Gods who dwell in heaven
In life, if you are refused membership to a club, you get a refund check for dues paid; what happens to your tithes if Jesus denies you entry to God's Paradise? Mal. 3:10.
Felix Wantang
Any process that fails the Common Sense Test, cannot pass a Biblical Test. Those who have more should share with those who have none or less; not the other way round. Prosperity Gospel is antichrist.
Felix Wantang
God knows what you need because all you need is Jesus who is God.Matthew 6:25-34.
Felix Wantang
Any teachings that fail to recognize Jesus Christ as the author of life, is absolutely antichrist.John 1:1-13.
Felix Wantang
When you become a Christian, you are not on earth to fight for Jesus; God needed only one battle to redeem the souls of humanity. It was the cross.
Felix Wantang
Application does not guarantee citizenship; it is granted by the government. In Heaven, citizenship is granted only by Jesus Christ the ultimate judge. Matthew 7:15-23
Felix Wantang
Christianity was derailed when Bible Schools became certification centers for true apostles of Christ. Where is the Holy Spirit? John 16:13
Felix Wantang
Atheists are not the enemy; the real enemy knows Jesus Christ. Satan and all false prophets know very well that Jesus came from heaven, but still reject him. Matthew 10:36
Felix Wantang
Once there was and once there was not a devout, God-fearing man who lived his entire life according to stoic principles. He died on his fortieth birthday and woke up floating in nothing. Now, mind you, floating in nothing was comforting, light-less, airless, like a mother’s womb. This man was grateful.But then he decided he would love to have sturdy ground beneath his feet, so he would feel more solid himself. Lo and behold, he was standing on earth. He knew it to be earth, for he knew the feel of it.Yet he wanted to see. I desire light, he thought, and light appeared. I want sunlight, not any light, and at night it shall be moonlight. His desires were granted. Let there be grass. I love the feel of grass beneath my feet. And so it was. I no longer wish to be naked. Only robes of the finest silk must touch my skin. And shelter, I need a grand palace whose entrance has double-sided stairs, and the floors must be marble and the carpets Persian. And food, the finest of food. His breakfast was English; his midmorning snack French. His lunch was Chinese. His afternoon tea was Indian. His supper was Italian, and his late-night snack was Lebanese. Libation? He had the best of wines, of course, and champagne. And company, the finest of company. He demanded poets and writers, thinkers and philosophers, hakawatis and musicians, fools and clowns.And then he desired sex.He asked for light-skinned women and dark-skinned, blondes and brunettes, Chinese, South Asian, African, Scandinavian. He asked for them singly and two at a time, and in the evenings he had orgies. He asked for younger girls, after which he asked for older women, just to try. The he tried men, muscular men, skinny men. Then boys. Then boys and girls together.Then he got bored. He tried sex with food. Boys with Chinese, girls with Indian. Redheads with ice cream. Then he tried sex with company. He fucked the poet. Everybody fucked the poet.But again he got bored. The days were endless. Coming up with new ideas became tiring and tiresome. Every desire he could ever think of was satisfied.He had had enough. He walked out of his house, looked up at the glorious sky, and said, “Dear God. I thank You for Your abundance, but I cannot stand it here anymore. I would rather be anywhere else. I would rather be in hell.”And the booming voice from above replied, “And where do you think you are?
Rabih Alameddine
The truth shall set you free only if you cherish the taste of freedom. John 8:31-32
Felix Wantang
Deeply immersed in a constant bubble bath of sin, you cannot communicate with Jesus Christ unless you are ready to get out of the bath. John 1:9
Felix Wantang
When we look at life through the eyes of Jesus Christ, it is absolutely impossible to see any obstacles. Matthew 11:28-30.
Felix Wantang
So across the chaos, the Devil looks at God and falls deeply in love with Her. She looks at Him, and the same thing happens. They get married and have some children—first light, then the dry land, and all the trees, and so on and so forth. Last of all, She gives birth to Adam and Eve. They worship their mother, but not their father. He gets jealous. God and the Devil fight. They agree to split up. She gets to keep heaven, and He has to move in to hell. Then she talks bad about Him to their children, makes them hate Him.
Erin O'Riordan
God is only interested in fulfilling your needs, not your wants; learn to successfully weed out your wants from your needs. Matthew 6:8
Felix Wantang
It all begins with faith. If we believed animal went to heaven, we wouldn't send them there prematurely
Bangambiki Habyarimana
There are three heavens. The first heaven is the earth and the world of mankind, and the third heaven is where God dwells. However, the second heaven is a place of time and space, where both demons and angels tread, plot, and fight against each other.
Alan Kinross
If you run out on Nellie, what will you say when you meet God?"George swore, laughed, shook his head. "I'll say 'Just send me on to hell. That's where all my friends are, anyway.
Stephanie Grace Whitson
God has blessed the vale of Kashmir with grace and grandeur. It is a land of lush green meadows, crystal clear springs and lakes, the majestic rivers and streams, the snow white and roaring cataracts, sweet waters, high snow-covered peaks make it a perfect archetype of the promised land of God.
Tarif Naaz
I am a daughter, a son of God's, part of God's royal family. In the perspective of eternity, many things of this world are petty, beneath me: Vulgarity, stinginess, greed, grudges.
Ken Untener
We need help from above if we are to make progress in our journeys.
Anasazi Foundation
I am persuaded our discontents, and murmurings with out unpleasing condition, and our covetous desires after more, are not so provoking to God, nor so destructive to the sinner, as our too sweet enjoying, and rest of spirit in a pleasing state. . . . Our rest is our heaven, and where we take our rest, there we make our heaven(457).
Richard Baxter
The Extension Of God’s Glory Throughout The Earth Is To Fill The Atmosphere Of Heaven
Sunday Adelaja
The Glory Of God On Earth Demonstrate The Uniqueness Of Heaven
Sunday Adelaja
GOD is The Author of Life.He is The Author and Finisher of Our Faith. GOD is not the author of confusion. Satan the devil is the author of confusion. the Pope does not speak for GOD. The Pope does not speak for Bible Believing Christians. The Babylonian System of Religion is a system that is based on the web of lies from the pits of hell. The Pope is part of that system.
Errol Anthony Smythe
God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Sunday Adelaja
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