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When perplexed, God appears to you in the form of wisdom; when troubled, in the form of peace; when sad, in the form of joy; when heartbroken, in the form of love.
Matshona Dhliwayo
In my youth I had three teachers: friends, enemies, and books. In my adulthood I had three professors: God, nature, and life.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Life is temporal.Time is fleeting.God is permanent.Eternity is enduring.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you look to money for happiness, you will be disappointed; to power, you will be disillusioned; to honor, you will be dissatisfied; to others, you will be disenchanted; but if you look to God, you will be fulfilled.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Behind you, leave your enemies. Beside you, keep your family. Around you, maintain your friends. Within you, treasure God.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Water returns to the ocean. Light returns to the sun. Life returns to God.
Matshona Dhliwayo
There is an absolute power that truly empowers without corrupting
Constance Friday
The nation state has taken the place of God. Responsibilities for education, healing and public welfare which had formerly rested with the Church devolved more and more upon the nation state ... National governments are widely assumed to be responsible for and capable of providing those things which former generations thought only God could provide - freedom from fear, hunger, disease and want - in a word: "happiness".
Lesslie Newbigin
I have always said which politics is ugly, still i would like to tell let's have no faith in politics and don't trust politician. see what is going on in our world most important in our own country, can you really see? people are getting killed or losing their life for the false and wrong purposes of those ugly politician. i can expect more worse the situation then it is right now, and I am pretty sure I won't be disappointed. i wish our fellow humans specially our nation understand that we will never be able to build our country by making war everywhere, as i always said that with war we can not bulid our country, make our nation life better and bring a positive change in our society or our world. with war we only destroy our country, killing our fellow human beings and even destroying humanity inside of ourselves. Let's understand that we have a group of wrong and ugly people which we call them ( politician ). they are trying to do whatever they can and it take even the let lots of people to die for their own purpose to get what they want. they will never be able to bring peace by what they are busy doing so please come join me and let's say (No) to war and not only with words but we need to show it practically in our life , Let's not to pick up guns and refuse to go War. We need to have faith in God and follow the right path that he showed us. Let's spread love among human beings. Remember that if you keep having faith in politics and politician, i promise that you will see more difficult time and more worse then how it is now. Let's stop making excuses, having faith in God, asking him for help and following the right path that he showed us.
Arash Tabish
Having the understanding of God, God’s ambassadors are able to bring a country out of crisis, change politics, business and economy
Sunday Adelaja
Making a wrong choice in the leadership would be the end of mankind when run by the immature contestants, but from the divine’s glory it is to verify if the mankind is really serious of keeping the planet earth by apprising and enhancing the consciousness.
Vishal Chipkar
Any man who neglects his conscience is a dangerous animal.
Suzy Kassem
Mankind will never know peace until the last politician is strangled to death with the entrails of the last priest.
J.Adam Snyder
Conservative Christians take every word of the Bible literally except for the part about Loving Thy Neighbor.
J.Adam Snyder
Man is the only god of confusion. In a political sense the liberal man is like one shouting over the voice of God thus making it difficult to hear God; the conservative man is like one standing in the way of God, making it difficult to see God.
Criss Jami
The Sufi saying has it: "God, to the bee, is something which has TWO stings!
Idries Shah
Did god make man too perfect,So that a piece has to be removedthrough circumcision?
A.J. Beirens
On the sixth day god created man,on the seventh day man created god.Now we are even.
A.J. Beirens
Good isn't obsessed to win ButBad is destined to lose
Hemdiva Dev
Making God a man is the consolation prize that our forefathers gave themselves for not being the ones who were each blessed with a vagina.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If there were something that Mother Nature or God could do with money, She or He would have sold immortality to the rich a long time ago.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Death would be an extremely bad thing like most of us paint it, if being dead were painful.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Whenever He answers prayers, God usually prioritizes those by people who, instead of their mouths, have prayed with their hands and/or feet.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Neoclassical theology corrects misconceptions about God that are neither experientially true nor biblically grounded. If God were "omnipotent" in the sense of absolute determinism, then creation, and especially humans, would have no freedom. Freedom and absolute determinism negate one another. From the perspective of process metaphysics, if God were fully deterministic, then one could not speak of freedom of the will, the ability to choose to participate in God's creativity or not. God is in control, but God is not a control freak! God is not a "tyrant," puppeter, or robotic engineer!
Karen Baker-Fletcher
Is it possible that my walls are specifically erected and intentionally reinforced out of the fear that God calls me to an existence without walls? And if this is so, do I realize that I am the warden of prison that I created in which I myself am the prisoner?
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes what is said to be a gift may appear more of a curse only because the greatest gifts of all are the gifts that have enough disruptive force to break us out of everything that’s breaking us. And God loves us far too much not to give us exactly those kinds of gifts.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Humility is by far the most spiritual virtue of the lot. The only way by which one may cease obsessing over himself is to wholly step outside his flesh. But who could do this by himself? And who would really want to under his natural pretense? And even if somehow he could and he succeeded, would not it be artificial? Would not he seem far too aware of his own talents of achieving humility for it to be such? Alternatively, he would need a distraction, something else to love; it is not that the Humbleman thinks poorly of himself, nor highly for that matter, but rather he does not think of himself at all - and this is because he is too busy loving something or someone else to do it. For the humility of this kind 'rears its head' as the most love-driven and free, spiritual of virtues; whereas its opposite, pride, the most self-imprisoning human vice.
Criss Jami
Mis-define the law of brotherly love by giving men a claim on their neighbors and you have destroyed freedom, justified despotism, and assumed that there can be a master mind, in an ordinary human being, as the mind of God.
Frederick Nymeyer
Of course, if one does not fully trust the promise of God's Kingdom, he will have a hard time taking risks and making sacrifices in this life. A gospel centered around the temporal self - fleeting happiness, earthly success, vain prosperity, things such as these - is the primary ambition of the half-hearted Christian; the one who somewhat believes he is subject to an eternal death; the one who just might believe in men before God, who morbidly fears seeming less than anyone else. The man of this school feels deeply that he has but one life to live, that this must be his only chance, and therefore must have it all in his favor - from glory to comfort to riches - and have it right this instant. He is but hinting that he is overcome because he insists always that he must overcome, that his judgment comes now and by the persons around him. The point is, however, in this sense, that by grace the Christian is indeed free, but only for as long as he wants to be free - the practicality of true freedom: that of God which offers not so much freedom to be like the world as it does freedom from the pressures of having to be like the world. For Divine Law is based solely on love and freedom; whereas secular law, pressure and imitation.
Criss Jami
On the whole the modern world has been conditioned to have a chip on its shoulder against devoutly religious people. I disagree with this in some instances - particularly in, believe it or not, matters of integrity. Deep down I often rather believe the man who honestly thinks - or better yet even, prefers - that he has an omnipotent Judge breathing down his neck, holding his every word and his every move accountable, than the man who much like his modern peers, and ironically enough, claims or wishes to bask in complete independence. As it appears actually, the former is more free of guilt than the latter.
Criss Jami
I'm convinced that the greatest lover of freedom & liberty is God almighty himself. He gave us free will, the greatest liberty of all.
Justin Steckbauer
To embrace the message of Christmas is to throw off my hedonistic rebellion and bow before the chafing reality that I can't save myself, and in that very act to be suddenly taken aback in that I've stumbled upon the very freedom I've longed for in the very place I'd least expected it.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Tom Paine generally took a critical stance when dealing with religion and the church, but in 1775, in an essay entitled, "Thoughts on Defensive War" he wrote as follows: "In the barbarous ages of the world, men in genernal had no liberty. the strong governed the weak a will; till the coming of Christ there was no sucht thing as political freedom in any part of the world... The Romans held the world in slavery and were themselves slaves of their emperors... Wherefore political as well as spiritual freedom is the gift of God through Christ
Edmund A. Opitz
Sometimes the very things that we’re expending our lives to sustain are the very things that are killing our ability to live. And against our blind and frequently raging protests, these are the very things that God let’s die so that we can live.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
One of the greatest lies is to believe that we don’t have value. One of the greatest mistakes is to act on that belief. And the greatest liberation is found in looking at the cross of Christ and realizing the enormity of the lie.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
They have a special confidence in Christ, plus thoughtfulness plus faithfulness plus humility: for there are no things, in all creation, more beautiful, more rare than the so very disciplined and free, joyful and principled daughters of God.
Criss Jami
If your sad about your work then remember there are people who clean actual shit for a living
Onkar K Khullar (Digital Gandhi)
Do we create an impact to make money or de we make money to create an IMPACT ?
Onkar K Khullar (Digital Gandhi)
To be respected is not my concern. So long as I seek to live in obedience to my Lord, respect will come accordingly from the people He deems it necessary.
Criss Jami
The God of this world has chosen to provide light to all mankind through His Son, who was crucified and died so that we could be cleansed and made free
Todd Coburn
Freedom is that you harness from being a slave to the one you love.
Lukhman Pambra
If we live within the boundaries God has prescribed for us, we realize that our boundaries grow and there’s plenty of freedom…
Latika Teotia
Freedom of the mind is the most important liberty we have. Our belief in God’s grace gives us that freedom.
Ron Baratono
Dear God, please take the stains off my heart. If there’s even an ounce of pain I feel that someone caused me in the past, I ask that you wash it away. Give me strength, show me forgiveness is the healthiest option for me, and set me free. I pray you give me peace today and every day, allowing me to totally leave my past behind. In Jesus’s name, I pray, amen.
Ron Baratono
We tend to think that refusing to exalt Christ is staying true to our self-will and personal freedom when really we are condemning ourselves. Sure, we can pretend to stay true to ourselves, but if you want to talk about reality, all of that is completely trivial if this life is an island and He's the only pilot with a plane and a flight plan.
Criss Jami
God knew man would evolve. People think some of the Old Testament laws are absurd now because we live in a very different culture, a different time period. They had their problems and we have ours. God is constant but man is not, and he foreknew the ever-changing world his people would have to deal with; therefore, and if there is indeed an omniscient God, a Christ-like figure would be our only rational, possible connection to a constant, holy God throughout the evolution of culture and social law. The only answer that makes sense when it comes to relevance regarding religions and time periods is Christ, and the chances are slim that men could have invented it.
Criss Jami
I can be absolutely assured that any endeavor of which God is not a part is most certainly a step backward. And any step backward is at least two steps behind where I’d be if I’d have gone forward in the first place.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
A New Year brings new grace for new accomplishments.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The glorious riches of God are inexhaustible.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Behind every dreamer stands an army full of true believers.
Chris Burkmenn
Take a step of faith. And leave fate to the faithful God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
One thing I've learnt through writing is this: with everything in life, you have to look down deep into your heart! That fact is true with all things! If you have Jesus inside, He will give you all you need to say, and all the actions you need to do! It's not mere imagination the things I write; they are composed from the words lit up inside of me, from my Creator, who made all things bright!
Mary Kate
Sometimes when we get so caught up in our dreams we get tunnel vision. It becomes about "me, me, me," and we fail to see those around us who need our help. When this happens we can expect to experience obstacles or as I like to call them, "gentle reminders" that we are not the center of the universe. When we are not using our talents and strengths to bless others, how can we expect the Lord to bless us?
Lindsey Rietzsch
Men can dig wells, but they can’t create water.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
What is an adventure, I might ask? And in the asking, I might begin to understand that my adventures are sorely limited to the confines of my lackluster imagination. Therefore, an adventure of the most robust and wild sort must be constructed by an unlimited imagination. And unless I am mistaken, only God has an imagination like that.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sow the seeds of hard work and you will reap the fruits of success. Find something to do, do it with all your concentration. You will excel.Show the world you are not here to just pass through. Leave great footprints wherever you pass and be remembered for the change you initiated.Flow wherever you go. You can’t be limited. Dare to rise above all limitations and become better than you were. Strive to arrive at the top.Glow wherever you go and let the light of God reflect in the world around you. You carry the light of God and wherever you pass, darkness must flee.Grow your talents and skills through a consistent practice and progressive learning. Learn to relearn and unlearn. Raise the bar for yourself always.Blow out all negative attitudes and live true to your dreams. Talks less and act more. Be confident and see yourself wining even before the victory comes.Know God and let Him be known. You were saved by grace for greater works apportioned for you even before you were born. Share the good news.I am proud of you because greater things that eyes have not seen yet, the Lord will do through you.
Israelmore Ayivor
In many instances, the failures of my greatest schemes ultimately lead to the fulfillment of my greatest successes. Therefore, God will allow our most cherished dreams to perish so that we might turn and seek out His most cherished plans.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
To even begin to embrace the magnitude of God’s vision, we must first embrace our vision as being nothing more than vision by definition.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
All the world talks, knowledge or information, takes you nowhere unless it’s applied into life. It’s only the experience, which allows you to see, beyond the present state.
Roshan Sharma
In our dreams, we find the dreams of others, and in other’s dreams we find ourselves. No will is separated from others and no dream is in itself isolated from the will of God.
Robin Sacredfire
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