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I've been offered proof of God's existence at regular intervals in my life through experiences so profound they've given goose bumps to atheists.
Jennifer Skiff
...I learned that God was an equal opportunity employer—that it was possible to experience the divine anywhere you were, anywhere you could see the sun and moon rise or set, or burn through the fog.
Anne Lamott
No despotism, no privileged monopolies, no police societies, no divine rights of the emirs or feudal landlords or shady priests and sheikhs. All had the same equal footing—the rich and the poor, the noble and the common.
Rami Ollaik
With little going for me other than unstoppable eagerness, a sense of total commitment, and a stubborn refusal to give up on what felt like a divinely ordained scheme, I cast myself upon the waters of the world’s oceans.
Roz Savage
When you see a heron eating an innocent rabbit, what comes to your mind? Do you say ‘What a great order God has created?’ or you say ‘What a devilish horror is going on here!’ Question your beliefs! If the strong eats the weak, there is absolutely nothing divine in here, but there is only injustice and nightmare!
Mehmet Murat ildan
I believe all women know in their heart of hearts that they truly are divine and magical, even if they've temporarily forgotten.
Kelly Cutrone
Many are called, few are chosen.
Paul Hoffman
Faith is divine. Apostles (in many cases) are the devil
Guy Harduf
You may ask for anything, but God will only give you what fits in His divine plan. John 14:14
Felix Wantang
I wanted to bathe in plum juice, rediscover my body and adorn it in kiwi circles.
Aimee Bender
Whenever you want to know what’s wrong or missing in your inner relationship with the Divine, stop, breathe deeply, and observe how is your relationship with the opposite sex.
Nityananda Das
Divine love is limitless and the source of miracles.
Leta B.
People who believe their god loves them unconditionally are less able to be controlled through divine terrorism.
Thomm Quackenbush
Very little in any organized faith is truly original. Religions are not born from scratch. They grow from one another. Modern religion is a collage ... an assimilated historical record of man's quest to understand the divine.
Dan Brown
Many are the noble words in which poets speak concerning the actions of men; but like yourself when speaking about Homer, they do not speak of them by any rules of art: they are simply inspired to utter that to which the Muse impels them, and that only; and when inspired, one of them will make dithyrambs, another hymns of praise, another choral strains, another epic or iambic verses- and he who is good at one is not good any other kind of verse: for not by art does the poet sing, but by power divine.
There is something divine in mindless beauty.
Albert Camus
Life is a ritual of loveLife is a ritual of union, and Life is a dance of the divine
Vishwas Chavan
Mention but the word "divinity," and our sense of the divine is clouded.
Samuel Butler
My hearts desired divine twins, My guardian angels,Jeremias-Jean Joachim AkitaLia-Lachelle Lisette Akita
Lailah Gifty Akita
The miracle of birth is divine.
Lailah Gifty Akita
In every human act of charity, something larger, greater, divine has come down to visit the act.
Geoffrey Wood
Ruby describes the decorations at the banquet. 'It was like little gardens of rhapsody on every table. It was divine.
Lynne Branard
We can be amazed at man not only because he is a person, not only because he's made in the image of God, but also because, by the Incarnation, human nature itself has been raised to a divine dignity.
Michael Gaitley
In the divine Scriptures, there are shallows and there are deeps; shallows where the lamb may wade, and deeps where the elephant may swim.
John Owen
It is because I know all that science can bring to the world that I shall continue my efforts to ensure that it contributes to the happiness of all men, whether they be white, black, or yellow, and not to their annihilation in the name of some divine mission or other.
Frédéric Joliot-Curie
In order to get over the ethical difficulties presented by the naive naturalism of many parts of those Scriptures, in the divine authority of which he firmly believed, Philo borrowed from the Stoics (who had been in like straits in respect of Greek mythology), that great Excalibur which they had forged with infinite pains and skill—the method of allegorical interpretation. This mighty 'two-handed engine at the door' of the theologian is warranted to make a speedy end of any and every moral or intellectual difficulty, by showing that, taken allegorically or, as it is otherwise said, 'poetically' or, 'in a spiritual sense,' the plainest words mean whatever a pious interpreter desires they should mean.
Thomas Henry Huxley
Break my mirror-heart into a thousand pieces my beloved, so that to the world i may proudly flaunt your thousand reflections
Sushrut A. Badhe
Nothing about me is "deep", but my divine creator is so.
T.F. Hodge
She treats herself as if she is a divine worm born of sand and stone.
Chuck Wendig
Let me breathe You in,Let me taste the meaning of sublime;Let my soul mingle with You,Let me be one with divine!
Neelam Saxena Chandra
The feet and their tappingWrite many a lovely coupletThe body dances to your rhythm O lordAfter all, you are the master and I a puppet
Neelam Saxena Chandra
women are Gods, women are the life-breath
Loriliai Biernacki
To create is to be divine.
Jeffrey Fry
Her name, said the Oracle, will this time be Ama, a female that sleeps in every one of us, Yin of Creation, a wisdom guide that with her purity extinguishes thirst for spiritual longings. She is the one that stands on a crescent moon with stars in her hair, pouring water from jars of her soul into lakes of emotions, awakening compassion for humankind and its Chaos, nourishing Earth and Her constant renewal.
Nataša Nuit Pantović
To be motivated by divine love is to see your promise land as a platform to share the love of God with others
Sunday Adelaja
God’s Jewish nation did not understand his divine priority for the kingdom
Sunday Adelaja
Everywhere, even in the blackest abyss, he believed one might witness the divine. The shadows and contrast―absence itself―as important as the light and marble, for one cannot exist without the other.
Eowyn Ivey
In all human cultures, the social world has two clear dimensions: a horizontal dimension of closeness or liking, and a vertical one of hierarchy or status. . . . Now imagine yourself happily moving around your two-dimensional social world, a flat land where the X axis is closeness and the Y axis is hierarchy. Then one day, you see a person do something extraordinary, or you have an overwhelming experience of natural beauty , and you feel lifted “up.” But it is not the “up” of hierarchy, it’s some other kind of elevation. This chapter is about that vertical movement. My claim is that the human mind perceives a third dimension, a specifically moral dimension that I will call “divinity.
Jonathan Haidt
Become a vessel for the divine.
Amy Ippoliti
Consider the Divine Life as the most important thing to obtain.
The Mother
The Word of God is not divine, it is an attribute of The Divine.
Ibrahim Ibrahim
We are all Divine instruments of God. All we have to do is ask Him which music to play...
Maximus Freeman
Beneath the instinct to fight there lurks a diviner instinct to love.
Inazo Nitobe
But if they called everything divine which they do not understand, why, there would be no end of divine beings.
Carl Sagan
Pure intellect – that is mental – individualism. But the real knowledge – To know that I am all these. In such a manner every human being is so. What is this divine intellect? It is happening spontaneously in Nature and we are merely the seers. We cannot conceive this phenomenon.
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Leaving the world without keeping an heirloom is a degradation of the divine purpose.
Michael Bassey Johnson
To stop working, striving and pushing, just because you have enough, therefore is a disservice to the Divine.
Sunday Adelaja
I am an expression of the divine, just like a peach is, just like a fish is.
Alice Walker
...And I wish that while walking in your life's lane, you come across and walk with dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let all the positive spirit & energies of this universe come together this way, your way, making every journey of your life most beautiful, fulfilling and prideful. Let the world feel blessed and continue to get better by touch of your elegance.
There are a lot of bad things out there. Things the Hounds of Heaven werecreated to destroy." He trailed his finger down the side of my face. "I can't be the hero you wantme to be--at least not in that way. But you can, Grace. You don't have to become one of the darkones. You can fight it. You can turn this curse into a blessing. You can become the hero. Youcan become truly divine.
Bree Despain
Not so on Man; him through their malice fall'n,Father of Mercy and Grace, thou didst not doomSo strictly, but much more to pity incline:No sooner did thy dear and only SonPerceive thee purpos'd not to doom frail ManSo strictly, but much more to pity inclin'd,He to appease thy wrath, and end the strifeOf mercy and Justice in thy face discern'd,Regardless of the Bliss wherein hee satSecond to thee, offer'd himself to dieFor man's offence. O unexampl'd love,Love nowhere to be found less than Divine!Hail Son of God, Saviour of Men, thy NameShall be the copious matter of my SongHenceforth, and never shall my Harp thy praiseForget, nor from thy Father's praise disjoin.
John Milton
Divine does not tempt us to see what's in our hearts, it tempts us so we could see what's in our hearts.
Aleksandra Ninkovic
When Heaven has an earthquake you fall to your knees and feel through the rubble to find the pieces of God. When my eternal, temple-blessed marriage shattered and everything that had been meaningful lay in jumbled shards around me, I had to slowly and carefully pick up every single piece and examine it, turning it over and over, to see if it was worthy to keep and to use in building a new house of meaning. As I gathered the broken pieces of God, I used only my own authority, only my own relationship with the divine, and the good, small voice that speaks inside me, to appraise them. I threw away many, and I kept many, assembling the bright pieces into One Great Thought. I asked only, "Do I see God's fingerprints on this? Does this little piece feel godly? Does it speak of love?" That made it easy. I was forever finished with the insane attempt to love a God who hurts me. When I picked up the little pieces of God-ordained polygamy, I smiled because there was no question. I thanked the God of Love, and threw that piece away.
Carol Lynn Pearson
Sometimes I Wonder Where Those Spirits Go After Departing From The Bodies, Then I Realize, They Are All Around Us, In The Nature, Full of Spirits In Different Forms....
Muhammad Imran Hasan
I mean every word of my divine chaos.
Thomm Quackenbush
White Space is where the world and all distraction falls away. Where the voice of the Divine can be heard. Where the Truth of who you are is found. Where miracles happen.
Valerie Rickel
Hello, Mary.'It was like hearing a note of divine calm after a dissonant passage of music. My confusion died away.
Jennifer Paynter
After a moment, he added more seriously: 'I don't get as angry as m'father used to about things. Or maybe I', just better at hiding m'feelings.''I fear I'm not very good at hiding my feelings.'He covered my hand with his own. 'That's what I like about you. I liked it from the first. You're so different from the others.
Jennifer Paynter
When you've attained to your hidden within your apparent vice versa, know that you have reached Eternal Time, and Divine Presence. The Communion is in the Breath.
By Trial And Error Divine Principles That Govern Our Behavior Has Been Discovered
Sunday Adelaja
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