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We men are very simple people: if we like what we see, we’re coming over there. If we don’t want anything from you, we’re not coming over there. Period. Please highlight this part right here so you can always remind yourself the next time a man steps to you: a man always wants something. Always. And when it comes to women, that plan is always to find out two things: (1) if you’re willing to sleep with him, and (2) if you are, how much it will cost to get you to sleep with him.
Steve Harvey
A man fishes for two reasons: he’s either sport fishing or fishing to eat, which means he’s either going to try to catch the biggest fish he can, take a picture of it, admire it with his buddies and toss it back to sea, or he’s going to take that fish on home, scale it, fillet it, toss it in some cornmeal, fry it up, and put it on his plate. This, I think, is a great analogy for how men seek out women.
Steve Harvey
One who fishes in shallow waters limits the kind of fish he can catch.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The poorest man you can marry is not the one who lacks money, but the one who lacks character.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Poverty does not always prevent a rich person from dating someone who is poor, unless the man is the one who is poor.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Immediately after a divorce or a breakup, your mind whispers that there are plenty more fish in the sea, while your heart shouts that there is only one whoever-you-just-divorced-or-broke-up-with.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Many a woman is in a relationship with or married to her man not because she loves him but only because she likes men like him.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Many a woman would not be in a relationship with or married to her man, if he earned half of what he earns; and many a man would not be in a relationship with or married to his woman, if he earned twice as much as he earns.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Your relationship or marriage is dead or dying, if you almost always have to remind your partner to miss you (and/or they almost always have to remind you to miss them).
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some people love but will never marry each other. Some are married to but have never loved and will never love each other.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Finding out that you are not your lover’s only lover hurts, but not as much as discovering that you are the side chick … or the side dick.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We think we like or love some people until we see them regularly.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some women have kissed—and some are kissing—a lot of frogs, even though the very first man that they have each kissed was and is still a prince.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There would definitely be way fewer instances of cheating, if the average couple did not have sex only when the woman feels like it.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Because he has finally realized that it is it and not him that is loved by the woman he loves, many a man is jealous of his own car, house, wardrobe, or salary.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
They have a special confidence in Christ, plus thoughtfulness plus faithfulness plus humility: for there are no things, in all creation, more beautiful, more rare than the so very disciplined and free, joyful and principled daughters of God.
Criss Jami
I don’t know why we fight.It takes much too effort to stay mad at you.To dodge your skin in the hallwayand leave the kitchen without bringing you a treat.It takes much too effort to stare at the sinkso my eyes don’t smile at you in the mirror.It takes much too effort to look away as we undressand lie apart in the now bigger bed.It takes much too effort to stiffen my bodybecause sleepy limbs forget fightsand pride is always lost in dreams.It takes much too effort to awaken every hour to make sure we are islands with a gulf of white sheets separating us.I dread the light peeking through the parted curtainsand empathise with your groans —I didn’t get any sleep either.I really don’t know why we fight.It takes much too effort to stay mad at one anotherwhen it’s so easy for us to love.
Kamand Kojouri
I did it again. Lying guilty in a hotel room for a woman I will fail for.
J.M. August
What did I want? I wanted the war to be over so I could ask her out.
Ruta Sepetys
It isn't that I dislike artists, but I can't stand anyone who puts on those ponderous airs of a man of character.
Osamu Dazai
If you are having private thoughts and ask an intimate friend to listen to them in privacy or on a date will that be considered too intimi-dating? And if the thoughts are proved to be untrue, but your friend still insists on believing in them anyway, would that be considered a cons-piracy?
Ana Claudia Antunes
Better associations. If you associate yourself with a change maker,Your life will by all means become better.You will wink at challenges and begin to think.In times of frustrations, you will not sink.If you miss the way to a great destination,Just look for those going to that direction.Mount the shoulders of a giant believerAnd you will become a great achiever.People around you determine your speed.They will influence the growth of your seed.People you are around will decide your strengthAnd also the figure of your success’ lengthI trust you want to become a better you.It matters, what your associates plan to do.It depends, where your companions want to go.It relies on what your friends believe and know.Quit friendships that build you nothingChoose friends who bring out of you somethingOne iron sharpens another ironGo along with great people and ride on.
Israelmore Ayivor
Good values are like a magnet, they attract good people.
John Wooden
Rima: "Hey Shiki, won't you be my husband?"Shiki: "sure."Rima: "How rash..."Shiki: "Ehh? Why...? It means that you will be my friend and companion forever. What is there to ponder?
Matsuri Hino
An outdoor café and your French beret are quick ways to my soul, but a good jazz is like standing next to my heart. Don't sail away without your sail-mate, because I've charted our course to a sunset paradise. ~ Fidelis O Mkparu (2016), author of 'Love's Affliction
Fidelis O Mkparu
We have better relationships with those who truly seek us rather than those sitting on the couch watching us move mountains trying to prove ourselves.
Criss Jami
Diamonds are a girl's best friend until love introduces her to her soulmate.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is the only criminal who, after stealing your heart, convinces you to celebrate her.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is the luckiest tenant in the world, living in the hearts of men and women rent free.
Matshona Dhliwayo
A kiss is the only thing you can throw at someone without being held criminally responsible.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The path to marital bliss is to begin each day with a kiss.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Women are the best thieves you will ever meet; they steal your heart and your last name, but never get to spend the night in jail.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you want the most beautiful fish in the sea, make sure you have the most appealing bait.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is a hook; the moment a man swallows it, a woman knows she has him forever.
Matshona Dhliwayo
A kiss is the easiest thing to throw at someone because its weight is love.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Never fight for a girl; while pounding each other, someone is already making plans to whisk her away.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If men could be bought like clothes at an outlet, only then would women always get what they bargained for.
Matshona Dhliwayo
I didn't come looking for you the day you uninvitedly appeared on my doorstepHow did we go from nonchalant conversation me waiting for you to turn me off with corny jokes and mind dumbing conversationto loveTo love and mind blowing chemistry that I've yet to make sense of What are you here to teach me?
Maquita Donyel Irvin
The best couples share the load, divide the grief, and add to the peace, thereby multiplying joy.
Matshona Dhliwayo
They gave me a thousand reasons to leave you, but I found a thousand and one reasons to be with you.
Matshona Dhliwayo
There is nothing wrong with being a puppet if love is the one pulling the strings.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love sets you free the moment it arrests you.
Matshona Dhliwayo
I’ll never forget the magic of our Saturday nights. Special moments carved in my mind by you the sculptor of my love. Let’s dance the night away. Who needs music, when your heart already sings to me.
~ Fidelis O Mkparu (2016)
Love came, it saw, and it conquered me.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If a man treats you like a princess, he deserves to be your king.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The shrewd marry for money, the scheming marry for status, the calculating marry for power, but the wise marry for love.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is like lightening; it can strike anyone, anywhere, and at any time.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If a woman tells you how terrible she looks, sincerely deny it, even if you agree.
Matshona Dhliwayo
A thousand ways to please your wife boil down to two words: “Yes, dear.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Your wife is smarter than you; know this, and you will live happily ever after.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you try to buy love, you will go bankrupt trying to possess it.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The reason as to why we are attracted to our opposites is because they are our salvation from the burden of being ourselves.
Kamand Kojouri
Passion stimulates you, love intoxicates you, marriage sobers you, and parenthood tries you.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Males of all species are made for wooing females, and females typically choose among their suitors. If you take a closer look, you can observe such behavior all around you. The beautiful bird chirping outside your window. It’s a mating call. That pretty little bird is trying to attract a potential mate, so that it can propagate its genes. Why does the peacock have such beautiful feathers? It is to attract a healthy female. He as well is trying to propagate his genes. Even we humans, are not much different from the rest of the animal kingdom when it comes to attracting potential mates. When women dress up for their night out at the club, they are doing so to look attractive. This is a subconscious evolutionary desire to attract as many potential mates as possible.... While women tend to grab attention with their looks, men on the other hand, tend to attract as many potential females as possible, by showing off their resources. When a man shows off with his fancy car, expensive gold watch and suit, or flexes his muscles and brags about how many credit cards he owns, he’s doing so to make himself desirable by healthy women, in order to propagate his genes. It is all in the pursuit of reproduction.
Abhijit Naskar
Treat marriage like a diamond necklace; if broken, fix it, but do not throw it away.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Nature programmed the neurobiological processes of early love to appear as something beyond the primitive sexual cravings of the genitals. So, from an evolutionary standpoint, it all leads to copulation and reproduction, but from the perspective of the individual who has recently fallen head over heels in love with someone, it is mostly about a sensation of warmth and delight, and rarely of sexual nature.
Abhijit Naskar
Love begins with the stage of subconscious primitive lust and attraction. I’m saying primitive because at this very early stage there is really no difference between primitive man and modern man.
Abhijit Naskar
If someone is destined to be with you, nothing can keep her away; if she is not, nothing can make her stay.
Matshona Dhliwayo
When you look into your soulmates eyes, you see the world; into your soulmates heart, you see the sky, and into your soulmates soul, you see the universe.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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