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If it be good to come under the love of God once, surely it is good to keep ourselves there. And yet how reluctant we are!
Andrew Bonar
Awake, my soul! Why should I give hours and days any longer to the vain world, when there is such a world of misery at my very door? Lord, put thine own strength in me; confirm every good resolution; forgive my past long life of uselessness and folly.
Andrew Bonar
Without self-knowledge you have no root in yourselves personally; you may endure for a time, but under affliction or persecution your faith will not last. This is why many in this age (and in every age) become infidels, heretics, schismatics, disloyal despisers of the Church. They cast off the form of truth, because it never has been to them more than a form. They endure not, because they never have tasted that the Lord is gracious; and they never have had experience of His power and love, because they have never known their own weakness and need.
John Henry Newman
Do not commit spiritual suicide through a passion for discussing metaphysical subtleties.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
When satan sees a baby, however, he doesn’t see a fragile, sweet, gurgling child; he sees a potential grown-up who is bought by the blood of the lamb and filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, a servant of God and a soldier of the cross, a great threat to his kingdom.
Theresa Pecku-Laryea
People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted and at seeing it practised.
Samuel Butler
Christian life consists of faith and charity.
Martin Luther
Many a sober Christian would rather admit that a wafer is God than that God is a cruel and capricious tyrant.
Edward Gibbon
If you go to church and like the singing better than the preaching that's not orthodox.
Edgar Watson Howe
Christianity is a battle not a dream
Wendell Phillips
I desire no other evidence of the truth to Christianity than the Lord's Prayer.
Mme. De Stael
Christianity with its doctrine of humility of forgiveness of love is incompatible with the state with its haughtiness its violence its punishment its wars.
Leo Tolstoy
Christianity is part of the Common Law of England.
Mathew Hale
Christianity if false is not important. If Christianity is true however it is of infinite importance. What it cannot be is moderately important.
C.S. Lewis
Organized religion is making Christianity political rather than making politics Christian.
Laurens van der Post
The idea of Christ is much older than Christianity.
George Santayana
Unlike Christianity which preached a peace that it never achieved Islam unashamedly came with a sword.
Stephen Runciman
Why do born-again people so often make you wish they'd never been born the first time?
Katharine Whitehorn
Somewhere and I can't find where I read about an Eskimo hunter who asked the local missionary priest 'If I did not know about God and sin would I go to hell?' 'No' said the priest 'not if you did not know.' 'Then why ' asked the Eskimo earnestly 'did you tell me?'
Annie Dillard
Christians have burned each other quite persuaded That all the apostles would have done as they did.
Lord Byron
Christian: one who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbour.
Ambrose Bierce
Most people believe that the Christian commandments are intentionally a little too severe - like setting a clock half an hour ahead to make sure of not being late in the morning.
Søren Kierkegaard
A Christian is nothing but a sinful man who has put himself to school for Christ for the honest purpose of becoming better.
Henry Ward Beecher
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it but because I see everything by it.
C.S. Lewis
A Christian is a man who feels Repentance on a Sunday For what he did on Saturday And is going to do on Monday.
Thomas R. Ybarra
Hatred of Judaism is at bottom hatred of Christianity.
Sigmund Freud
It is not by driving away our brother that we can be alone with God.
George MacDonald
God will forgive me. That's his business.
Heinrich Heine
Ethical man - a Christian holding four aces.
Mark Twain
Christianity is completed Judaism or it is nothing.
Benjamin Disraeli
His Christianity was muscular.
Benjamin Disraeli
Christianity ruined emperors but saved peoples.
Alfred de Musset
As a Christian, my highest calling is not motherhood; my highest calling is to follow Christ.
Rachel Held Evans
One needn't identify as a feminist to participate in the redemptive movement of God for women in the world, The gospel is more than enough. Of course it is! But as long as I know how important maternal health is to Haiti's future, and as long as I know that women are being abused and raped, as long as I know girls are being denied life itself through selective abortion, abandonment, and abuse, as long as brave little girls in Afghanistan are attacked with acid for the crime of going to school, and until being a Christian is synonymous with doing something about these things, you can also call me a feminist.
Sarah Bessey
Cyc Jouzy
God doesn't offer his Word as a magic fix-all pill that we can ingest and feel better. Rather, God's Word is the way in which we are invited to encounter the real 'person' of God.
Ken Gire
How you respond to the enemy of your soul determines whether his plan for your life or God's plan for your life is realized.
Stormie Omartian
Until kids find something worth dying for, they don't have anything worth living for.
Tim Kimmel
Remember, this type doesn’t really believe He’ll forgive them, by repenting they are trying to earn what they do not think, in any case, He will pay.
Geoffrey Wood
Seek God in the morning. Praise Him during the day. Meditate on Him at night.
Alisa Hope Wagner
By eroding their sense of shame we've made immorality normal, not only in the world but also in the forbidden squadron. ...their new Christian friends recommended some of the movies Fletcher had been wondering if he should now avoid. I was delighted one of them said, "This is a great movie--only one sex scene, and the f-word's only used a few times." 'Titanic' is one of my favorites. How many Christian young people have watched it in their own homes? Think of it, Squaltaint. Suppose someone in the youth group said to the boys, 'There's an attractive girl down the street. Let's get together and go look through her window and watch her undress and lay back on a couch and pose naked from the waist up. Then this girl and her boyfriend will get in a car and have sex--let's get as close as we can and listen to them and watch the windows steam up.' The strategy would never work. They'd know immediately it was wrong. But you can get them to do exactly the same thing by using a television instead of a window. That's all is takes! Think of it, Squaltaint. Every day Christians across the country, including many squadron leaders, watch women and men undress and commit acts of fornication and adultery the Enemy calls an abomination.We've made them a bunch of voyeurs! Churches full of peeping toms.
Randy Alcorn
Rather than attack the Christian faith directly, many films undermine foundational Christian principles, including the human need for salvation. These films present a false "gospel" that leads people away from the truth. Recognizing these messages in movies can help us avoid being adversely influenced by them. Just as importantly, the messages in these stories can provide us with starting points for sharing the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Douglas Beaumont
The myth of purgatory is an allegory, a projection, from the present on to the future. This is why purgatory appeals to the imagination. It is our story. It is where we are now. If we are Christians, if we believe in the risen Jesus as Lord, if we are baptized members of his body, then we are passing right now through the sufferings which form the gateway to life.
N.T. Wright
Now love doesn't stop at death - or if it does, it's a pretty poor sort of love! In fact, grief could almost be defined as the form love takes when the object of love has been removed; it is love embracing an empty space, love kissing thin air and feeling the pain of nothingness. But there is no reason at all why love should discontinue the practice of holding the beloved in prayer before God.
N.T. Wright
As believers, everything we do is based on how we view God.
Hayley DiMarco
If you take a book into your hands, be it 'God's book, or any other useful good book,' rely on God to make it profitable to you. Do not waste time reading unprofitable books. When you read, do so not out of vain curiosity but with love for God's kingdom, compassion for human beings, and the intent to turn what you learn into prayers and praises.
Matthew Henry
Truth, with a capital T, was swapped for Fact with a capital F, then both lower-cased —facts the new trues.
Geoffrey Wood
Both man and woman have their own parts to play in bringing faith to the next generation, and the woman's role is particularly important. How can we ever think that the female sex is inferior when we see the essential responsibility God has given women in this world? Their sensitivity to spiritual concerns seems to be farm more innate and natural than a man's. Mothers and wives often are the medium for our intercourse with the heavenly world, the faithful repositories of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. We should all be careful to avail ourselves of the benefits they have to offer both the present generation and the one that will follow us.
William Wilberforce
Your ability to consummate Leadership or follower-ship brings fulfillment at each appointed time in life
Ikechukwu Joseph
In the New Testament our enemies are those who harbour hostility against us, not those against whom we cherish hostility, for Jesus refuses to reckon with such a possibility. The Christian must treat his enemy as a brother, and requite his hostility with love. His behaviour must be determined not by the way others treat him, but by the treatment he himself receives from Jesus; it has only one source, and that is the will of Jesus.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Every day is a blank canvas to use our free will to create something beautiful for our Creator.
Alisa Hope Wagner
The division in human religion has always been between those who see the fall of man as a fall into freedom and those who see it as an act of defiance against the tyranny of an all-powerful father. But Adam and Eve were never in heaven; they were in the mud, and had to leave the only home they had ever known behind. And why? For choosing love and freedom over perpetual infancy and slavery of the will. Their sin was moral responsibility. Their reward is clear: "They have becomes gods--knowing good and evil." And for that, they were condemned to live in a world of discovery and choices.
R. Joseph Hoffmann
A God less than sovereign could not bestow moral freedom upon His creatures. He would be afraid to do so.
A.W. Tozer
Being an unveiled wife is about confronting and crushing your fears; believing in truth more than in doubt, worry, or lies, and finding your security in God alone
Jennifer Smith
In this age, there is no substitute for Christianity. That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants. The great, vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure, doctrines and divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
United States House Judiciary Committee of Congress 1854
The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.
Carl F.H. Henry
Go, send, or disobey.
John Piper
As long as there are millions destitute of the Word of God and knowledge of Jesus Christ, it will be impossible for me to devote time and energy to those who have both.
J.L. Ewen
The command has been to 'go,' but we have stayed – in body, gifts, prayer and influence. He has asked us to be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth ... but 99% of Christians have kept puttering around in the homeland.
Robert Savage
And we neglect the glorious gospel when we fail to recognize his preeminence. How frequently we forget that everything is for him and about him. We forget that he is to be first, in our honor and in our worship. Whenever the gospel slips from our conscious thought, our religion becomes all about our performance, and then we think everything that happens or will ever happen isa bout us. When I forget the incarnation, sinless life, death, resurrection, and ascension, I quickly believe that I'm supposed to be the unrivaled supreme, and matchless one. It's at this point that I'm particularly in need of an intravenous dose of gospel truth. He is preeminent.
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick
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