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That charity which longs to publish itself ceases to be charity.
Ulrich von Hutton
He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything.
Samuel Johnson
I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in.
Organized charity scrimped and iced In the name of the cautious statistical Christ.
John Boyle O'Reilly
Charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
Our charity begins at home And mostly ends where it begins.
Horace Smith
Charity is the perfection and ornament of religion.
Joseph Addison
My poor are my best patients. God pays for them.
Herman Boerhaave
Though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing.
I Corinthians
And now abideth faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity.
I Corinthians
As the purse is emptied the heart is filled.
Victor Hugo
In serving the poor,one serves humanity.In serving mankind,one serves equity.In serving goodness,one serves God.In serving the Creator,one serves himself.
Matshona Dhliwayo
I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was cold and you clothed me; come, possess the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' He who is the the King of the poor and of kings will say this at His great judgment.
Francis de Sales
One man thinks justice consists in paying debts, and has no measure in his abhorrence of another who is very remiss in this duty and makes the creditor wait tediously. But that second man has his own way of looking at things; asks himself Which debt must I pay first, the debt to the rich, or the debt to the poor? the debt of money or the debt of thought to mankind, of genius to nature? For you, O broker, there is not other principle but arithmetic. For me, commerce is of trivial import; love, faith, truth of character, the aspiration of man, these are sacred;
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Charity begins at home.
American proverb
In words which can still bring tears to the eyes, St. Augustine describes the desolation into which the death of his friend Nebridius plunged him (Confessions IV, 10). Then he draws a moral. This is what comes, he says, of giving one’s heart to anything but God. All human beings pass away. Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose. If love is to be a blessing, not a misery, it must be for the only Beloved who will never pass away.
C.S. Lewis
Of the twelve companions of Thorin, ten remained. Fili and Kili had fallen defending him with shield and body, for he was their mother’s elder brother.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Saint Augustine … insisted that scripture taught nothing but charity. Whatever the biblical author may have intended, any passage that seemed to preach hatred and was not conducive to love must be interpreted allegorically and made to speak of charity.
Karen Armstrong
Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?
Mahatma Gandhi
Charity ain't giving people what you wants to give, it's giving people what they need to get.
Terry Pratchett
The greatest gift you can ever give is yourself.
Michelle Templet
I hate these affairs", he'd told her once, tearing up an engraved invitation to an exclusive charity ball. "They're the worst kind of discrimination. An invitation doesn't really mean that you're invited; it means that a whole lot of people aren't
Melinda Cross
There comes a time in the development of every ego when it must love its neighbors or become a twisted and stunted personality.
Joshua Loth Liebman
The Three D's of Creating True Happiness For All.......Declutter - Remove all unwanted items from your home,Donate - to your local charity, Deduct - Save money by claiming your donation on your tax return
Christina Scalise
From the standpoint of the upper classes, the system had many merits. They felt that what was paid out of the poor rate was charity, and therefore a proof of their benevolence; at the same time, wages were kept at starvation level by a method which just prevented discontent from developing into revolution...It was plainly the certainty, derived from the old Poor Law, that actual death would be averted by the parish authorities, which induced the rural poor of England to endure their misery patiently...it taught them respect for their 'betters'.While leaving all the wealth that they produced, beyond the absolute minimum required for subsistence, in the hands of the landowners and farmers. It was at this period that landowners built the sham Gothic ruins called 'follies', where they indulged in romantic sensibility about the past while they filled the present with misery and degradation.
Bertrand Russell
If you put these five things together - you can't use money to attract talent, you can't advertise, you can't take risks, you can't invest in long-term results, and you don't have a stock market - then we have just put the humanitarian sector at the most extreme disadvantage to the for-profit sector on every level, and then we call the whole system charity, as if there is something incredibly sweet about it.
Dan Pallotta
I believe when you integrate charity in your craft and not just think of the fame and riches it would entitle you with, you will feel this true sense of fulfillment. Carry on your mission, of where God destined you to be- to use His gifts in good ways and not just for yourself.
Elizabeth E. Castillo
The greatest work you will ever do is charity; the most divine work you will ever do will be changing people’s perception of God, while you’re doing charity.
Shannon L. Alder
I despise charity. It gives crumbs to a few and silences the others.
Eve Ensler
Cultivate a passion for truth.Pursue a life of charity.Enjoy the beauty found in every day.
Lisa Shea
The merit of persons is to be no rule of our charity, but we are to do acts of kindness to those that least deserve it.
William Law
Awards and recognition are not the purpose of life and not the goal of an activist. The heart of an activist usually redonates the money, or uses the accolades as a foot in the door for more activism and awareness. A plack on the wall won’t change the world; it only shows your devotion.
Shannon L. Alder
Hearts who struggled worst never gives up on possibilities when finding solutions reaching out for others' loss & despair.
Angelica Hopes
Show Goodness Onto The World And The World Will Show Goodness Onto You.
Joshua Teya
Stirred with passion, laced with fun, spiked with laughter & served with a smile. On the road. No sugar, no mil. Horn OK Please. Buy my books or maythe wrath of a thousand locusts infest your underpants *Smack!!* :-)
Kartik Iyengar
We are not to reflect on the wickedness of men but to look to the image of God in them, an image which, covering and obliterating their faults, an image which, by its beauty and dignity, should allure us to love and embrace them.
John Calvin
We are not to look to what men in themselves deserve but to attend to the image of God which exists in all and to which we owe all honor and love.
John Calvin
God reminds us again and again that things between He and us are forever fixed. They are the rendezvous points where God declares to us concretely that the debt has been paid, the ledger put away, and that everything we need, in Christ we already possess. This re-convincing produces humility, because we realize that our needs are fulfilled. We don’t have to worry about ourselves anymore. This in turn frees us to stop looking out for what we think we need and liberates us to love our neighbor by looking out for what they need.
Tullian Tchividjian
Hooray for differences! Without them, there would be no harmony. In principles, great clarity. In practices, great charity.
Chieko N. Okazaki
Christian writers, whether they like it or not, do not simply write for themselves; for good or ill, readers will see their work as reflecting Jesus Christ and his church. And if only for this reason - though there are other reasons - one must take great care when dealing with potentially controversial topics not to imagine one's every pronouncement preceded by 'Thus saith the Lord.' The law of love, on which 'all the law and the prophets' depend (Matt. 22:40), mandates charity toward one's opponents in argument.
Alan Jacobs
Auntie An-mei had cried before she left for China, thinking she would make her brother very rich and happy by communist standards. But when she got home, she cried to me that everyone had a palm out and she was the only one who left with an empty hand.
Amy Tan
Everyone can choose to live with a golden heart, it is a privilege of loving truly.
Angelica Hopes
Examine your heart often to see if it is such toward your neighbor as you would like his to be toward you were you in his place. This is the touchstone of true reason.
Francis de Sales
The purpose of any charity is simply to turn people's mirrors into windows. An outward view of the world's needs are vast in comparison to an inward one.
Shannon L. Alder
Helping others carries its own rewards, the first of which is a return to humanity.
Richard Paul Evans
Ought we not to love dearly the neighbor, who truly represents to us the sacred Person of our Master? And is this not one of the most powerful motives we could have for loving each other with an ardently burning love?
Francis de Sales
That churchgoers do the lion's share of the charitable work in our communities is simply untrue. They get credit for it because they do a better job of tying the good works they do to their creed. But according to a 1998 study, 82% of volunteerism by churchgoers falls under the rubric of "church maintenance" activities -- volunteerism entirely within, and for the benefit of, the church building and immediate church community. As a result of this siphoning of volunteer energy into the care and feeding of churches themselves, most of the volunteering that happens out in the larger community -- from AIDS hospices to food shelves to international aid workers to those feeding the hungry and housing the homeless and caring for the elderly -- comes from the category of "unchurched" volunteers.
Dale McGowan
I may not be my brothers keeper, but I am my brother's brother.
Jeffrey R. Holland
The promise to save or create a ‘perfect’ humanity is almost always only and excuse for the urge to rule it.
Moxie Will
Listen, Monsieur Director, here's what I think. Obviously this is wrong. There are twenty-six of you in five or six small rooms; there are three of us in space enough for sixty. That is wrong, I assure you. You have my house and I am in yours. Give me back mine and this will be your home.
Victor Hugo
There aren't nearly enough worldly mansions for the kind folks who deserve them.
Bryant A. Loney
Compassion is a reflection of our connectedness. YOUR devotion to helping others is an expression of YOUR greatness.
Widad Akreyi
But if you do not wish to die of thirst in the desert, drink charity. This is the fountain the Lord has willed to place here, lest we faint on the way, and we shall drink it more abundantly when we come to the Fatherland.
Augustine of Hippo
Sharing is just like spending, we give or spend for others while hoping them to be happy and better. At this way we can accept and find in our hearts the happiness that we want.
Present injustices exist not so much because simple individuals are acting in bad faith or lacking in charity, but because huge, impersonal systems (that seem beyond the control of the individuals acting within them) disprivilege some even as they unduly privilege others.
Ronald Rolheiser
Not only are the poorest people the most generous but they don't expect anything in return, least of all recognition from others by means of showing off or posting a humble brag like so many from average society do and you can identify these people through the abundance of photos they post, literally with their hands in the air, showing off what they've done for the "less fortunate." I guess they missed the part where God said to be humble and to do good works in private.
Donna Lynn Hope
Let's put our money where our mouth is; let's invest in the future by investing in the education of our youth and the re-education of those who need it and aren't so young anymore. It's not charity; it's an investment in the mental, intellectual, and social infrastructure of our country and our planet. Charity is something you give to corporations when they commit crimes of fraud and plunge the world into economic turmoil.
Steve Bivans
Listening and showing you are there for someone is often more important than trying to find a "fix" for a problem. I wish there were more people who practice this.
It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less but it is so much beautiful if humanity takes much from you, it is an investment into life.
We are all receiving Charity. There is something in each of us that cannot benaturally loved.
C.S. Lewis
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