And now, for something completely the same:Wasted time and wasted breath,’s what I’ll make, until my death.Helping people ‘d be as good,but I wouldn’t, if I could.For the few that help deserve,have no need, or not the nerve,help from strangers to accept,plus from mine a few have wept.Wept from joy, or from despair,or just from my vengeful stare.Ways I have, to look at stupid,make them see I am not Cupid.Make them see they are in error,for of truth I am a bearer.Most decide I’m just a bear,mauling at them, – like I care.
About The Quote
- Acceptance
- Bear
- Bears
- Breath
- Breathing
- Caring
- Cupid
- Deciding
- Decision
- Decisions
- Deserve
- Deserving
- Despair
- Difference
- Different
- Erroneous
- Error
- Errors
- Good
- Helping
- Joy
- Mauling
- Mistake
- Mistakes
- Nerve
- Nerves
- Nothing
- Others
- People
- Poem
- Poems
- Refusal
- Strange
- Stranger
- Strangers
- Stupid
- Tears
- Truth
- Vengeance
- Vengeful
- Waste
- Wasted
- Wasted Time
- Weeping