17 Ways to Just Be Nice“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ―Aesop1.tBe sincere.2.tBe altruistic.3.tPractice patience.4.tInquire and engage.5.tKeep your promises.6.tOffer help to others.7.tAcknowledge others.8.tControl your behavior.9.tBe situationally aware.10.tBe polite and courteous.11.tUse considerate manners.12.tGreet people with a smile. 13.tPractice random acts of kindness.14.tShow respect for yourself and others.15.tBe complimentary and look for positives.16.tWalk in another’s shoes to understand their needs.17.tShare of yourself without expecting anything in return.