13 Simple Ways to Deliver Service Beyond Self1.tMake it Easy for People to Do Business with You.2.tBe an Awesome, Sincere Listener. 3.tListen to Customers’ Words and tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask questions, listen, and meet them on their level. Explain, guide, educate, assist and do what is necessary to help them get the information they need to fully understand regarding their question or issue.4.tShow Enthusiasm. Greet customers with genuine interest. Give them your best. Think, act, and talk with positive enthusiasm and you will attract positive results. Your attitude is contagious!5.tIdentify and Anticipate Needs. Most customer needs are more emotional rather than logical. 6.tUnder Promise & Over Deliver. Apply the principle of “Service Beyond Self” . . . give more than expected. Meet and exceed their expectations. If you can’t serve their needs, connect them with whoever can. 7.tMake them Feel Important.Our deepest desire is to feel important. People rarely care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use their names, find ways to compliment them—and be sincere. 8.tTake Responsibility for their Satisfaction.Do whatever is necessary to help them solve their problems. Let them know that if they can’t find answers to their questions to come back to you for help.9.tTreat your TEAM well. Fellow colleagues are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your colleagues with respect; chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. 10.tChoose an Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you appreciate the good rather than simply taking it for granted.11.tPerform, Provide and Follow-Up.Always perform or provide your service in a spirit of excellence and integrity. If you say you’re going to do something—DO IT! There is tremendous value in being a resource for your customer. If you can help them to succeed, they are more likely to help you succeed. 12.tUse Gracious Words. “Thank you, thank you very much.

13 Simple Ways to Deliver Service Beyond Self1.tMake it Easy for People to Do Business with You.2.tBe an Awesome, Sincere Listener. 3.tListen to Customers’ Words and tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask questions, listen, and meet them on their level. Explain, guide, educate, assist and do what is necessary to help them get the information they need to fully understand regarding their question or issue.4.tShow Enthusiasm. Greet customers with genuine interest. Give them your best. Think, act, and talk with positive enthusiasm and you will attract positive results. Your attitude is contagious!5.tIdentify and Anticipate Needs. Most customer needs are more emotional rather than logical. 6.tUnder Promise & Over Deliver. Apply the principle of “Service Beyond Self” . . . give more than expected. Meet and exceed their expectations. If you can’t serve their needs, connect them with whoever can. 7.tMake them Feel Important.Our deepest desire is to feel important. People rarely care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use their names, find ways to compliment them—and be sincere. 8.tTake Responsibility for their Satisfaction.Do whatever is necessary to help them solve their problems. Let them know that if they can’t find answers to their questions to come back to you for help.9.tTreat your TEAM well. Fellow colleagues are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your colleagues with respect; chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. 10.tChoose an Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you appreciate the good rather than simply taking it for granted.11.tPerform, Provide and Follow-Up.Always perform or provide your service in a spirit of excellence and integrity. If you say you’re going to do something—DO IT! There is tremendous value in being a resource for your customer. If you can help them to succeed, they are more likely to help you succeed. 12.tUse Gracious Words. “Thank you, thank you very much.