Coffee, my delight of the morning; yoga, my delight of the noon. Then before nightfall, I run along the pleasant paths of the Jardin du Luxembourg. For when air cycles through the lungs, and the body is busy at noble tasks, creativity flows like water in a stream: the artist creates, the writer writes.
About The Quote
- Ashtanga
- Caffeine
- Coffee
- Excercise
- Excercising
- Hatha
- Jardin Du Luxembourg
- Jogging
- Luxembourg Gardens
- Roman Payne
- Running
- Running Through The Woods
- Sports
- Vinyasa
- Writer Inspiration
- Writer S
- Writer S Craft
- Writers
- Writers And Writing
- Writers On Writing
- Writing
- Writing Advice
- Writing Craft
- Writing Inspiration
- Writing Life
- Writing Philosophy
- Writing Process
- Yoga
- Yoga Inspiration
- Yoga Poses
- Yoga Postures
- Yoga Practice
- Yoga Sutra
- Yogasutra