Sometimes people can be negative, especially about my confidence. I trust myself, I refuse to obey, and I noticed there is a need to punish me for it. But haters are important because they show you you’re doing something right. I’m scared of unanimity, artists who everybody likes. When you speak your mind and you’re loud, you will attract negativity. But I have thick skin, I think the fact that I was severely bullied in my childhood helped me build strength and believe in my artistic vision. I deal with rejection very well. I have a lifelong vision and an unbreakable spirit.
About The Quote
- Art
- Artist Quotes
- Artistic Expression
- Artistic Vision
- Artists
- Artists Life
- Bullied
- Bullying
- Bullying Quotes
- Confidence
- Criticism
- Empowering Quotes
- Empowerment
- Haters
- Haters Gonna Hate
- Haters Quote
- Lifelong Advice
- Lifelong Learner
- Negative People
- Negativity
- Rejection
- Rejection Letters
- Thick Skin
- Unanimity
- Unbreakable Spirit