And thus they form a perfect group; he walks back two or three paces, selects his point of sight, and begins to sketch a hurried outline. He has finished it before they move; he hears their voices, though he cannot hear their words, and wonders what they can be talking of. Presently he walks on, and joins them.’You have a corpse there, my friends?’ he says. ‘Yes; a corpse washed ashore an hour ago.”Drowned?’ ‘Yes, drowned; – a young girl, very handsome.’ ‘Suicides are always handsome,’ he says; and then he stands for a little while idly smoking and meditating, looking at the sharp outline of the corpse and the stiff folds of the rough canvas covering.Life is such a golden holiday to him young, ambitious, clever – that it seems as though sorrow and death could have no part in his destiny. (“The Cold Embrace”)

And thus they form a perfect group; he walks back two or three paces, selects his point of sight, and begins to sketch a hurried outline. He has finished it before they move; he hears their voices, though he cannot hear their words, and wonders what they can be talking of. Presently he walks on, and joins them.’You have a corpse there, my friends?’ he says. ‘Yes; a corpse washed ashore an hour ago.”Drowned?’ ‘Yes, drowned; – a young girl, very handsome.’ ‘Suicides are always handsome,’ he says; and then he stands for a little while idly smoking and meditating, looking at the sharp outline of the corpse and the stiff folds of the rough canvas covering.Life is such a golden holiday to him young, ambitious, clever – that it seems as though sorrow and death could have no part in his destiny. (“The Cold Embrace”)