Individuality: ten. Cautiousness: three. Combativeness: nine.” She looked over and gave me a wink. “Well, what did you expect from a pirate’s daughter? Hope: eight. Amativeness. What’s that?”Kate acutally blushed. “I think it has something to do with your attractiveness to the opposite sex.””Ten,” said Nadira, smiling modestly. (Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel)

Individuality: ten. Cautiousness: three. Combativeness: nine.” She looked over and gave me a wink. “Well, what did you expect from a pirate’s daughter? Hope: eight. Amativeness. What’s that?”Kate acutally blushed. “I think it has something to do with your attractiveness to the opposite sex.””Ten,” said Nadira, smiling modestly. (Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel)