Poetry isn’t an island, it is the bridge. Poetry isn’t a ship, it is the lifeboat. Poetry isn’t swimming. Poetry is water.

Poetry isn’t an island, it is the bridge. Poetry isn’t a ship, it is the lifeboat. Poetry isn’t swimming. Poetry is water.
About The Quote
- Art
- Artist
- Author
- Boat
- Books
- Bridge
- Canoe
- Connect
- Connection
- Creative Writing
- Creativity
- Expression
- Fiction
- Harmony
- Island
- Kamand
- Kamand Kojouri
- Kayak
- Kojouri
- Letters
- Lifeboat
- Limerick
- Literature
- Novelist
- Poem
- Poet
- Poetess
- Poetry
- Poetry Poem
- Rhyme
- Save
- Ship
- Spoken Word
- Stanza
- Swim
- Swimmer
- Swimming
- Unity
- Verse
- Vessel
- Water
- Water Is Life
- Water Quotes
- Waterfall
- What Is Poetry
- Words
- Write
- Writer
- Writing
- Written
- Yacht