The simple, external acts in which you resolve shame and guilt, and set right a debt, by passing by them all and giving something grander even so and instead of. You end the circle by leaving it behind. Conscience brings awareness of the need to change something, but the source of your actions must become inspiration and devotion. You’re not doing it to get out of debt; you are doing it because you know it to be the thing to do.
About The Quote
- Asian Philosophy
- Buddhism
- Cobalt Saffron Retreat
- Cobaltsaffron
- Cobaltsaffron Retreat
- Comparative Religion
- Conscience
- Creation
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Darrell Calkins
- Darrell Calkins Cobalt Saffron
- Darrell Calkins Cobaltsaffron
- Darrell Calkins Retreat
- Darrell Calkins Seminar
- Evolution
- Forgiveness
- Guilt
- Happiness
- Humor
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Mysticism
- Personal Skills Development
- Purpose
- Resolution
- Shame
- Taoism
- Well Being
- Zen