The exact proportion and combination of the qualities within you, as they are, even while you search and struggle for them to be different or better, is a unique beauty.
About The Quote
- Alchemy
- Asian Philosophy
- Beauty
- Buddhism
- Cobalt Saffron Retreat
- Cobaltsaffron
- Cobaltsaffron Retreat
- Comparative Religion
- Conscience
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Darrell Calkins
- Darrell Calkins Cobalt Saffron
- Darrell Calkins Cobaltsaffron
- Darrell Calkins Retreat
- Darrell Calkins Seminar
- Evolution
- Faith
- Happiness
- Humor
- Imagination
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Mysticism
- Personal Skills Development
- Purpose
- Taoism
- Transformation
- Well Being
- Zen