Laughter has got to be the single healthiest activity one can perform. Just think how healthy you would be if you could sincerely laugh at that which now oppresses you.
About The Quote
- Asian Philosophy
- Buddhism
- Cobalt Saffron Retreat
- Cobaltsaffron
- Cobaltsaffron Retreat
- Comparative Religion
- Compassion
- Conscience
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Darrell Calkins
- Darrell Calkins Cobalt Saffron
- Darrell Calkins Cobaltsaffron
- Darrell Calkins Retreat
- Darrell Calkins Seminar
- Depression
- Emotional Health
- Evolution
- Happiness
- Humor
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Laughter
- Martial Arts
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- Quantum Physics
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- Taoism
- Truth
- Well Being
- Zen