… In a ROWE* people don’t have schedules.They show up when they want.They don’t have to be in the office at certain time, or anytime.They just have to get their work done.How they do it ?When they do it ?Where they do it ?It’s totally up to them.Meetings & this kind of environments are Optional.What happens … ?Almost across the board !- Productivity goes up- Worker Engagement goes up- Worker Satisfaction goes up- Turnovers goes down- Autonomy .. Mastery .. Purpose -these are the building blocks of new way of doing things.”______________________________________________________________*ROWE: results-only work environment

… In a ROWE* people don’t have schedules.They show up when they want.They don’t have to be in the office at certain time, or anytime.They just have to get their work done.How they do it ?When they do it ?Where they do it ?It’s totally up to them.Meetings & this kind of environments are Optional.What happens … ?Almost across the board !- Productivity goes up- Worker Engagement goes up- Worker Satisfaction goes up- Turnovers goes down- Autonomy .. Mastery .. Purpose -these are the building blocks of new way of doing things.”______________________________________________________________*ROWE: results-only work environment