Rather than swallowing our pride and simply asking what we do not know, we choose to fill in the blanks ourselves and later become humbled. Wisdom was often, in its youth, proven foolish, and ones humiliated were meant to become wise.
About The Quote
- Answers
- Assumption
- Becoming
- Becoming Better
- Betterment
- Bias
- Blank
- College
- Conscience
- Development
- Discernment
- Education
- Embarrassment
- Exam
- Experimentation
- False Knowledge
- Fill In The Blank
- Foolish
- Gossip
- Grace
- Humiliation
- Humiliation And Conscience
- Humility
- Ignorance
- Imagination
- Inquiry
- Intelligence
- Judgment
- Justice
- Knowledge
- Learning
- Libel
- Mercy
- Not Knowing
- Patience
- Prejudice
- Pride
- Questions
- Reckless
- Respect
- Revelation
- Risk
- Rumors
- School
- Slander
- Test
- Wisdom
- Youth