Major Trapp was never there. Instead he remained in Jozefow because he allegedly could not bear the sight. We men were upset about that and said we couldn’t bear the sight either.” Indeed, Trapp’s distress was a secret to no one. At the marketplace one policeman remembered hearing Trapp say, “Oh God, why did I have to be given these orders,” as he put his hand on his heart. Another policeman witnessed him at the schoolhouse. “Today, I can still see exactly before my eyes Major Trapp there in the room pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. He said something like, ‘Man, … such jobs don’t suit me. But orders are orders.’ ” Another man remembered vividly “how Trapp, finally alone in our room, sat on a stool and wept bitterly. The tears really flowed.” Another also witnessed Trapp at his headquarters. “Major Trapp ran around excitedly and then suddenly stopped dead in front of me, stared and asked if I agreed with this. I looked him straight in the eye and said ‘No, Herr Major!’ He then began to run around again and wept like a child.” The doctor’s aide encountered Trapp weeping on the path from the marketplace to the forest and asked if he could help. “He answered me only to the effect that everything was very terrible.” Concerning Jozefow, Trapp later confined to his driver, “If this Jewish business is ever avenged on earth, then have mercy on us Germans.

Major Trapp was never there. Instead he remained in Jozefow because he allegedly could not bear the sight. We men were upset about that and said we couldn’t bear the sight either.” Indeed, Trapp’s distress was a secret to no one. At the marketplace one policeman remembered hearing Trapp say, “Oh God, why did I have to be given these orders,” as he put his hand on his heart. Another policeman witnessed him at the schoolhouse. “Today, I can still see exactly before my eyes Major Trapp there in the room pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. He said something like, ‘Man, … such jobs don’t suit me. But orders are orders.’ ” Another man remembered vividly “how Trapp, finally alone in our room, sat on a stool and wept bitterly. The tears really flowed.” Another also witnessed Trapp at his headquarters. “Major Trapp ran around excitedly and then suddenly stopped dead in front of me, stared and asked if I agreed with this. I looked him straight in the eye and said ‘No, Herr Major!’ He then began to run around again and wept like a child.” The doctor’s aide encountered Trapp weeping on the path from the marketplace to the forest and asked if he could help. “He answered me only to the effect that everything was very terrible.” Concerning Jozefow, Trapp later confined to his driver, “If this Jewish business is ever avenged on earth, then have mercy on us Germans.