In the past, I have all too often listened without hearing, asking questions when I had no intention of hearing the answer or understand my customer’s requirements.

In the past, I have all too often listened without hearing, asking questions when I had no intention of hearing the answer or understand my customer’s requirements.
About The Quote
- Achievement
- Achievement And Attitude
- Achievement Gap
- Achievements
- Achieving Dreams
- Achieving Excellence
- Achieving Mastery
- Achieving Success
- Arriving
- Business
- Doing
- Evangelical
- Evangelism
- Evangelistic
- Listening
- Listening Skills
- Listening To Others
- Moving Forward
- Perseverance
- Personal Planning
- Presentation
- Professional Listening
- Reputation
- Sales
- Sales Advice
- Sales Effectiveness
- Sales Training
- Selling
- Success
- Success In Business
- Success In Life
- Success Self Improvement
- Success Strategies
- Successful Living
- Tenacity
- Truth