I am often asked how it is that I am able to value people to such a deep degree. Apparently, I exhibit an ability to value others, that goes beyond ordinary. Well, the answer to that is simple. And it’s not a religious answer, either. You see, it goes like this, when I look into a person’s eyes, I am deeply aware of the fact that I am not only looking into the eyes of this person right here in front of me; but that I am looking into the eyes of a child, a baby, a grandparent… I am looking into the eyes of someone who has dreams at night, someone who plans for a future, someone who cries and laughs… it’s not just the person standing in front of me, that I see; but I see all the persons that the individual has ever been and ever will be. I even see who they are in their dreams at night. You see, a person is much more than just a person! A person is a collection of vast and wide stories, each one good enough to read! So when I see people, I see all of these things! How can I not value a person when I see them in this way?

I am often asked how it is that I am able to value people to such a deep degree. Apparently, I exhibit an ability to value others, that goes beyond ordinary. Well, the answer to that is simple. And it’s not a religious answer, either. You see, it goes like this, when I look into a person’s eyes, I am deeply aware of the fact that I am not only looking into the eyes of this person right here in front of me; but that I am looking into the eyes of a child, a baby, a grandparent… I am looking into the eyes of someone who has dreams at night, someone who plans for a future, someone who cries and laughs… it’s not just the person standing in front of me, that I see; but I see all the persons that the individual has ever been and ever will be. I even see who they are in their dreams at night. You see, a person is much more than just a person! A person is a collection of vast and wide stories, each one good enough to read! So when I see people, I see all of these things! How can I not value a person when I see them in this way?