Whom, then, to love? Whom to believe?Who is the only one that won’t betray us?Who measures all deeds, all speechesobligingly by our own foot rule?Who does not sow slander about us?Who coddles us with care?To whom our vice is not so bad?Who never bores us?Unlike a futile phantom-seekerwho wastes effort in vain-love your own self,my honorworthy reader.A worthy object! Nothingmore amiable surely exists.

Whom, then, to love? Whom to believe?Who is the only one that won’t betray us?Who measures all deeds, all speechesobligingly by our own foot rule?Who does not sow slander about us?Who coddles us with care?To whom our vice is not so bad?Who never bores us?Unlike a futile phantom-seekerwho wastes effort in vain-love your own self,my honorworthy reader.A worthy object! Nothingmore amiable surely exists.