On my journey from the fantastical to the practical, spirituality has gone from being a mystical experience to something very ordinary and a daily experience. Many don’t want this, instead they prefer spiritual grandeur, and I believe that is what keeps enlightenment at bay. We want big revelations of complexity that validates our perceptions of the divine. What a let down it was to Moses when God spoke through a burning bush! But that is exactly the simplicity of it all. Our spiritual life is our ordinary life and it is very grounded in every day experience. For me, it is the daily practice of kindness, mindfulness, happiness, and peace.
About The Quote
- Archetypes
- Buddha
- Buddhism
- Compassion
- Consciousness
- Divine
- Divinity
- Empathy
- Enlightenment
- Fantasy
- God
- Grace
- Happiness
- Inner Peace
- Inspirational
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Kindness
- Mindfulness
- Monk
- Moses
- Motivational
- Mystic
- Mysticism
- Peace
- Practical Theology
- Practice
- Prophet
- Psychology
- Self Discipline
- Spiritual
- Spirituality
- Sympathy
- Ten Commandments
- Theology
- Wisdom
- Zen
- Zen Buddhism