Love is not the answer, peace is. Throughout my whole life I have experienced and seen others use love as a reason to treat people with unkindness by being controlling, jealous, shouting in anger, and projecting guilt and shame. If you love someone but there is not peace in your heart when you think of that person then your work is not done. Do not stop at love, continue all the way towards the freedom of inner peace. Love starts when peace begins. Without peace love is simply a mask for our insecurity, judgment, and egoic attachments.
About The Quote
- Anger
- Anger Management
- Answers
- Answers To Prayers
- Attachment
- Consciousness
- Daily Living
- Ego
- Expression
- Feelings
- Feelings Of Love
- Freedom
- Freedom Of Choice
- Giving
- Giving And Receiving Love
- Growth
- Guidance
- Guilt
- Heart
- Heartache
- Inner Peace
- Insecurity
- Insight
- Insightful
- Inspirational
- Judgment
- Kindness
- Law Of Attraction
- Love
- Non Judgment
- Peace
- Psychology
- Relationships
- Releasing Resentment
- Releasing Shame
- Releasing The Past
- Security
- Shame
- Spiritual
- Vulnerability
- Wisdom
- Zen