Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Spiritual Teachers
- Page 18
Self-knowledge is the great power by which we comprehend and control our lives
Vernon Howard
When we choose to operate on the frequency of compassion and kindness, we create, and reinforce our own reality, as filled with compassion and kindness. I refer here to the idea of unconditional compassion and kindness. It means that we can choose to react to any situation, as negative as it may seem to be, with kindness and understanding. Whenever someone chooses to be rude to us, there is no need for us to respond with rudeness. A moment of self-reflection can remind us that fire fought with fire only increases the heat. The more often we practice our conscious positive response, to any situation, our automatic negative reactions are gradually being replaced with a conscious decision to act in the most loving way we can conceive at the moment.
Raphael Zernoff
Lao Tzu's first paragraph in the book "Tao Te Ching" is that the Tao that can be told is not the absolute Tao.Lao Tzu has his own logic, the logic of paradoxes, the logic of life.To understand Tao, you will have to create eyes.Lao Tzu believes in the unity of opposites, because that is how life is.The Tao can be communicated, but it can only be communicated from heart to heart, from being to being, from love to love, from silence to silence.Truth is always realized in silence. In silence, the truth is realized.You reach to truth through silence.All spiritual books tries to say something that can not be said in the hope that a thirst, a longing, is created in your heart to know the truth.Tao is totality. Life exists through the tension of the opposites, the meeting of the opposites.Lao Tzu says that the opposite poles of life are not really opposites, but complementaries.Thinking is always of opposites. Lao Tzu says: drop the split attitude. Be simple.And when you are simple, you do not choose. Lao Tzu says: be choiceless, let life flow.Enjoy both poles in life, and then your life becomes a symphony of opposites.How to drop the mind: do not choose. If you do not choose, the mind drops.Live life as it comes - float. Float with life. Enjoy the moment in its totality,It is to live as part of the whole, to live as part of existence.If you become silent and empty, everything will come on it's own accord.When you live without any desire for power, position, fame or success, the whole existence pours down into your emptiness.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Pure Love is detached, self-assured, self-poised, non-possessive and non-aggressive in nature. Yet, it is tremendously powerful to move the whole universe.
Banani Ray
The power of the word is completely misused in hell. We use the word to curse, to blame, to find guilt, to destroy. Of course, we also use it in the right way, but not too often. Mostly we use the word to spread our personal poison - to express anger, jealousy, envy, and hate. The words is pure magic - the most powerful gift we have as humans - and we use it against ourselves. We plan revenge. We create chaos with the word. We use the word to create hate between different races, between different people, between families, between nations. We misuse the word so often, and this misuse is how we create and perpetuate the dream of hell. Misuse of the word is how we pull each other down and keep each other in a state of fear and doubt.
Miguel Ruiz
Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives.
Amit Ray
There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges--the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.
Eckhart Tolle
Consciousness is a vast ocean and thinking is the waves & ripples on the surface of the ocean. Every wave & ripple has a very short lived life - it is very fleeting Do not identify with your thoughts - continued indentification with the stream of thinking leads to a very serious dysfunction in ones sense of identity...
Eckhart Tolle
The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.
Eckhart Tolle
The truth is that most of life will unfold in accordance with forces far outside your control, regardless of what your mind says about it.
Michael Singer
What more does one need than what is offered by the present moment? Once you have learnt how to dissolve in the present moment, and you are able to enjoy it, you will have no problem in disregarding the empty chit-chat of the Ego, the mind!
Frank Wanderer
By assembling the mosaic image of our own mosaic of “truth” (our own version of the “truth”) from our accumulated knowledge and through comparisons with those of others, we shall not be free and do not get closer to Truth. We have only created a beautiful (or not so beautiful) spiritual mask, and behind it the Ego grins at us and the world created by itself.
Frank Wanderer
It is to be recognized that the negative emotions and the guilt that comes with it is not a part of the Consciousness, it only belongs to the mind!
Frank Wanderer
First we have to understand that we are not the mind! We are identical with neither its bright, nor its dark side!
Frank Wanderer
The Ego uses the mind as a means of spiritual search. It is through the mind that the Ego intends to understand what is beyond mind and forms. The mind in this way prepares the mental image of enlightenment, seeking, happiness etc.
Frank Wanderer
Reaching beyond ourselves, exceeding our mind is not a simple thing. It is, in fact, impossible–one half of the Ego is trying to exceed the other.
Frank Wanderer
In most people, the term “consciousness” identifies with that socially conditioned Ego. At a number of people this identification is so powerful that they are unaware that their life is governed by a socially conditioned mind.
Frank Wanderer
Note: The mind is a superb interment if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly -- you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over.
Eckhart Tolle
Think less and feel more and see what happens.
Raphael Zernoff
The New Man means to develop all the three dimensions of being, all the three doors to God: the head, the dimension of thinking, logic and reason, the heart - the dimension of joy, trust, intuition, relationships, beauty, creativity and a sense of unity in love and the being, the dimension of meditation, silence, emptiness and oneness with life.The first level of the head is the dimension of ideas, intellect, hypothesis, theories, logic, analysis, rationality and dualistic thinking.The first level is the level of the mind, which means a continuous oscillation like a pendulum between the mind's memories of the past and the ideas, dreams and expectations of the future. The second level of the heart is the dimension of joy, acceptance, trust, understanding, trust, friendship, intuition, empathy, creativity, compassion, humor, playfulness and a sense of unity in love. The third level of being is the dimension of presence, awareness, meditation, silence, emptiness and wholeness. The third level is our connection with our inner life source.
Swami Dhyan Giten
When we say we understand something, but we do not experience it, we do not understand it. Understanding and experiencing are the same thing. For example, we may say: I understand the importance of forgiveness BUT I can't do it. Firstly, replace "I can't do it" with:I am choosing to remain in the state of being of ignorance (misinformation), because I believe it to be the best option I can choose from.Secondly, replace "I understand the importance of forgiveness" with:"I do not understand the importance of forgiveness". Being honest with oneself is the first step to self-understanding.
Raphael Zernoff
What is constant? Is the mind anything more than a conglomeration of thoughts? Where is the mind apart from thought? If there is no thought, can there be a mind? They cancel each other out, do they not?
Enza Vita
The voice of the Soul can be heard within the silence of the unaffected mind. Listen.
Ka Chinery
Small mind competes, big mind collaborates and great mind encompasses.
Amit Ray
Om is the things, Om is the ingredient, Om is the container and the content of this universe.
Banani Ray
Om is that God of love. Like a loving mother Om cleans us of our clutters collected through many incarnations.
Banani Ray
Yoga is bringing fitness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life.
Amit Ray
Mind: A beautiful servant, a dangerous master.
Mind is like a net, drawn by the needles of past and future. Mindfulness is the way for not getting stuck into that net.
Amit Ray
Mindfulness is not a mechanical process. It is developing a very gentle, kind, and creative awareness to the present moment.
Amit Ray
Mindfulness is not the path of chasing. It is the path of beautification. When flowers blossom, the fragrance spreads, and the bees come.
Amit Ray
When life is foggy, path is unclear and mind is dull, remember your breath. It has the power to give you the peace. It has the power to resolve the unsolved equations of life.
Amit Ray
Mind isn't as serious as my mind makes it out to be.
Eckhart Tolle
Every moment is auspicious. There is always some magic in it.
Amit Ray
The word is like a seed, and the human mind is so fertile, but only for those kinds of seeds it is prepared for.
Miguel Ruiz
Zen is a single step—the journey of one single step. You can call it the last step or the first step, it doesn’t matter. It is the first and it is the last, the alpha and the omega. The whole teaching of Zen consists of only one thing: how to take a jump into nothingness, how to come to the very end of your mind, which is the end of the world.
Yoga is a method to come to a nondreaming mind. Yoga is the science to be in the here and now.
No-thinking is the door. No-word is the gate. No-mind is the way.
Consciousness is who we really are; thoughts, feelings, and emotions are passing and temporary, but consciousness is existence.
The mind is powerful, but it needs something to hold on to so it doesn't wander.
Eknath Easwaran
Mind is basically the beginning of madness. And if you are too much in it, it will drive you mad.Mind has no certainity about anything. If you are betweeen two polarities of the mind,in a limbo--always to do or not to do,you will go crazy. You are crazy! Before it happens,jump out and have a look from outside at the mind.Mind is basically indecisive and awareness is basically decisive.So any act of awareness is total,full without repentance.
The purification of the mind is very necessary. (72)
Swami Satchidananda
If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state.
Ramana Maharshi
Nonsense is that which does not fit into the prearranged patterns which we have superimposed on reality...Nonsense is nonsense only when we have not yet found that point of view from which it makes sense.
Gary Zukav
All problems are illusions of the mind.
Eckhart Tolle
Renunciation is not rejecting the family but accepting the whole world as family. Renunciation is not changing the name or dress. It is changing the attitude towards life. Renunciation is not removing the hairs form the head. It is eliminating the negative thoughts from the mind. Renunciation is not running away from responsibility, doership or fruits of action but it is focusing on the fruits and actions that will bring happiness to the whole world. Renunciation is the ultimate compassion and ultimate forgiveness.
Amit Ray
The family is one of the greatest traps that society has used for millennia to keep man a slave
Strength is Life, Weakness is Death".
Swami Vivekananda
You would not experiencing great change unless you were ready for the transformation. Embrace the new you that's emerging.
Leeza Donatella
You would not be experiencing great change unless you were ready for transformation. Embrace the new you that's emerging.
Leeza Donatella
I was ready for huge transformation, emerging from the chrysalis, like the butterfly, a true metamorphosis, alive in all my beauty.
Leeza Donatella
Your Life can easily flow and be filled with joy. Embrace the possibilities!
Leeza Donatella
Our wings are small but the ripples of the heart are infinite.
Amit Ray
You do not need to go to any temple or church to worship God. The whole existence is God’s temple. Your own body is the temple of God. Your own heart is the shrine. You do not need to subscribe to any religion to experience God. The only religion you need to experience God is love, kindness and respect to all beings.
Banani Ray
You do not need any preacher or prophet to learn about God. The teaching is spread on the trees and the mountains, on the stars and the river, on the Sun and the moon. The ultimate teaching is written in your heart. You just need to wake up and see.
Banani Ray
We love with all our heart but we also keep our heart light and pliable. It has space. It breathes. It waits on life to give instructions. It sings with sweetness when the winds are soft and warm. It stands with calm patience when the storm is brewing. It lets go when endings have left their irrefutable mark. It moves. It heals. It hopes.
Donna Goddard
I cannot conceive that the man who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a machine. He also had a heart, just like you. He also had his wife and children, his old mother and father. He was as much a human being as you are—with a difference. He was trained to follow orders without questioning, and when the order was given, he simply followed it.
Teaching comes through the head, learning happens through the heart.
Symphony starts when you walk together, feel the heart beats and understand the unspoken words.
Amit Ray
This is the secret of the golden flower: if the heart can die the flower will bloom, die as you are so you can be reborn.