Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Spiritual Teachers
- Page 15
The Path of Love, the path of Bhakti Yoga, is the path of Jesus Christ.Love is not a technique.Love knows no technique, so the path of love has no method or technique. If you bring technique to the path of love, you will destroy love.The whole existence is love, and the birds need no technique to love, trees need no technique to love the mountains need no technique to love. Love only needs that you drop the ego, and drop into your heart. It is just like a rose flower opening. You need not open it, it has the capacity to open already. The capacity is intrinsic, and of it's own accord the rose flower will open - and in the same way the heart opens.The heart needs no technique, the heart needs no training.Jesus says: "God is love". If you can love, it will happen by itself.Jesus path is the way of love, of prayer. It is a deep love for the whole existence.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Temples and churches have become social centers. They have lost their original purpose because the minds of the people are more attracted to worldly things than to prayer. The lips repeat the prayer mechanically like a phonograph record, but the mind wanders to other places. (23-24)
Swami Satchidananda
Devotion gradually progresses to higher levels. . . . One type goes to God and asks Him to remove his suffering. Another one will ask for money or material things. A third will request liberation or release from his bondage. And the fourth will not ask for anything. He will just enjoy praying and praising his Lord. That is the highest form of prayer. (Beyond Word, 119)
Swami Satchidananda
Wish' is the most powerful thing in the world. Higher than God.
G.I. Gurdjieff
When we are aware about our body’s sensations, we can release physical pain, tensions or stress through slow movements.
Amit Ray
The word “depressed” is spoken phonetically as “deep rest”. We can view depression not as a mental illness, but on a deeper level, as a profound, and very misunderstood, state of deep rest, entered into when we are completely exhausted by the weight of our own identity.
Jeff Foster
I don't really believe anything I say. Because the nature of my work concerns the spaces between the words, rather than the words themselves.
Ram Dass
When something happens to you that is beyond words, life is happening to you. When the Ultimate is happening to you, you are beyond words.
Swami Dhyan Giten
When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness. And the greatest miracle is the experiencing of your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels and images.
Eckhart Tolle
In Sanskrit words are like living beings; depending on context, circumstance and environment their mood varies and meaning differs.
Amit Ray
Take care of your words and the words will take care of you.
Amit Ray
Do not believe a thing because you have read about it in a book. Do not believe a thing because another man has said it was true. Do not believe in words because they are hallowed by tradition. Find out the truth for yourself. Reason it out. That is realization.
Swami Vivekananda
Awakening is the ultimate of religion. Religion is, not really, in believing something outside of your being. It is not in believing or following some authoritative figure, the church, temple, organization or any ideological system of belief. Religion is trusting in what is eternal within you.
Banani Ray
Micro meditations should be performed with very little activity. These practices should not be associated with any goal, concept or belief.
Amit Ray
I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself.
G.I. Gurdjieff
Man wants to make certain about the future,about tommorow--which cannot be done. Let it sink as deeply in your heart as possible, it cannot be done. Don't waste your present moment trying to make the future certain. The future is uncertainity that is the very quality of the future.One can do only one thing: Be alert and wait.
It is not many things that modern psychology agress upon, but all the different approaches of psychology agrees on one thing: that people in groups become more stupid. Individually people are more intelligent, because they have to take their own responsibility, but in a group they do not have to take the same responsibility. The two basic power strategies to try to manipulate and gain control over another person are: silencing and attacking. Silencing means to not listen to, to exclude or ignore and not respect a person. Attack can both mean to attack a person directly or to try to discredit a person through lies, to ridicule a person or by spreading malicious rumours. All organizations are more or less dysfunctional. In a dysfunctional group, the members of the group play three different roles: agressor, denier and victim. The agressor is the role that attack and ridicule people, the denier never knows what is going on, there is “no body at home”, and the victim is the resultat of these two roles. It is always easier to follow a group without awareness, than to follow your own heart, to trust your own intelligence, love, truth, silence and creativity.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Love means to understand the drama that happens between the inner man and woman. It means to allow both the inner man and woman to find their creative roots and expression.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Traditionally men have created a deep split between the inner and outer world, between body and soul, between the material and spiritual world, between love and money and between male and female qualities. The inner man and woman are related to money, creativity and financial abundance. Through investigating the roots of the inner man and woman, we can find the creative potential of both the inner man and woman. Sometimes can either the inner man or woman also provide financial support for both sides, while the other side has the idea that it cannot support itself financially.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Through becoming aware of how the inner man and woman relates and communicates inside ourselves, it creates a joy and satisfaction in the three life areas that they influence: our meditation and inner growth, our relationships and our work and creativity.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Often we are identified with either the inner man or woman, while the other side is hidden and unexpressed. Outer relationships are a mirror of the relationship and communication between our own inner man and female side. Sometimes one side is dominant, while the other side is submissive.
Swami Dhyan Giten
It is when we develop both our inner man and woman that we find a new harmony and wholeness within ourselves. Healing means to develop and integrate our inner man and woman so that love can flow between them. To rediscover our own inner source of love, we need to embrace both the male and female sides within ourselves. When these two sides are developed and integrated, a new spark of love, joy, harmony, creativity and wholeness arises within us. Awareness is an inner harmony between opposite poles and tendencies.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Becoming aware of our inner man and woman means to discover the roots and creative potential of both the male and female aspect within ourselves. Becoming aware of the inner man and woman means to understand that they have different visions of life. It means to understand that they have different perspectives and views of life. The inner man and woman are our two wings of love and freedom. Through awareness, acceptance and understanding, we can allow our two wings to develop in a deep and natural harmony. In the world today, a one-sided development of the male side leads to destructivity. A one-sided development of the male side leads to ego, struggle, exhaustion and a separation from life. A one-sided development of the female side leads to passivity and dependence.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Every thought is a creative energy that moves the universe to action.
Réné Gaudette
Life in itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning.
Everybody is born creative, but very few people remain creative.
Om meditation makes the mind spacious. It gives the freedom for focus and divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is the center of human creativity.
Amit Ray
Creativity happens only when ego is absent,when you are relaxed, in deep rest, when there is really no desire to do something. Suddenly you are gripped;some unknown force overwhelms you,takes possession of you.
Mindfulness is observing and asking why. Millions saw the apple fall but Newton asked why.
Amit Ray
Om meditation eliminates rigid and fixed views about the world. It creates a spacious, flexible and open views about the world.
Amit Ray
Steady faith is stronger than destiny. Destiny is the result of causes, mostly accidental, and is therefore loosely woven. Confidence and good hope will overcome it easily.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Fate is a given, destiny is what we do with it
Cultivate the habit of making aware choice. Your choice makes your destiny. Do not be carried away by the unconscious choices.
Amit Ray
Sometimes it happens that you become one, in some rare moment. Watch the ocean, the tremendous wildness of it--and suddenly you forget your split, your schizophrenia; you relax. Or, moving in the Himalayas, seeing the virgin snow on the Himalayan peaks, suddenly a coolness surrounds you and you need not be false because there is no other human being to be false to. You fall together.
2.tEvolve and Be God: As we invoke the presence of Source, holding the focus through our mantras, we are drawing more and more proximity to the object of worship and gradually, we attain all the attributes we are invoking, i.e., we slowly evolve to be Angelic, invoking the presence of God/Source.
Learn to say no, know when to say yes, and use the words ‘I choose.’ It is the key that will open you to limitless manifestation of your beingness.
Réné Gaudette
Do we find ourself or does our self get demolished?
Donna Goddard
To be creative, first we must be generous. Then we must have a quiet, indomitable belief in our own worth.
Donna Goddard
There is a rose in every heart. Enlightenment is recognizing that rose.
Amit Ray
Deep down there is a rose in every heart.
Amit Ray
Jnana yoga is the yoga of kindness and compassion - serving the self that is everywhere.
Amit Ray
Witnessing is not flowing with the current of the river but observing the flow from the bank of the river.
Amit Ray
Witnessing is the alchemy of enlightenment. It can transform mud into gold.
Amit Ray
If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for yourself?
Miguel Ruiz
Try giving up all the thoughts that make you feel bad, or even just some of them, and see how doing that changes your life. You don't need negative thoughts. All they have ever given you was a false self that suffers. They are all lies.
Gina Lake
As Sri Krishna says, And when he sees me in all and sees all in me, then I never leave him and he never leaves me. And he, who in this oneness of love loves me in whatever he sees, wherever this man may live, in truth, he lives in me...
Life is a pilgrimage. Each moment is to be lived in depth, because each moment contains God, hidden within it.
Banani Ray
Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived.
Live as intensely as possible, burn your candle of life from both ends.
Life is a mystery, not a riddle. It has to be lived, not solved.
. . . I feel we don’t really need scriptures. The entire life is an open book, a scripture. Read it. Learn while digging a pit or chopping some wood or cooking some food. If you can’t learn from your daily activities, how are you going to understand the scriptures? (233)
Swami Satchidananda
What you react to in another you strengthen within yourself.
Eckhart Tolle
Somebody becomes an enemy if you personalize the unconsciousness that is the ego. Non-reaction is not weakness but strength. Another word for non-reaction is forgiveness. To forgive is to overlook, or rather to look through. You look through the ego to the sanity that is in every human being as his or her essence.
Eckhart Tolle
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.
Vernon Howard
Emptiness and the not-“I” is the quality that arises when the therapist consciously moves out of his own way without hindering the therapeutic process through his own ideas, attitudes, expectations and concepts. He is present, available and responds with the truth in the moment.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Presence is not a question of judging or evaluating a client or a client’s situation. Presence is to see the client’s situation in a positive and creative light with a vision for how the present situation of the client relates to his further spiritual development. It is to accept a person as he is. It is to understand that the person is exactly where he needs to be in order to take the next step in his spiritual development. It is not about fighting with problems, darkness, drama and defences on the personality level, it is about becoming aware. It is about lighting the light in the inner being of another person.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Presence is to meet another person in meditation. Presence is to invite another person in meditation. It is a meeting in love, joy, acceptance, sincerity, truth, silence and oneness.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Presence is about how every action can arise from the quality, which we call awareness – the presence of our inner being, the presence of our soul. It is a large difference between working with people from the inner being and working with people from duty or a specific technique. Through working from the inner being, we can touch the soul of the other person, while we can only touch the personality of the other person, his surface and periphery, if we just work from a technique.
Swami Dhyan Giten
In situations where I feel unclear or I do not know what to say or do, I turn my attention within myself. Then I listen to what my intuition and to what Existence within myself wants in this moment. Through listening within in this way, an answer often comes in the form of a creative and authentic impulse to say or do something or simply being silent until Existence is ready to respond.
Swami Dhyan Giten
In the therapeutic process based on awareness, there exists no ”I" – it just exists a presence, a light, a love and a silence.
Swami Dhyan Giten