Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Social Critics
- Page 6
Self-employment killed the weekend.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We are so used to working that not working is the new hard work.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
An employer’s fart is music to his employees’ ears.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Torn clothes are funny … until your dad gets fired.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A vagina is an uneducated woman’s diploma.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Employment is slavery. Workers merely have a choice over where to serve their daily eight-hour sentence.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Employees go to school for 12 – 18 years merely to impress prospect employers in a 12 – 18 minutes interview.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
School fools a lot of people. Professionally, one thing is not the most that one person can be.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When a man's bank balance becomes too small, his woman flees. For a man to do the same, his woman's body — or vagina — has to do the opposite.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Somebody is born. Somebody goes to school. Somebody learns to conform. Somebody types a CV. Somebody gets a job. Somebody follows orders. Somebody gets a golden watch. And then, eventually, Somebody dies. And, a Nobody is buried.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A genius does what he masters. An ordinary man tries to master what he does.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A job interview is a competition won by those who are qualified the most, and, those who are willing to be payed the least.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
To a man, a woman is fun to be with … until she gains weight. To a woman, a man is fun to live with … until he loses his job.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
12% of employees study further to learn more. 88% of employees study further to earn more.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Retirement is the menopause of an employee’s mind and hands.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Professional’ does not necessarily mean that the person so labelled is good or knows what they are doing. In many a case, it merely means that they do whatever that they are a professional at for a living, not as a hobby.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Employment was invented to make education seem useful.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The garden is an unemployed township-based man's cubicle.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
He who makes $25,000 annually through passive income is more enviable than he who earns $100,000 annually through a salary.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Employment is an employee’s kissing of an employer’s ass. A salary is the employer’s pretense to be cleaning his ass.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A moral judgment of abortion is the usage of a man-made ideology to judge a man-made technology.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Smartphones are tools which fools fiddle with when they are around people that they don’t have the courage, or, the intellect, to converse with.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A phone call should be a convenience to the caller, not an inconvenience to the called.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When you decide to meet—in person—someone that you met online, would you then be taking your relationship to the 'previous' level?
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The civilized man is technologically ahead of — intellectually behind — his time.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Being forever available to the rest of the world is overrated. I mean, what are 'missed calls' invented for?
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The longer a person's twitter @username is, the harder it is to argue with them … on twitter.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Those who find it hypocritical of others to use, say, a smartphone, to speak ill of capitalism, needs to be reminded that capitalism is an ideology, not a technology.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You cannot sensibly expect a starving 'God-fearing' man to honor the 8th commandment.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Before civilization, artists painted for the living. Today, most paint for a living.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Civilization is the commercialization of survival.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
12% of dreams create jobs. 88% of jobs destroy dreams.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
He who frowns when they say that he sucks shouldn’t smile when they say that he rocks.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A model’s opinion seldom matters. The only time that he is required to open his mouth is when he is required to smile at the camera.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
Noam Chomsky
Between Monday and Saturday men make an audience. On Sunday, they make a congregation.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A church service starts and ends with a prayer. A magazine starts and ends with an advert.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A prisoner is imprisoned by the crime that he has committed. A jailer is imprisoned — in the very same prison — by the employment contract that he has signed.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Science gave us forensics. Law gave us crime.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
So I'm over there in England, you know, trying to get news about the [L.A.] riots... and all these Brit people are trying to sympathize with me... 'Oh Bill, crime is horrible. Bill, if it's any consolation crime is horrible here, too.' ...Shutup. This is Hobbitown and I am Bilbo Hicks, Okay? This is a land of fairies and elves. You do not have crime like we have crime, but I appreciate you trying to be, you know, Diplomatic. You gotta see English crime. It's hilarious, you don't know if you're reading the front page or the comic section over there. I swear to God. I read an article - front page of the paper - one day, in England: 'Yesterday, some Hooligans knocked over a dustbin in Shafsbry.' Wooooo... 'The hooligans are loose! The hooligans are loose! What if they become roughians? I would hate to be a dustbin in Shafsbry tonight.
Bill Hicks
Culturally, one of the best arguments we can make is, wait and see.
Os Guinness
Life’s most rewarding forms of being: Being patient, and, being yourself.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some people are so boring that you are more bored when you are with them … than when you are alone.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
People who smile while they are alone used to be called insane, until we invented smartphones and social media.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Like Solon, Plato intended to write a long fable about legendary Atlantis; like Solon, he never did write it. Yet there existed beyond the Atlantic an unvisited land, after all, and it is more strange than any of Plato's myths that Plato's apprehension of order and justice should be a living influence among the people of that land, twenty-four centuries after the mystical philosopher's soul departed from Athens.
Russell Kirk
Another problem with the official definitions of terror is that it follows from them that the US is a leading terrorist state.
Noam Chomsky
It is very similar to late Weimar Germany, The parallels are striking. There was also tremendous disillusionment with the parliamentary system. The most striking fact about Weimar was not that the Nazis managed to destroy the Social Democrats and the Communists but that the traditional parties, the Conservative and Liberal parties, were hated and disappeared. It left a vacuum which the Nazis very cleverly and intelligently managed to take over. [Chomsky in a 2010 interview with Chris Hedges on the crisis of democracy in the United States]
Chomsky Noam
The United States is extremely lucky that no honest, charismatic figure has arisen. Every charismatic figure is such an obvious crook that he destroys himself, like McCarthy or Nixon or the evangelist preachers. If somebody comes along who is charismatic and honest this country is in real trouble because of the frustration, disillusionment, the justified anger and the absence of any coherent response. [Chomsky in an interview with Chris Hedges in 2010]
Chomsky Noam
Only a visionary leadership that can motivate "the better angels of our nature," as Lincoln said, and activate possibilities for a freer, more efficient, and stable America -- only that leadership deserves cultivation and support. / This new leadership must be grounded in grassroots organizing that highlights democratic accountability. Whoever our leaders will be as we approach the twenty-first century, their challenge will be to help Americans determine whether a genuine multiracial democracy can be created and sustained in an era of global economy and a moment of xenophobic frenzy.
Cornel West
The United States is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, yet its inhabitants are strikingly unhappy. Accordingly, we present to the rest of mankind, on a planet rife with suffering and tragedy, the spectacle of a clown civilization. Sustained on a clown diet rich in sugar and fat, we have developed a clown physiognomy. We dress like clowns. We move about a landscape filled with cartoon buildings in clownmobiles, absorbed in clownish activities. We fill our idle hours enjoying the canned antics of professional clowns... Death, when we acknowledge it, is just another pratfall on the boob tube. Bang! You're dead!
James Howard Kunstler
If you want to understand a society, take a good look at the drugs it uses. And what can this tell you about American culture? Well, look at the drugs we use. Except for pharmaceutical poison, there are essentially only two drugs that Western civilization tolerates: Caffeine from Monday to Friday to energize you enough to make you a productive member of society, and alcohol from Friday to Monday to keep you too stupid to figure out the prison that you are living in.
Bill Hicks
Life is an activity with which we kill time while we wait for something, someone, or the mere passage of time to kill us.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some days are better than others. The same can be said about people.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If man was a logical creature: his last suspect—namely, his mouth—was going to be the first; whenever he thinks that someone, or, something is smelly.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence
Noam Chomsky
The author explores the result of endless choice. It is not only overload, but a profound loss of unity, solidity, and coherence in life.
Os Guinness
A bad handwriting is as annoying to a reader … as an irritating voice is to a listener.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A first-rate story is easily killed by second-rate design.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
What to wear: An employee chooses. How to dress: His employer chose.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Positively, the delinquent behavior seems to speak clearly enough. It asks for what we can’t give, but it is in this direction we must go. It asks for manly opportunities to work, make a little money, and have self-esteem; to have some space to bang around in, that is not always somebody’s property; to have better schools to open for them horizons of interest; to have more and better sex without fear or shame; to share somehow in the symbolic goods (like the cars) that are made so much of; to have a community and a country to be loyal to; to claim attention and have a voice. These are not outlandish demands. Certainly they cannot be satisfied directly in our present system; they are baffling. That is why the problem is baffling, and the final recourse is to a curfew, to ordinances against carrying knives, to threatening the parents, to reformatories with newfangled names, and to 1,100 more police on the street.
Paul Goodman