Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Pastors
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To be God’s heartbeat is to be an answer to his need
Sunday Adelaja
In order to be a deliverer you need to make a decision to be baptized into the nation
Sunday Adelaja
The Kingdom of God wasn't born on the Fourth of July.
Matt Chandler
We need to move past the idea that a critical evaluation of our country's past (and its present, for that matter) means we are anti-American or unpatriotic. We can be proud of our country and its many positive features and noble ideas while still pointing out where we as a nation have come up short or been plainly wrong.
Wayne Gordon
Many confuse the United States with the Church or the Constitution with the Bible. They feel that the good of the United States is the same as the good of the Kingdom of God. Some feel that the Constitution of the United States is as infallible as the Bible. However, one with wisdom notice that some things are Kingdom principles and some are not.
Gayle D. Erwin
Within the church, it is possible for believers to possess a profound unity based on a shared commitment to Biblical truth, an intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a deep level of spiritual maturity. Paul also adds "sound doctrine" and "growing in Christlikeness" as additional benefits that result from the saints being properly equipped to build up the body of Christ."(Comments on Ephesians 4 vs 11-13)
John F. MacArthur Jr.
How catastrophic is it when the church herself becomes secularized and expressive individualism sits in the driver’s seat in the church’s life and mission. When the church has lost connection with Christ her living head, she loses her soul.
Harold L. Senkbeil
The goal of marriage is not happiness, it is holiness...There is no mechanism whereby God can sanctify a person more than having them live in close proximity to another imperfect person....Our fundamental problem is that we are selfish. Marriage is the means whereby God eradicates our selfishness because it is not about "me" anymore, i t is about "we.
Mark Batterson
Sexual temptations are lurking around every corner in our lives today! Resisting the temptation to gratify the flesh is a full-time job.
Gary Rohrmayer
Selfishness is one of the most destructive forces in man that is why life demands for its death.
Sunday Adelaja
At its core, sinfulness is selfishness. It's enthroning yourself - your desires, your needs, your plans - above all else. You may still seek God, but you don't seek Him first. You seek Him second or third or seventh. You may sing "Jesus at the center of it all," but what you really want is for people to bow down to you as you bow down to Christ. It's a subtle form of selfishness that masquerades as spirituality, but it's not Christ-centric. It's me-centric. It's less about us serving His purposes and more about Him serving our purposes.
Mark Batterson
Messages that emphasis on you! You!! Promotes selfishness.
Sunday Adelaja
We pray to God for ourselves instead of the general good.
Sunday Adelaja
Ryan-chasers have a life wish. They live life to the fullest because they are willing to look foolish.
Mark Batterson
Why would we need to experience the Comforter if our lives are already comfortable?
Francis Chan
Most God-ordained dreams die because we are not willing to do something that seems illogical
Mark Batterson
But despite the fact that life is full of risk, yet without taking risk, we stand a greater risk.
Sunday Adelaja
We stand the risk of backwardness, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
Sunday Adelaja
The greatest risk in life is not to take a risk.
Sunday Adelaja
We stand the risk of regression, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
Sunday Adelaja
We stand the risk of a standstill, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
Sunday Adelaja
You stand the risk of a down turn, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
Sunday Adelaja
You stand the risk of misfortunes, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
Sunday Adelaja
You stand the risk of bankruptcy, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
Sunday Adelaja
Give yourself permission to Risk. It is only in risk that one finds success.
Todd Stocker
We want a little risk in our lives because it keeps things interesting. It wakes us up, it gives us a sense that we're alive and breathing and doing Something! Throwing yourself into it begins with being grateful that you even have something to throw yourself into.
Rob Bell
There are always two risks: the risk of trying something new, and the risk of not trying. You risk settling and continuing in the same way, wondering about other paths and possibilities, believing that this is as good as it gets while discontent gnaws away at your soul.
Rob Bell
If we take a risk, we might not succeed, but if we avoid all risk, we guarantee we won't succeed, and we miss so much of what God wants us to learn.
Craig Groeschel
Those who don’t want to take risks in life end up been the losers.
Sunday Adelaja
The problem with many believers today is that they try to cooperate with the world
Sunday Adelaja
The purpose of God as a creator is based in a profound need resident within the Godhead
Sunday Adelaja
We may get knocked down on the outside, but the key to living in victory is to learn how to get up on the inside.
Joel Osteen
Of course I realized that the Protestants denominations of the world have grown and matured over the years, but maybe we should not throw away the gains of the old Protestants that brought us to our modern day civilization.
Sunday Adelaja
Worry is momentary atheism crying out for correction by trust in a good, sovereign God. Suffering breaks self-reliance.
Randy Alcorn
Worry is down payment on a problem that hasn't happened. Trust Jesus!
Jarrid Wilson
Worry is a progressive disease that ruins one’s life
Sunday Adelaja
Worry divides the mind.
Max Lucado
The level of corruption in a country is determined by the value systems of that country.
Sunday Adelaja
Since when has corruption everywhere, homes, streets, offices, become a Nigerian factor
Sunday Adelaja
The kind of value system prevailing in a country determines the country's reaction and view on corruption.
Sunday Adelaja
We must stop calling corruption a “Nigerian factor”.
Sunday Adelaja
The day to day corruption that is carried out everywhere in the country, from the streets to the offices are as detrimental to the nation as any other form of corruption.
Sunday Adelaja
For a nation to be corruption free, that culture must first be created through the proclamation and propaganda of a correspondent value system.
Sunday Adelaja
When we pray for miracles to everyone or everybody, we are spreading corruption through the pulpit.
Sunday Adelaja
The gospel of miracle that we preach promotes death and encourages corruption.
Sunday Adelaja
The heartbeat of God burns with longing for the redemption of every individual
Sunday Adelaja
A man who does not know God lives guided by the desires of his flesh.
Sunday Adelaja
God desires that Christians would avoid repeating the disobedient mistakes of the Israelites.
Sunday Adelaja
Human beings are not primarily thinking creatures. We are creatures driven by our loves.
Matt Chandler
God desires that through us the ones who do not know him will be convinced
Sunday Adelaja
When you give up your desires for the cause of making God known, revealing Him to your nation, you will surely be rewarded
Sunday Adelaja
Never do what the devil provokes you to do
Sunday Adelaja
An active civil position will make you become the hero of your time.
Sunday Adelaja
Judgment does not necessarily relate to the judiciary system
Sunday Adelaja
Sometimes by not knowing the truth we make incorrect judgments about situations
Sunday Adelaja
The time is coming when we have to stand before the Lord to give account of our works
Sunday Adelaja
Not being able to fully understand God is frustrating but it is ridiculous for us to think we have the right to limit God to something we are capable of comprehending. What a stunted, insignificant god that would be! If my mind is the size of a soda can and God is the size of all the oceans, it would be stupid for me to say He is only the small amount of water I can scoop into my little can. God is so much bigger, so far beyond our time-encased, air/food/sleep-dependent lives.
Francis Chan
Loving money is more of a problem for those who do not have it.
Sunday Adelaja
Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.
Bill Johnson
Jesus knew that all the commandments of the law of Moses rested on loving God and loving your neighbor
Sunday Adelaja