Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Entrepreneurs
- Page 26
I wish that I could fly into the sky and touch the clouds with my hands.
Delano Johnson
Men take care of your responsibilities with maturity.
Delano Johnson
In you I see an immaculate woman full of feminine grace and untarnished beauty.
Delano Johnson
Lily white’s petals are at my feet anticipating the moment in which adventure and odyssey meet.
Delano Johnson
We at Apple had forgotten who we were. One way to remember who you are is to remember who your heroes are.
Steve Jobs
Throwing your heart into something is great, but when any one thing becomes all that you stand for, you're vulnerable to an identity crisis when you pivot to a Plan B.
Reid Hoffman
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner v
Steve Jobs
The nature of the universe probably depends heavily on who is the actual protagonist. Lately I've been suspecting it's one of my cats.
Wil McCarthy
In life, you have a choice to be better or bitter.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
The wrinkled pages of the Bible crackled as Mom leafed back to the beginning of Matthew. I had always felt I was conceived from the powers of the universe. Maybe I was chosen to fulfill a divine mission.
Diamond Mike Watson
The silence encompassing the feeling so juvenile, veiling everything but a sham smile.
Parul Agrawal
You see, most people gain weight because they give into cravings. But when you easily (and without feeling like you're depriving yourself) gain control, the extra weight comes off.
Josh Bezoni
In a world that loves lies, truth is subject to the greatest libels.
Orrin Woodward
I would rather suffer with truth than celebrate with lies.
Orrin Woodward
The Tone is the Message.
Kevin T. McCarney
Being a parent is dirty and scary and beautiful and hard and miraculous and exhausting and thankless and joyful and frustrating all at once. It’s everything. (Confessions of a Scary Mommy, Gallery Books 2012).
Jill Smokler
If bliss are a type of potato, then ignorance can be french-fried
Josh Stern
Don't ever mistake silence for ignorance, when it is obviously stupidity
Josh Stern
Big mouths and small brains make the strangest noises.
Orrin Woodward
Modern society drinks in streams of information while dying of wisdom thirst.
Orrin Woodward
A fool is someone whose arrogance is only surpassed by his ignorance.
Orrin Woodward
You gotta know that People will say a million negative things about you before they mention 1 good thing, don't be surprise if they never said that 1 good thing about you.
Werley Nortreus
Different skin color and same blood color is something that most people don't know, they don't know because arrogance make them racist and ignorant.
Werley Nortreus
Stay away from negative people, solution aren't the problem, they hate that, they are the problem.
Werley Nortreus
Politics is the art of saying well that which may or may not be true.
Orrin Woodward
Honesty has a power that very few people can handle
Steven Aitchison
Always be truthful. When you lie to others, you are really lying to yourself.
Batya Maman Sabag
Truth is like a bright full moon in a dark country sky. Powerful, bright and undeniable. Lies are like clouds that continually try to cover that moon. Sometimes they might be able to cover the moon, but only temporarily. The truth will always outshine the clouds.
Alex Haditaghi
All too often people pretend to be professional. "Professionalism" is sometimes a facade for fraud. Be pro, but be real. Honesty and transparency combined with character, competence and real results is the key to being a true pro.
Richie Norton
Success is the understanding, release and maximization of capacity.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
When you hand good people possibility, they do great things.
Biz Stone
Between goal and success, there is one critical thing - perseverance: it is the fundamental belief to always succeed, the determination to turn goal to gold, the greatness to never give up, the foresight to dream that enables you to make it happen.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
We need to get acquainted with mediocrity to notice greatness.
Olivier Magny
Every day, in every moment, you get to exercise choices that will determine whether or not you will become a great person, living a great life. Greatness is not something predetermined, predestined, or carved into your fate by forces beyond your control. GREATNESS IS ALWAYS IN THE MOMENT OF THE DECISION. But you have to start.
Jeff Olson
Whereas goodness makes greatness teachable, greatness makes goodness touchable.
Orrin Woodward
Beautiful princesses and beautiful, strong queens are brainwashed into thinking ho’s and B****’s are virtuous titles.
Delano Johnson
To err is human, to accept full responsibility is to just run with it
Josh Stern
Can somebody please explain how humans can be so inhumane?
Delano Johnson
Never get lost in the crowd. Climb a mountain for a better view.
Andrew Hyde
Everything can be heard in the garden of a quiet mind.
Andrew Hyde
I was learning that when you're with someone who is dying, you may need to celebrate the past, live the present, and mourn the future all at the same time.
Will Schwalbe
The Nazis are well remembered for murdering well over 11 million people in the implementation of their slogan, 'The public good before the private good,' the Chinese Communists for murdering 62 million people in the implementation of theirs, 'Serve the people,' and the Soviet Communists for murdering more than 60 million people in the implementation of Karl Marx's slogan, 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.' Anyone who defends any of these, or any variation of them, on the grounds of their 'good intentions' is an immoral (NOT 'amoral') enabler of the ACTUAL (not just the proverbial) road to hell.
Rick Gaber
Don't ever, ever try to lie to the internet - because they will catch you.
Gabe Newell
Before I went to college I read two books. I read a book “Moral Mazes” by Robert Jackall which is a study of how corporations work, and it’s actually a fascinating book, this sociologist, he just picks a corporation at random and just goes and studies the middle managers, not the people who do any of the grunt work and not the big decision makers, just the people whose job is to make sure that things day to day get done, and he shows how even though they’re all perfectly reasonable people, perfectly nice people you’d be happy to meet any of them, all the things that they were accomplishing were just incredibly evil. So you have these people in this average corporation, they were making decisions to blow out their worker’s eardrums in the factory, to poison the lakes and the lagoons nearby, to make these products that are filled with toxic chemicals that poisoned their customers, not because any of them were bad people and wanted to kill their workers and their neighbourhood and their customers, but just because that was the logic of the situation they were in.Another book I read was a book “Understanding Power” by Noam Chomsky which kind of took the same sort of analysis but applied it to wider society which you know we’re in a situation where it may be filled with perfectly good people but they’re in these structures that cause them to continually do evil, to invade countries, to bomb people, to take money from poor people and give it to rich people, to do all these things that are wrong. These books really opened my eyes about just how bad the society we were living in really is.
Aaron Swartz
If you love somebody set them free- it also works equally well if you hate somebody
Josh Stern
I hate pulling out... I mean, I'm really bad at the whole parking thing....
Josh Stern
Love is an immortal lie!
Nitya Prakash
Thinking is the toughest kind of work which is why so many people avoid it.
Orrin Woodward
There are no dead ends in life, only dead end thinking.
Orrin Woodward
I am also atheist or agnostic (I don't even know the difference). I've never been to church and prefer to think for myself.
Steve Wozniak
Don't exercise your freedom of speech until you have exercised your freedom of thought.
Tim Fargo
Think deeply about things. Don’t just go along because that’s the way things are or that’s what your friends say. Consider the effects, consider the alternatives, but most importantly, just think.
Aaron Swartz
...people don't think in chu
Robert Noyce
Simplicity is complex. It's never simple to keep things simple. Simple solutions require the most advanced thinking.
Richie Norton
Since a leader cannot rise above his thinking, he must assault his limiting beliefs daily thru reading, listening & associating.
Orrin Woodward
Our brains tread a tightrope between learning too much from the past and incorporating too much new information from the present. The ability to walk this line – to adjust to the demands of different environments and modalities – is one of human cognition's most astonishing traits. Artificial intelligence has yet to come anywhere close.
Eli Pariser
No one knows more about the way you think than you do.
Seth Godin
Never send a Man in to do a Donkey's job
Josh Stern
Loves JudgeA man once hunted; saved by a woman; summoned for past judgment, could only say,“For love, it was all worth it.
Delano Johnson
She turned and bolted out the door. She had learnt an important lesson - "When a man paid 'for' you...you paid 'to' him." It was her first Valentine slaughter.
Mallika Nawal