Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
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Every day is a little life ... live every day as if it would be the last. Those that dare lose a day are dangerously prodigal those that dare misspend it are desperate.
Joseph Hall
The years seem to rush by now and I think of death as a fast approaching end of a journey-double and treble reason for loving as well as working while it is day.
George Eliot
Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
Betty Smith
If every day I dare to remember that I am here on loan that this house this hillside these minutes are all leased to me not given I will never despair.
Erica Jong
Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
To accomplish our destiny ... we must cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us.
Dr. Alexis Carrel
I like the man who faces what he must With steps triumphant and a heart of cheer Who fights the daily battle without fear.
Sarah Knowles Bolton
Do all the good you can By all the means you can In all the ways you can In all the places you can At all the times you can.
Every day give yourself a good mental shampoo.
Sara Jordan
Showing up is 80 percent of life.
Woody Allen
To do the useful thing to say the courageous thing to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life.
T.S Eliot
When action grows unprofitable gather information when information grows unprofitable sleep.
Ursula K. LeGuin
Each day can be one of triumph if you keep up your interests.
George Matthew Adams
Take short views hope for the best and trust in God.
Sydney Smith
The great business of life is to be to do to do without and to depart.
Make it a point to do something every day that you don't want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.
Mark Twain
I work every day-or at least I force myself into my office or room. I may get nothing done but you don't earn bonuses without putting in time. Nothing may come for three months but you don't get the fourth without it.
Mordecai Richler
What you are afraid to do is a clear indicator of the next thing you need to do.
Do what you can with what you have where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed.
Grenville Kleiser
Make the most of today. Translate your good intentions into actual deeds.
Grenville Kleiser
I have resolved that from this day on I will do all the business I can honestly have all the fun I can reasonably do all the good I can willingly and save my digestion by thinking pleasantly.
Robert Louis Stevenson
You have to set new goals every day.
Julie Krone
Leisure for reverie gay or somber does much to enrich life.
Miriam Beard
There is no other solution to man's progress but the day's honest work the day's honest decisions the day's generous utterances and the day's good deed.
Clare Boothe Luce
Every day give yourself a good mental shampoo.
Sara Jordon
He's one of those Christmas Eve guys. There are people like that. . . every day in their lives is Christmas Eve.
Joe Garagiola
People who postpone happiness are like children who try chasing rainbows in an effort to find the pot of gold at the rainbow's end. ... Your life will never be fulfilled until you are happy here and now.
Ken Keyes
If you are not happy here and now you never will be.
Taisen Deshimaru
Live in day-tight compartments.
Dale Carnegie
In order to be utterly happy the only thing necessary is to refrain from comparing this moment with other moments in the past which I often did not fully enjoy because I was comparing them with other moments of the future.
André Gide
One day of pleasure is worth two of sorrow.
If you observe a really happy man you will find ... that he is happy in tiie course of living life twenty-four crowded hours each day.
W. Beran Wolfe
Taking time to live is taking time to appreciate simple silence as better than any kind of talk or watching a flower or watching a guy wash the windows on a skyscraper and wondering what he is thinking.
Gersi Douchan
Those who face that which is actually before them unburdened by the past undistracted by the future these are they who live who make the best use of their lives these are those who have found the secret of contentment.
Alban Goodier
Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of traveling.
Margaret Lee Runbeck
Happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road for then the journey is over and it is too late. Today this hour this minute is the day the hour the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good with all of its trials and troubles and perhaps more interesting because of them.
Robert R. Updegraff
A fool bolts pleasure then complains of indigestion.
Minna Antrim
It is only possible to live happily-ever-after on a day-to-day basis.
Margaret Bonnano
The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough.
Rabindranath Tagore
Learn to use ten minutes intelligently. It will pay you huge dividends.
William A. Irwin
There is time enough for everything in the course of the day if you do but one thing at once but there is not time enough in the year if you will do two things at a time.
Lord Chesterfield
We all find time to do what we really want to do.
William Feather
It is nonsense to say there is not enough time to be fully informed. ... Time given to thought is the greatest timesaver of all.
Norman Cousins
Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.
What we love to do we find time to do.
John Lancaster Spalding
We have as much time as we need.
Melody Beattie
Curse ruthless time! Curse our mortality. How cruelly short is the allotted span for all we must cram into it!
Winston Churchill
Don't agonize. Organize.
Florynce Kennedy
Modern man thinks he loses something-time-when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains- except kill it.
Erich Fromm
No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any.
Thomas Jefferson
You can kill time or kill yourself it comes to the same thing in the end.
Elsa Triolet
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.
Henry David Thoreau
Lost time is like a run in a stocking. It always gets worse.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Time is lost when we have not lived a full human life time unenriched by experience creative endeavor enjoyment and suffering.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Economy is the thief of time.
Ethel Watts Mumford
Every day I live I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given the powers we have not used the selfish prudence that will risk nothing and which shirking pain misses happiness as well.
Mary Cholmondeley
A stale mind is the devil's breadbox.
Mary Bly
The highest value in life is found in the stewardship of time.
Robert M. Fine
We must use time as a tool not as a crutch.
John F Kennedy