Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Ukrainian Authors
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Do not be afraid of living without family- be afraid of living an empty and meaningless life
Sunday Adelaja
We fear that we are ugly, that we cannot succeed and we are afraid of something
Sunday Adelaja
But for many people, a huge part of the energy goes into the struggle with complexes, fear, worries, anxiety, and the energy cannot be used to achieve goals and dreams
Sunday Adelaja
Fear of failure is expressed in negative goal-setting, indecisiveness, and fear of adverse consequences
Sunday Adelaja
Complex steels our energy with the help of misgivings, strains, and fear of consequences for wrong decisions
Sunday Adelaja
Fear of failure impedes adequate self-identification
Sunday Adelaja
We will understand that fear is not a special feature of human being, if we saw ourselves from the creator’s point of view
Sunday Adelaja
People with a distinctly displayed fear of failure are prone to do their work well and with good coordination only in a case when their task require simple skills
Sunday Adelaja
Fear of failure is one of the principal fears creating obstacles in the way of successful self-actualization and achieving goals
Sunday Adelaja
The feelings of guilt takes away self-confidence, reduces self-esteem welcomes fear, confusion, disappointment, depression etc.
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t be too scared to calculate risks
Sunday Adelaja
The reformation of society and restoration of spirituality should be our goal as Christians
Sunday Adelaja
In fact, science is neither materialist nor idealist; it is simply science. It’s impartial and can’t be answerable for the direction of its conclusions.
Valerian Pidmohylny
Medical Science Has Determined Envy, Anger Are Responsible For Plethora Of Medical Conditions
Sunday Adelaja
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.
Theodosius Dobzhansky
Let me tell you the one thing I have against Moses. He took us forty years into the desert in order to bring us to the one place in the Middle East that has no oil!
Golda Meir
Don't be so humble - you are not that great.
Golda Meir
Time management is the major difference between the rich and poor
Sunday Adelaja
Losing your job shows you the worth of your time rather the worth of money
Sunday Adelaja
All money comes from the worth of time
Sunday Adelaja
Time is the essence of life
Sunday Adelaja
Losing your job gives you the material from which life is made
Sunday Adelaja
Do not get a job for a living. Rather, get work
Sunday Adelaja
Those who waste time eventually become wasted
Sunday Adelaja
Your calling multiplies you
Sunday Adelaja
Joblessness gives you time to grow
Sunday Adelaja
To work (at a job) is to sacrifice the life you have at the moment
Sunday Adelaja
Want to keep your life? Look for work, not a job
Sunday Adelaja
Losing your job gives you access to time
Sunday Adelaja
Joblessness sets you free
Sunday Adelaja
Time is the greatest wealth
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t make your job your assignment. Rather, make your life assignment your career and job
Sunday Adelaja
Employment deprives you of the purpose of existence
Sunday Adelaja
Employment is the greatest dream killer
Sunday Adelaja
If you don’t leave your job, your job will leave you someday
Sunday Adelaja
Joblessness opens the door for greater opportunities
Sunday Adelaja
A job is a temporary need
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t make your job your permanent assignment. Rather, make your work your permanent assignment
Sunday Adelaja
You need to invest your time on earth
Sunday Adelaja
Joblessness does not necessarily mean idleness
Sunday Adelaja
Poverty is the mother of invention
Sunday Adelaja
Losing your job is a great blessing in disguise
Sunday Adelaja
You can become great through the power of time
Sunday Adelaja
You can achieve great things by utilizing your God-given talent
Sunday Adelaja
You need to discover how to invest your life
Sunday Adelaja
You need to discover the form in which God wants your life to be
Sunday Adelaja
Losing your job releases you from the control of the world system
Sunday Adelaja
You have to discover the essence of your creation
Sunday Adelaja
Getting fired from work paves way for a new beginning
Sunday Adelaja
Time lost can never be regained
Sunday Adelaja
Make each day count
Sunday Adelaja
Never see yourself as a disappointment or failure just because you were fired
Sunday Adelaja
Always explore new opportunities and ideas, you never know which will work for you
Sunday Adelaja
We were built differently, locate you own calling and explore it
Sunday Adelaja
Never give up. It might not seem easy at first but in the end, it will all be worth it
Sunday Adelaja
You can never know who you really are or what you can do until you discover yourself
Sunday Adelaja
If you do not work for your dream or purpose, someone else will hire you to fulfill his/hers
Sunday Adelaja
Joblessness is an opportunity to fulfill purpose
Sunday Adelaja
Life is made up of time
Sunday Adelaja
The only way to make life fruitful is by being productive
Sunday Adelaja