Dr. Manning said he’d thought at first it might be sleeping sickness, or even narcolepsy, whatever that was, but – no, Pete was healthy enough physically. Manoel growled that the boy was bone-lazy, spending his time fishing and reading. Reading! No good could come of such things.’In a way you’re right, Manoel,’ Dr. Manning said hesitantly. ‘It’s natural for a boy to day-dream now and then, but I think Pedro does it too much. I’ve let him use my library whenever he wanted, but it seems… h’m… it seems he reads the wrong things. Fairy tales are very charming, but they don’t help a boy to cope with real life.”Com certeza,’ Manoel agreed. ‘You mean he has crazy ideas in the head.”Oh, they’re rather nice ideas,’ Dr. Manning said. ‘But they’re only fairy tales, and they’re beginning to seem true to Pete. You see, Manoel, there are really two worlds, the real one, and the one you make up inside your mind. Sometimes a boy – or even a man – gets to like his dream world so much he just forgets about the real one and lives in the one he’s made up.”I know,’ Manoel said. ‘I have seen some who do that. It is a bad thing.”It would be bad for Pete. He’s a very sensitive boy. If you live too much in dreams, you can’t face real life squarely.'(“Before I Wake…”)
Dr. Manning said he’d thought at first it might be sleeping sickness, or even narcolepsy, whatever that was, but – no, Pete was healthy enough physically. Manoel growled that the boy was bone-lazy, spending his time fishing and reading. Reading! No good could come of such things.’In a way you’re right, Manoel,’ Dr. Manning said hesitantly. ‘It’s natural for a boy to day-dream now and then, but I think Pedro does it too much. I’ve let him use my library whenever he wanted, but it seems… h’m… it seems he reads the wrong things. Fairy tales are very charming, but they don’t help a boy to cope with real life.”Com certeza,’ Manoel agreed. ‘You mean he has crazy ideas in the head.”Oh, they’re rather nice ideas,’ Dr. Manning said. ‘But they’re only fairy tales, and they’re beginning to seem true to Pete. You see, Manoel, there are really two worlds, the real one, and the one you make up inside your mind. Sometimes a boy – or even a man – gets to like his dream world so much he just forgets about the real one and lives in the one he’s made up.”I know,’ Manoel said. ‘I have seen some who do that. It is a bad thing.”It would be bad for Pete. He’s a very sensitive boy. If you live too much in dreams, you can’t face real life squarely.'(“Before I Wake…”)