War is not just the shower of bullets and bombs from both sides, it is also the shower of blood and bones on both sides.
About The Quote
- Adage
- Advertisement
- Air Force
- Alliterations
- Amit Kalantri
- Amit Kalantri Quotes
- Amit Kalantri Writer
- Armed Forces
- Army
- Bilateral
- Blood
- Bombs
- Bones
- Book Writing
- Borders
- Boundaries
- Bullets
- Cannon
- Casualties
- Catch Lines
- Catchphrases
- Ceasefire
- Characters
- Countries
- Creative Writing
- Drones
- Essay
- Fight
- Gun
- Hard Power
- Injuries
- Inspirational
- International
- Invasion
- Knowledge
- Military
- Military Operations
- Motivational
- Movie
- Movie Dialogue
- Nations
- Navy
- Novel Writing
- Peace
- Philosophy
- Pow
- Power
- Prisoner Of War
- Proverbs
- Public Speaking
- Quotes
- Rhetoric
- Script
- Script Writing
- Scriptwriting
- Shower
- Soft Power
- Speech
- Speechwriting
- Story
- Surgical Strikes
- Tag Lines
- Tanks
- Treaty
- Uav
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- War
- Wisdom
- World War
- Writing